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07 marzo, 2015

The #Real Albert #Einstein

Y prensa que debería o creeríamos debería caminar por otros senderos, lamentablemente camina por los mismo de la elite…
cubadebate,cu, noticia tomada de ABC 

Deconstructing the Fairy Tale of Saint Albert The Genius

When we do a #Google image search for the word "genius", the first thing, and I do mean, thing, we see is the wretched mug of Albert Einstein. Plug in the word "scientist", and again, St. Albert is the first face to populate. You can scroll and scroll way down those pages and not even find a hint of folks like #Tesla, von Braun, Shockley, and other great names. Why is that? Was St. Albert really such a "genius"? Or is this a case of the press pumping-up a fellow tribesman? Let's have a look.

Einstein was a serial, psychopathic plagiarist. Einstein's plagiarism has been conclusively proven beyond doubt. (here) Indeed, Einstein's "Theory of Relativity" as well as his famous equation (E=Mc2), were actually published before Einstein claimed credit for them.

Handsome Genius vs Ugly Charlatan

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