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28 abril, 2015

#Terremoto - #Earthquake #Nepal

Tomado del libro: El Hijo del León (Síntesis de la Teoría Indoaria del Avatar) por Ibn Asad

Pag. 180:
“Yo soy la muerte, aquella que todo lo devora.”240
Kalki cierra la decena avatárica de la presente humanidad. Es decir, que esta sería la última manifestación del fin de era y, consecuentemente, del fin de la humanidad presente, tal y como la conocemos.

Pag: 184:
Raga Bhairav es el principal raga de la música indostaní, una solemne composición que en su forma antigua era pentatónica omitiendo el segundo y quinto grado, y que estaba (y está) vinculada a Shiva y a la corriente shaiva de su aspecto destructor como Bhairava, que sería el equivalente de Kalki en otro contexto iniciático (el shaiva). Existen círculos de iniciados bhairavas vivos en Nepal, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakand, Bihar… que, como se verá dentro de poco, es una zona geográfica que tiene (tendrá) su protagonismo en el ciclo escatológico del Kalki Avatar. Aquí presento una interpretación del raga en una forma mixta, a través del instrumento del propio Shiva, la Rudra-Veena. (Pista 30).

Sobre el Terremoto de Ayer
En vez de responder uno por uno al aluvión de emails que bloquea mi bandeja de correo, sólo dispongo de tiempo para enviar este breve post aún en estado de conmoción. Intentaré responder a las dos preguntas que me estáis haciendo: la primera, sobre mi situación personal; la segunda, sobre la relación de este evento con los datos que aparecen en El Hijo del León.

1) Ante todo, estoy bien: gracias por preguntar. En algunas zonas de Bihar no se ha sentido el terremoto. Estoy relativamente lejos de las zonas más afectadas. Sin embargo es fácil encontrar gente que da testimonio de una devastación mucho mayor de la que se está reportando en los medios. Prácticamente todas las ciudades al norte del río Gandak han sido afectadas, y hay constancia de víctimas mortales en Motihari o Betiah. Sobre Nepal no tengo más datos que los que tenéis vosotros a través de los medios de comunicación. Y son escalofriantes.

2) Sobre los datos que aparecen en El Hijo del León, en donde se señala la zona próxima al epicentro como "lugar importante" en los eventos de mi lectura escatológica del mito de Kalki, quiero ser tajante y claro: no dispongo de ningún dato con autoridad para relacionar este terremoto con lo que en ese libro se expone. Ni
tan si quiera el hecho de que la frenética actividad sísmica que sufre practicamente toda esta región y que parece culminar ahora, haya comenzado justo después de una semana señalada en el libro como crucial, desde un punto de vista astrológico. Quiero subrayarlo: no dispongo de ningún dato para relacionar con rigor este infeliz suceso con un supuesto vaticinio de ese libro. De hecho, en ese libro todo lo que hice fue recopilar datos e información recogidos durante años, que no conviene interpretar desde una manera tan simplista como la de aquellos que me ahora me dicen "tu predicción se ha cumplido". NO ES CIERTO: yo no he hecho ninguna predicción de nada, y mucho menos de un terremoto. Yo he sido el primer sorprendido y aún estoy, como decía al principio, en estado de shock.

No dispongo de autoridad para relacionar aquellos datos recogidos y meditados, con este presente siempre sorprendente. Puedo hacerlo a título personal, puedo opinar en mi foro interno... pero no puede pasar de ahí. Estoy convencido del protagonismo espiritual de esta tierra en el futuro inmediato de la humanidad. ¿Qué relación guarda este terremoto con los datos que aparecen en El Hijo del León? No lo sé. No, al menos, a ciencia cierta como para hacerla pública. ¿Existirá esa relación? Pues seguramente... pero no dispongo de conocimientos suficientes para enunciar de qué manera.

Sólo quería mostrar mi unión con los afectados, teniendo conciencia de que es toda la humanidad la que ha sido afectada por un evento que ha devastado tanto. Por ahora, me limito a eso. Om namah shivaya 


Earthquake in Nepal  
I was suspicious it was man made, WELL LOOKIE HERE! 
I think the volcanic eruptions in Chile were also artificially triggered but have not found the tie in...

