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13 abril, 2015

The #NewYorkTimes Attacks #Malaysia


By Mike King 

NY Times: Malaysia Resurrects Detention Without Trial, Alarming Government Critics
Three years after abolishing detention without trial, the Malaysian government revived the practice on Tuesday with the passage into law of a highly contentious antiterrorism bill that opposition leaders fear could be used against government critics.

Rebuttal by
The Anti-New York Times
Why does Sulzberger's Slimes even pay salaries to its foreign affairs reporters? All that these commie clowns do is use the same template every day when attacking a target nation. One need only fill in the blank with the "bad guy" country of the day. One day it's Russia; the next, China; the next, Myanmar; the next, Syria; the next, Malaysia, and on and on the same old song goes. The only other variance would be the offense-in-question. One day it's "human rights violations"; the next, "corruption"; the next, "weapons of mass destruction" and on and on the same old song goes. Any moronic Marxist with a mouse can 'cut & paste' for the Slimes!

As usual, the article fails to provide the proper context for Malaysia's latest crackdown on terrorism and subversion; an initiative dubbed 'the Sedition Act." The Slimes' open-mouthed retard readership is expected to gobble down the misleading slop that Malaysia is restricting "free speech". But things aren't that simple. You see, when a nation is being targeted by the CIA-NGO-Soros-Mossad Axis of subversion, measures must be taken to stop the cancer from spreading. Legitimate internal criticism of government policy is a healthy thing; but the incitement by puppet-traitors in service to outside paymasters is quite another. 

In regard to the currency crisis of 1997, former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad accused George Soros of ruining Malaysia's economy with "massive currency speculation". Mohamad also stated, before an international audience: "The Jews rule the world by proxy."

As always, The Slimes uses the old "critics say" trick to mask what is actually its own attack. Here:

"Critics say the law is a further slide toward authoritarianism in Malaysia and a definitive reversal of personal freedoms that Prime Minister Najib Razak vowed to introduce soon after assuming power in 2009....'Now free speech is being exterminated', Michelle Yesudas, a Malaysian lawyer, said in a Twitter post. She circulated a modified picture on social media of the board game Monopoly in which nearly every square said, 'Go to jail'...

Malaysia has already survived an attempted 'Color Revolution' (2011-12) and endured not one, but two very mysterious airplane disappearances of Malaysia Airlines passenger jets (2014). Rather than destabilizing Malaysia, it appears that these pathetic attempts at subversion have backfired. The article reveals that about 20 high-profile subversives, including journalists, "opposition" politicians and a university professor, have been charged with sedition over the past year.

The rent-a-mobs of Malaysia have been neutered.

Good for you Malaysia! Lock your traitor libtards up and throw away the key. Better yet, shoot them. Let's hope Mr. Putin and friends will soon do likewise to "western integrationists" who are still embedded within certain Russian institutions. 

In addition to Malaysia being a long-time target of the Soros Globalists, Bibi Satanyahu's Likudniks have long had the knives out for the predominately Muslim southeast Asian country as well. In December of 2013, a Malaysian Tribunal actually declared Israel guilty of war crimes in association with Operation Cast Lead (2010). (here) Again, we say: good for you, Malaysia!

The "anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist" Mahathir Mohamad chats with Putin in 2003 / Malaysia getting chummy with the big bad China.

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