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21 abril, 2015

Movie #Chappie #SouthAfrica


South Africa 
I wrote to Helen in South Africa asking if the movie "Chappie" was an accurate portrayal, and got a surprising response: 

"Sorry for late response, loadshedding is a b..ch. 

SA is falling apart. It always has been though, the PTB are taking whatever they like, always did, that is why they started the Boer War; with Cecil Rhodes filling his pockets, the locals were rounded up and put into camps by the invading British; since then settlers have been used to point fingers at. 

Chappie is not accurate, It appears to be an attempt at approval of AI and trans humanism; and very Americanized; our criminals are not so exotic; or they are white collar. We have organized bombing of cash machines; I would guess in preparation for cashless society; they are assured of $20000 and no blue dye. 

Some criminals are really polite; they just want the cash or the phone. 

Johannesburg is the worst city to be, especially in the poorer areas. The big problem at present is the "xenophobia" which is obviously manipulated; the police simply like using weapons. We have Somalis who
have opened shops here and sell good stuff really cheap, the Chinese also have cheap shops here. The locals feel that the jobs are going to the foreigners; they are not. The locals have grants and too many children, they get paid per child.... hello. 

We have corruption in areas of authority, drug busts get seized and sold on. Courts are open to the highest bidder. 

I have a friend, an MP, her husband was jumped and roughed up by the Metro Police. Murder for hire works well here, vehicular hijackings occur frequently, either they want your phone or the car and they are armed. With cars; the thieves have a shopping list, they box you in; so avoid getting boxed and crawl through the traffic light, don't stop; keep escape routes open. 

We all have weapons, small arms, '38 or '45. 

Taxi wars are ongoing for route supremacy; they have AK47's 
South Africa has had 21 years of "democracy" and people still moan that things are unfair; 'cos they are and always will be. SA is easy to manipulate for profit and has always been a center for the cabal. We have a large Jewish community and many Russians on the one side, and poor black disenfranchised on the other, 'twas always thus. SA is corporate owned and manipulated; and a member of the commonwealth. We have a large Moslem community and a lot of anti Jewish sentiment. During the apartheid era we were independent somewhat; with a nuclear programme and bio weapons and sanctions; so we disarmed; blackmail I guess; now we have a different color running the show for the same bosses. Conflict of interest is rife. 

I think that we are being prepped internationally for economic collapse and civil unrest, all intentional; chess pieces are being moved around the board, anything local is used to trigger, immigrants, racism, unemployment and the biggy, money. So transfer remaining wealth, trigger unrest, kill off the mob, job done. 

On the plus side SA is beautiful; lovely beaches; spectacular mountains and great people, the climate is Mediterranean with only 3/4 months of rain and cold. My conclusion is that left to it's own devises; humanity would get on really well together; but we are so manipulated by corporate lies..... very sad. 

Stay safe."

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