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27 octubre, 2014

What #US #Presidents Really Think About #Zionists


Taken from private comments, personal diaries, confidential letters, offhanded quips and open mics

FDR rode the Jewish wave into power

At the Casablanca Conference in 1943, Roosevelt told Free French leaders that the number of Jews entering some professions in liberated North Africa “should definitely be limited,” lest there be a recurrence of “the understandable complaints which the Germans bore towards the Jews in Germany.”
And a recent book about the owners of The New York Times quoted FDR complaining about a “dirty Jewish trick,” which he claimed the Times’ owners had used to keep their newspaper within the family.

All smiles to Weizmann's face

"The Jews, I find, are very, very selfish. They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as Displaced Persons as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet when they have power, physical, financial or political neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the under dog."
- Harry Truman, 1947, private diaries

All smiles to Ben Gurion's face 

"Dear Mr. Prime Minister,
I am sure you will agree that there is no more urgent business for the whole world than the control of nuclear weapons. We both recognized this when we talked together two years ago, and I emphasized it again when I met with Mrs. Meir ... The dangers in the proliferation of national nuclear weapons systems are so obvious that I am sure I need not repeat them here.
"It is because of our preoccupation with this problem that my Government has sought to arrange with you for periodic visits to Dimona. When we spoke together in May 1961 you said that we might make whatever use we wished of the information resulting from the first visit of American scientists to Dimona .....I had assumed from Mrs. Meir's comment that there would be no problem between us on this...."
- John F Kennedy, 1963, stern private letter to Israeli Prime Minister

All smiles to Golda's face 

“The Jews are just a very aggressive and abrasive and obnoxious personality.”.... “They put the Jewish interest above America’s interest, and it’s about goddamn time that the Jew in America realizes he’s an American first and a Jew second.”
- Richard Nixon, Nixon Tapes, 1972-1973

All smiles to Begin's face

"In this country, any sort of debate back and forth, any sort of incisive editorial comment in the major newspapers, is almost completely absent... And any member of Congress who's looking to be re-elected couldn't possibly say that they would take a balanced position between Israel and the Palestinians, ....�it's very likely that they would not be re-elected,"
- Jimmy Carter, 2006, 26 years after he's been out of the White House!

All smiles to Peres's face 
'It is not the business of other nations to make American foreign policy,''
- Ronald Reagan, 1981, unguarded reaction when asked about presumed Israeli opposition to his sale of AWACS planes to Saudi Arabia

All smiles to Shamir's face 

"I'm one lonely little guy up against some powerful political forces made up of a thousand lobbyists on the Hill."
George HW Bush (41) off hand quip to reporters in 1991 during an AIPAC lobbying effort in support of a proposed $10 billion loan guarantee to Israel (to which Bush was opposed)

All smiles to Netanyahu's face 

"Who the fuck does he think he is? Who's the fucking superpower here?
- Bill Clinton, 1996, remarking privately after his first meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu

All smiles to Netanyahu's face 

‘You’ve had enough of him (Netanyahu), but I have to deal with him every day!’
- Barack Obama, 2011, caught off mic, remarking to French President Sarkozy about Bibi Netanyahu (whom Sarkozy had just referred to as a "liar")


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