Could Cern (CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research) be responsible for recent disasters? 
Many people have written to me asking this. My answer is, For as long as it is used as originally designed and stated, NO. However . . . . . 

If a magnetic device the size of Cern was intentionally set up to synchronize all the individual fields in a destructive way, the answer is a solid YES. You could easily flip the earth's magnetic poles (given enough time) and do all sorts of weird stuff. I have also previously stated that DC power distribution lines (the DC portion of the power grid, which has DC power lines spanning hundreds of miles) could impact the planet as well, but these are not optimized even a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of a percent as well as Cern is. I really don't know what the outcome would be for clandestine use of Cern, but obviously if the many many absolutely giant magnetic fields cern has were used in an abusive way I believe it would have dire consequences. 

Cern's magnetic fields are supposed to be modulated or of very short duty cycle (each) during operation, to accelerate an atomic particle like a giant rail gun. But if they were not run in sequential order and were simply all turned on in patterns or simultaneously, that would be an abuse of the system that was never put on paper (officially) and I really do not know what the outcome would be, obviously there would be military value.

Earthquake in Nepal now all but confirmed man made. 

If you are not familiar with this from past web site history, you need to read mails from Japan, the real perspective, which is linked below in this report. 

UPDATE: KEY INFO - SHALLOW DEPTH OF 11 KM HALLMARK OF EARTHQUAKE MACHINE - Nepal, at 20,000 plus feet means that the "earthquake" really originated only FOUR KILOMETERS - 2.5 miles below sea level! IMPOSSIBLE! 

The man made quakes and natural quakes are not the same in the way they feel. People familiar with natural quakes do not at first recognize a man made quake as an earthquake at all, they just wonder why the earth started feeling like it was spinning, or that they felt like they slipped on grease, or that the world was suddenly made out of jello. 

When I felt the man made quake with an epicenter in Chiapas, it felt greasy and liquid, and first moved East, then North, then West, and it felt like I was being slid. I had felt other earthquakes before, and it did not feel the same. Within a day it was revealed that the Chiapas quake had a drill scheduled for the exact same magnitude, time, and location as the quake, and people were in the middle of an earthquake drill, outside, when it happened. THE KICKER: President Obama's daughter was at the epicenter. To the lower left here is the notice of an earthquake drill that was published two weeks before the quake in Chiapas. 


Interesting it is then that a week before the quake in Nepal, there was a huge international earthquake conference to discuss earthquakes in Nepal a week before this quake happened. LOOKIE HERE! 
And today I got the kicker - a facebook post from someone who was there, which reads: 

"Here in base camp we initially felt minor tremmors, then the ground began to feel like jelly as waves passed through the rocks beneath our feet. Climbers appeared from tents all over camp to try to start to comprehend what they were feeling." 

Gee - take a look at what people sent me from Japan, during that "earthquake" 

"HI James. This morning we got M 6.7 quakes. Again, it was weird motion." 

"One thing, I remember the first 'bump' on the 9th. I was sitting in an office full of Japanese. I said 'jishin'(earthquake)...they said 'no, it isn't'....but it was...just a kind of rolling motion." 

The Japanese know what a normal quake is, and specifially said it was NOT a quake after feeling it. This measured a 7.4 richter. So what moved the ground so much it measured a 7.4, and the Japanese did not call it a quake? 

"Yes, gooey is a good description. I have lived here for 17 years and felt every sort of quake, but never gooey, liquid quakes. Many people suffered nausea and symptoms of vertigo...dis-orientation for many weeks. I noted that when I took a bath, and I was afraid to do even this, the water was vibrating in the tub...constant vibration. I could see this in my fish tanks, too." 

My comment: An earthquake machine can just be left on, and keep things vibrating as long as they want. Read more eyewitness accounts of the 3/11 Japan earthquake Here (this is well worth a read because it will help people know when an earthquake is natural and when it is a man made scam.)

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