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06 abril, 2015

#GOP ’s #Israel #Support - #Democracy Hahaha (Jajaja)

NY Times: G.O.P.’s Israel Support Deepens as Political Contributions Shift
Republicans are more fervently pro-Israel than ever, partly a result of ideology, but also a product of a surge in campaign spending on their behalf by a small group of wealthy donors.

The Anti-New York Times
Safe and secure in the knowledge that they can say and do whatever the hell they bloody want, the #Zionists at the Jew York Slimes have come right out and essentially stated, on the front page, that Zionist billionaires now own the Republican Party. There are no code-words here, no euphemisms, no 'beatin' round the bush'. It's just a straight up admission that "wealthy donors" are now dictating the pro-Israel foreign policy of GOP. Even the Sheldon Adelson connection is openly publicized:

"Over all, the most significant contributor by far to Republican supporters of Israel has been Sheldon Adelson, the casino magnate, who with his wife has invested at least $100 million in conservative causes over the last four years."

This explains why the Republicant's, who can never seem to muster the courage to fight Homo-Obongo on any matter of domestic substance, suddenly turn into hungry tigers when it pertains to all matters Israeli. Obongo can have his Global Warming regs, his socialized medicine, his voter fraud etc, but the moment he softened up on #Iran, the Republican'ts suddenly found some "courage" and attacked. Only when they have the support of some big money Jews behind them do these gutless whores, including Rancid Paul, start acting all tough.

Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas, left, a leading critic of negotiations with Iran, has drawn support from pro-Israel donors.

America Jewry is divided on going to war with Iran. On the one hand, the Likudnik 'Neo-Cons' have been itching to bomb Iran for years. On the other, the "moderate" Zionists fear what Iran can deliver back to Israel in retaliation. There is also a concern over what impact the Palestinian situation and the possibility of a Middle East War might have on the Globo-Jews drive for a #NewWorldOrder.

But what neither Jewish faction seems to fear anymore is public exposure and American public opinion. In the past, journalists or politicians who dared to state in soft terms what this article states rather boldly would have been crucified. That was then. Today, no one even cares. Big Jewry has the population on mental lock-down. There is no need for them to even hide their control anymore.

Rival gangsters.
Billionaire Jews #Adelson & #Soros disagree on Iran and wage war against each other via proxies. But apart from the Israel issue, both are on the same page when it comes to Marxist subversion of America.

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