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28 mayo, 2015

Why Are The Globo-Zionists Attacking #FIFA ?


NY Times: FIFA Officials Arrested on Corruption Charges; Blatter Isn’t Among Them
As FIFA leaders gathered for a meeting, Swiss law enforcement officials arrived unannounced and made arrests at the Justice Department’s request on charges including racketeering and money laundering.
NY Times: After Indicting 14 Soccer Officials, U.S. Vows to End Graft in FIFA
Hours after indicting 14 people, the Justice Department and prosecutors for the Eastern District of New York pledged to rid the international soccer organization of systemic corruption.
NY Times: Sepp Blatter: In Charge, but Left Unscathed
As FIFA’s leader, Mr. Blatter has been praised for extending soccer’s reach to less developed nations but has also been widely criticized as tone-deaf and dictatorial.


Multiple front page, full-court attacks on FIFA? Weird!
What the heck is Loretta Lynch Mob and her US Justice Department doing having their Swiss puppets arrest foreign soccer officials? Why is The New York Slimes, along with the rest of the piranha press, suddenly taking such an interest in the dealings of FIFA (Federation International Football Association) - the organization which regulates a sport that relatively few Americans even care about?
Are there not more pressing cases of corruption in America for the Justice Department and Sulzberger's Slimes to pursue? You know; like the massive voter fraud known to have taken place during the 2008 and 2012 elections? Or the Federal Reserve Board's steadfast refusal to allow an auditing of its activities? Or the past lies which led America into war in Iraq? Or the current lies which may yet lead to future wars against Syria, Iran, and even Russia and China? Or the blatant multi-billion dollar fraud and abuse surrounding the Social Security, Food Stamp, Medicaid, Medicare and Disability programs? Or the monstrous waste of taxpayer funds for the "Defense" Department?
The level of criminal corruption running rampant throughout America is as colossal as it is pervasive. Why the sudden government-media focus on the foreign-based FIFA?
Why is Al Sharpton-in-Drag suddenly so concerned with arresting FIFA officials? What's really going on here?

This past April, your occasional soccer-aficionado here at The Anti-New York Times came across some stories about FIFA President Sepp Blatter that really got my Sherlock Holmesian mind to theorizing....big time! Without telling you what the "conspiracy theory" was, let us closely digest this following excerpt from an April 20 article posted by NBC Sports:

"Blatter, 79, and FIFA have come under intense scrutiny for allowing the tournament to go ahead in Russia amid a financial meltdown, which and intense military action by Pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine.

Despite all of that — and several other issues regarding human rights and Russia’s strict laws against homosexuality — Blatter spoke to TASS news agency from Sochi and the leader of world soccer’s governing body waxed lyrical about Russia’s 2018 bid, adding that FIFA only focuses on soccer, not politics.

Here are a few extracts from Blatter’s comments, as Putin promised that the World Cup would be on the same scale as the 2014 Winter Olympics held in Sochi.

“I am a happy and proud president. I am proud that Russia is getting ready to host the World Cup,” Blatter said. “A lot of this is happening thanks to President Vladimir Putin, but also due to the Sports Minister (Vitaly) Mutko and (Alexei) Sorokin (CEO of the Local Organising Committee). They are a true team and have a wonderful working relationship.

“Some people are wanting the World Cup to be taken away from Russia, but we will give one answer to this – we are involved in football and we will not allow politics to get in the way.”
“Everything is going to plan and nothing will get in the way of Russia hosting the best ever World Cup. The economic situation is not the best, but I know it will get better.”

The western media has been very scornful of Blatter's admiration for Putin.

Get the picture now? After having read those Blatter comments, your prophetic reporter knew, back in April, that the Swiss Blatter had placed a target on his own back. You see, major quadrennial international sports events such as the Olympics and the World Cup of soccer often carry huge geo-political implications. When the U.S. and a gaggle of puppets boycotted the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow, it was a huge slap-in-the-face to the then Soviet Union. Four years later, the Soviets and allies returned the insult by boycotting the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles.

More recently, in 2014, we witnessed the petty attacks upon the Russian Winter Olympics in Sochi. For nearly the entire month preceding the games, The Slimes launched about one petty attack-per-day on the Russian games. 

 After having deliberately baited the Soviets into invading Afghanistan (true story!), U.S. President Jimmy Carter and his notorious Globalist side-kick, Zbigniew Brzezinski, did their best to ruin the Moscow Olympics while also ruining the lifelong dreams of American athletes who didn't get to go.

With the 2018 World Cup of Football (aka soccer) slated for hosting by Russia, the Globalist scheme to move the games to another location, or at least organize a western boycott, is already in full force. How serious is this effort? Well, less than two months ago, thirteen, count em', thirteen U.S. Senators signed a letter asking Blatter to consider taking the 2018 World Cup out of Russia because of its "ongoing violations of the territorial integrity of Ukraine."

Among the big name "bi-partisan" signatories were Richard Durbin (D-IL) , Robert Menendez (D-NJ) , Dan Coates (R IN) and John McCain the Insane (R-AZ). The busy-body warmongers told Blatter that allowing Russia to host the event "inappropriately bolsters the prestige of the Putin regime".

Senators McCain & Durban are big players within their respective political parties.

In no uncertain terms, Blatter essentially told the U.S. to "stick it". And now, a "scandal" erupts. Whether the allegations are true or not is immaterial to the sinister motives which underlie this sudden exposure. As the old "church lady" of Saturday Night Live fame used to say, "how conveeeenient".

To which we should add, and how stinking evil!

The U.S. government and media attacks of FIFA President Blatter are similar to the tactics that were used to take down Putin's very close Italian friend, Silvio Berlusconi of Italy.

Putin has accused the U.S. of blackmailing world leaders

"There are reports that a number of world leaders are getting undisguised blackmailed. It is not without reason that the 'Big Brother' is spending billions of dollars on surveillance around the world, including on their closest allies."
Vladimir Putin, October 2014

Shortly after this piece was posted, a reader named Tom informed that the FIFA Congress was also considering suspending Israel from International Soccer. Israel is being investigated for restricting the movement of Palestinian players, maintaining five FIFA-registered teams in settlements located in the occupied West Bank, and doing nothing to crack down on anti-Arab racist epithets chanted by fans at games in Israel. 

FIFA Chief Blatter said he opposed the motion because, as he put it, FIFA is the wrong place to address political grievances. However, Blatter also noted that he does not have the power to take the motion off the table or otherwise prevent the FIFA Congress from passing it. 

Will the FIFA Congress back off of Israel now? How conveeenient indeed! 

Head of Palestinian Football Association Jibril Rajoub speaks about Israeli fan abuse of Arab players during a press conference in Ramallah in the West Bank on May 25, 2015.

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