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02 octubre, 2014

The #CIA's Child #Protesters Of #HongKong


NY Times: Hong Kong Protests Are Leaderless but Orderly
The crowds on the streets maintain fastidious attention to hygiene and good manners as they rally for democracy.
The Evolution of Joshua Wong
Only 17, Joshua Wong cannot vote, but he is at the forefront of a student movement for democracy in Hong Kong.

In addition to the heavy reliance on easily manipulated, western-'wannabee' students, CIA sponsored "Color Revolutions' always have some sort of cheesy Hollywood theme. In Ukraine, it was the Orange Revolution; in Georgia, the Rose Revolution; in Myanmar, the Saffron Revolution; in Lebanon, the Cedar Revolution; in Kyrgyzstan; the Tulip Revolution, and so on and so on. This latest destabilization stunt in Hong Kong, which is aimed at China, has been dubbed "The Umbrella Revolution", after the umbrella, the symbol of the student's "cause", and, we are told, a protection against pepper spray.

Sulzberger's Slimes describes these teen-age protesters as "leaderless". This is pure CIA propaganda designed to conceal the hidden hand controlling the mobs. Tens of thousands of people simply do not materialize "spontaneously" without some sort of pre-planning and existing infrastructure; and right at a time when the U.S. is boldly, and openly, antagonizing both Russia and China from the outside. How convenient!

The CIA method-of-operation is to provoke a response from the targeted State, and then use that response as a trigger to enrage and enlarge the ranks of the protesters. The Times article describes precisely this:
"The televised spectacle of students scattered by tear gas triggered an outpouring of anger against the Hong Kong government that drew tens of thousands onto the streets on Sunday night. On Monday, the crowds were even larger, and they grew again on Tuesday."

Exactly as scripted at Langley Headquarters in Virginia!

Further evidence that the bratty University children of affluent Hong Kong are being manipulated can be found in the juvenile statements of some of the "pro-democracy" protesters. Joe Tang, an 18-year-old student wearing a black T-shirt decorated with a yellow ribbon, (more Hollywood-CIA themed symbolism) told the Slimes correspondent “It sounds stupid, but I came for liberty and democracy.”
You are right, Joe. Like most activist college kids the world over, you do sound stupid! Little pencil-necked geek Josh Wong, "the 17 year old face of the Revolution" adds his purloined proverb from Hollywood's 'V for Vendetta': "People should not be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people."

Sublime Joshie boy, absolutely sublime! Now go home and get your shoe-shine box.

And give me your lunch money, punk!

Here's another gem of profound wisdom from Billy Chan, a computer science student: “We want to show that we are normal citizens fighting for our democracy.” 

"Democracy...democracy....democracy." Like one-trick parrots; that's all these CIA brainwashed children know how to recite. If life in Hong Kong is so miserable, then why are so many adults in this city of 7,200,000 not out in the streets? Why is the standard of living in Hong Kong so famously high? Why do so many companies and individuals from America and Europe seek to do business in and with this beautiful, orderly and bustling port city?
Tell us, little Joey, little Billy and little Joshie; what exactly has the big bad Chinese mainland ever done to "oppress" you? Has anyone taken your I-phone away?

These silly little students may be tech 'whiz kids', but they are malleable morons when it comes to understanding what geo-political forces are secretly at play here. It was only a few years ago that these punks and punkettes didn't even have hair on their private parts. Few had even been born when Hong Kong was transferred from British sovereignty to Chinese in 1997, and some were literally in diapers when the 9/11 attacks happened. And yet, here they are professing to be experts on geo-political matters and "democracy".

These snot-nose brats remind your veteran reporter here so much of the screaming University libtards I used to battle with during the Rutgers days of the 1980's - arrogant, immature, ungrateful 'know-it-alls' from affluent families, who actually knew nothing and will stay ignorant for all of their adult lives. Sadly, the only cure for these naïve, narcissistic, arrested development cases is a Chinese baton upside their pointy heads.

"Like, oh my God! Being a paid protester is like, so way cool. We're just like Western kids now!"
(Notice the I-phone addiction in the first photo)
Anti-New York Times / March 26, 2014
First Beast Fomenting 'Color Revolution' in China

In a single address before Chinese students, the uncultured Chicago Globe Trotter managed to trash 'racist' America (as always) and incite against China's Internet policies at the same time. The article reveals Moochele Obongo's classless and subtly loaded comments:
“Many decades ago, there were actually laws in America that allowed discrimination against black people like me, who are a minority in the United States,... but over time, ordinary citizens decided that those laws were unfair. So they held peaceful protests and marches.”

Hey Moochele! Stop making a fat ass out of yourself and leave China's children alone!

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