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02 junio, 2015

#AsstonCarter Uses #Vietnam To Provoke #China

NY Times: China Says It Could Set Up Air Defense Zone in South China Sea
A Chinese admiral said Sunday that Beijing could set up an air defense zone above disputed areas of the South China Sea if it thought it was facing a large enough threat, according to Chinese news media.


Big bad Russia catches a propaganda breather from the dirty trouble-making demons at the New York Slimes. Today's hate-fest is instead directed towards Russia's close and mighty ally, China. The pretext for this attack is China's development of suddenly "disputed islands" which puppet Vietnam- with Secretary of Offense Asston Carter playing the role of Cyrano DeBergerac to Vietnam's Christian de Neuvillette - now claims belong to it.

"Tell her that only Lady Liberty can defend you from China."
In the classic play, the poetic Cyrano de Bergerac hides behind a bush and tells the simple Christian de Neuvillette what to say to the lovely Roxanne. Likewise, Vietnam's claims to the "disputed islands" and its stated fear of China are actually just sounds emanating from Uncle Sam's talking anus.

Following are a few unsettling excerpts from today's China-bash:
"Speaking to reporters afterward, Mr. Carter said that the United States and Vietnam would sign a
“joint vision statement” on Monday after he met with his counterpart in Hanoi. The purpose of the statement was to “modernize” the growing ties between the United States and Vietnam, Mr. Carter said, adding that the United States was also planning to give Vietnam $18 million to help buy patrol boats."
And does this “joint vision statement” strike fear into China's Dragon-heart? Let's ask Chinese Admiral Sun:
“China and the Chinese military have never feared the devil or an evil force, and we are convinced by reason but not by hegemony,” Admiral Sun said on Sunday, according to a transcript of his speech posted by the Chinese Defense Ministry. “Don’t ever expect us to surrender to devious heresies or a mighty power. And don’t ever expect us to swallow the bitter fruits that would harm our sovereignty, security and development interests.”
Obongo with puppet Vietnamese President. US and Vietnam begin joint Naval exercises.

If Carter and friends don't back off , this could get ugly. But that's the whole point, isn't it Asston? As for Vietnam, one has to wonder in amazed confusion as to why a weaker nation such as Vietnam would be foolish enough to provoke powerful China. Well, it's for the same reason that Poland provoked a much stronger Germany in 1939, and why nations like Georgia and Ukraine continue to provoke the Russian Bear.

These little thug regimes are fronting for a much stronger bully that "has their back" - the United States, aka "The West". 

In order to shed more light on this question, your ever-snooping reporter here at The Anti-New York Times took the Google surfboard out for a wave-run and came up with some very damning data for your consideration. For 2014, Vietnam surpassed extortionist Israel, yes Israel, as the Number #1 recipient of U.S. "Foreign Aid"! *
*Afghanistan's top ranking is only a temporary aberration due to the destruction and rebuilding of the country.

Vietnam's $4.1 Billion for 2014 tops it's 3.6 Billion from 2013. For a country with government revenues of only about $30 Billion, the U.S. "gift" surely buys a lot of influence, no, obedience. Who knew that the AVPAC Lobby (American Vietnam Public Affairs Committee) was so powerful? 

This level of open treachery and dangerous warmongering is really hard to watch, but it shouldn't be so hard for people to figure out. If only Boobus Americanus would spend less time worshipping the Electronic Idiot Box and just an hour a day seeking alternative news via the miracle of the Internet, Satanic scum such as Asston Carter, Mr. & Mr. Obongo, McCain the Insane and George Sorrows would all be out of business in no time. Instead, we continue our long sleep-walk towards God-knows-what.

So frustrating.

China has neither threatened nor attempted to subvert its southern neighbor in any way. Above: CIA flash mobs in Vietnam (with the usual English language banners) are used to poison relations between the former Asian allies.

The Hildebeast in Vietnam. / CIA stoogette holds up English language sign falsely accusing peaceful China of trying to swallow up Vietnam.

Peaceful Russia and China are also wargaming joint combat scenarios. Are we on the brink of World War III?

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