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04 abril, 2015

#GeorgeSoros Attacks #Kenya

By Mike King 


NY Times: Somali Militants Kill 147 at Kenyan University
Shabab militants claimed responsibility for an attack in which gunmen forced their way into dormitories, leaving 147 people dead.

Rebuttal by
The Anti-New York Times 
A new CIA super-villain is on the loose, this time in the African nation of Kenya. Move over ISIS, move over Boku Haram, it's time for 'Shabab' to have its 15 minutes of fame. Actually, the group has been around since 2012, but this latest anti-Christian attack (or make-believe attack?) marks its boldest act yet. It's bad news for Kenya. 
The Slimes reveals:
"Kenya’s tourist industry, one of the pillars of its economy, has been badly damaged by the terrorist attacks, and the bloodshed on Thursday is sure to make things worse. There are also fears that the Shabab’s relentless emphasis on singling out Christians could inflame religious strife in a country already wrestling with tensions between a Muslim minority, which has complained about government persecution, and a Christian majority that increasingly feels under attack." 

Sandy Hook style photo-op fakery in Kenya? That 's the same girl being carried by two different men! 
Same face, same shirt, same under-shirt, same pants, same dirt-stain pattern on left thigh, same shoes. 
The only change is the bloodless bandage added in the 2nd image. 

What could Kenya have possibly done to bring the wrath and subversion of the West's clandestine forces upon itself? Why is Obongo going to Kenya in July? It is said that a picture is worth 1,000 words. So, here are "2,000 words" to consider:

China and Kenya are very close business partners.

The Globalists want Africa to stay backwards and dependent upon them. China's mutually beneficial economic activities on the continent do not fit in with that agenda. That is why Qaddafi of Libya was murdered; that is why Boku Haram is destabilizing Nigeria; that is why the Ebola virus was planted and built into a "crisis"; and that is why Shabab is attacking (or pretending to attack?) Kenya. These false-flag terror attacks are designed to achieve a Trifecta of objectives for the Globo-Zionists:

1- Drive China out of Africa
2- Intimidate Christians
3- Give Muslims a bad name

There has been no shortage of past stories linking the money and influence of the demonic George Soros to the deadly subversion of Kenya. (here) - (here) - (here) It is all so gosh-damn sickening! Soros, the NGO's and the CIA target innocent Christians while Islam takes the blame and Africa descends into chaos.

Western cartoons often mock China's positive influence in Africa.

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