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23 septiembre, 2015

#Chile #Earthquake #ManMade

Jim Stone


Here we go! The B.S. filter! Here is a google image search of quake damage that happened before this latest quake in Chile. When you see these images mixed in with current images, they are re-posts of the past, not this present quake. 

Now the sniff test: 

JUST LIKE THE JAPAN QUAKE, this latest quake in Chile only has tsunami damage. When you find
pictures of actual damage outside the tsunami zone, cross check them with the images in the previous Google page, as it turns out, they are ALL from other quakes, this latest Chilean quake had ONLY TSUNAMI DAMAGE as shown in THIS GOOGLE SEARCH and remember on this Google search page, CROSS CHECK WITH THE 2010 QUAKE, PEOPLE ARE POSTING PICTURES OF THE 2010 QUAKE AND OTHER QUAKES IN OTHER COUNTRIES AS THIS LATEST QUAKE IN CHILE, because outside of tsunami damage, this latest quake turned up NOTHING.

Man made earthquakes have the unique attribute of causing HUGE tsunamis, with devastating tsunami zones, all the while outside the tsunami zone little to nothing happens at all. This is definitely what happened in this latest Chilean earthquake.

This was something I was going to ignore until last night when they did a segment on it on the news which made it all look suspicious. My gut feeling is that it was not a natural quake. There was a significant tsunami and little property damage OUTSIDE THE TSUNAMI ZONE

And that brought to mind a recent quake here in Mexico, which measured 6.4, was only 150 miles away from where I am, and no one here felt it at all. 

Then someone sent a message about what it felt like to be in the Chile quake this time. He said it felt like he was being pulled upwards, a very odd sensation, and then it all let go (he dropped) and there was a quake. 

This does not happen in an earthquake, and what he described was what would have happened in the movie series "Star Trek" if the enterprise locked a tractor beam on a section of the earth, pulled real hard with it, and let go.

Now, I'd like people to consider something: 

Recently NASA has announced that they can bend space time, like a warp drive - to fold space so it takes less time to pass through it. That's all fine and dandy and will work to speed up a space ship through space, because the "warp bubble" is big enough for the ship to pass through. Actual physical motion of the space ship is required for the warp bubble to work, the warp bubble just amplifies that motion by compressing space. With NASA creating this effect in labs (and announcing it) this is reality, not science fiction anymore. 

This could be used on Earth to create very bad natural disasters and earthquakes, and I'd bet they are doing it now.

The earth is moving through space, just like a space ship. The motion is already there to be exploited. What would happen then, if a local warp bubble was opened over a section of the earth, and not anywhere else on the earth? 

It would cause that part of the earth to move through space at a different speed than the rest of the earth, and because the rest of the earth will try to hold onto the piece of it being pulled on, anyone just standing on the surface will feel a pulling or weighted down sensation, depending on what time of the day it is when such a "warp field" is opened, just like this guy experienced in Chile. 

And a large tsunami would also happen, just like what happened in Chile, and I would expect less property damage also, because unlike a natural quake, which is caused by breaking rock that sends a shock wave, this would just be a lifting up and setting down, there would not be a sudden jolt to get it all going.

Obviously they could not let any such warp field be open for a long time, because it would rip apart the earth. 

I think they are playing around with this. I think the luciferian/ashkenazi/freemason whatever boogie men are playing around and have no respect for the earth, and would just as well see it destroyed if they can't get what they want from the disasters they caused. Something does not add up. A lot of the recent earthquakes have been different. We did not even feel the recent 6.4 here in Mexico, and this could be explained by having nothing inside the earth break to send a shock wave that could be felt. But the seismograms would still pick it up because seismograms measure earth movement, and not how that movement is actually felt. 

Something has changed, and I believe the earth itself is the same as it always was, something else has changed.

There are rumors out there that Cern was put to the highest power level yet right in the middle of that Chile earthquake. 


Maybe, but there sure are a lot of them flying around, and I don't even know how to verify what power level Cern is at. Cern did not exist during some of the other man made earthquakes, nor did it exist in 1997 when Secretary of Defense William Cohen specifically stated that the earthquake machine is real. 

My guess? 

Nasa's "warp drive" announcement was made decades after the fact, and "they" out there at area 51 and places similar have all they need to play with the earth, and have had it for a long time. I can't say exactly what did the Chile quake, nor can I explain why we did not feel a 6.4 here, but it all sure looks suspicious, and there is reason to believe "suspicious" adds up to not natural. AND THERE IS COLD HARD PROOF THEY CAN DO THIS, yes. 

I remember now - I am going to post an old report of a proven man made quake. The background on this one - Obama's daughter was in Chiapas, and there was an earthquake drill while she was there. During that earthquake drill, a quake exactly the same as one described in the drill, happened during the drill right down to the minute of the start of the drill and I think someone sent Obama a message with this.

Here is my original coverage of that quake 

I felt the earthquake in Mexico city, it happened at high noon. 

I was in a Starbucks next to the Sams Club in the Santa Fe district of Mexico City. The quake lasted about 20 seconds, and whatever the magnitude, people gawked at the swaying buildings. SO, tie whatever magnitude this was into the Tokyo footage on 3/11. This swayed buildings and flickered the power. How much does it take to sway buildings and cause power glitches? At any rate, I was unimpressed with the 3/11 Tokyo footage.

Ok, I got the details, it was a 7.6 in Oaxaca Mexico, on the coast about 500 km away. My guestimate of the magnitude in Mexico City is that it was about a 4.5 - 5.0 at this distance. It felt like accelerating back and forth, and from the feel of it I would say the earth had to have moved 10 feet back and forth but it was not a violent movement. It disoriented drivers, after evacuation I saw a guy on a motorcycle talking to a cop, and the cop was sort of laughing, re-assuring the rider he was not delerious.

Mexico quake verified MAN MADE

A reader sent me a mail with a link to a report by Dutchsince, which claimed that the march 20 quake in Mexico was man made. I was skeptical, but then took a look at his report which documented that a very well planned and advertised earthquake drill matching the exact same scenario at the exact same magnitude at the exact same time had taken place. if you look at what I said below - it felt like accelerating back and forth, not a violent movement, and in mails I also added that it had no vibration of any sort. This matches the descriptions that came out of Japan. Furthermore, if you read my mails from Japan, in there my writers said that all the quakes were happening at a depth of 10 KM and because of that, and the way the quakes felt un natural, they believed the quakes in Japan were from an earthquake machine, the existence of which is documented in the Fukushima report. Well, the USGS said this quake happened at a depth of 10 km, which matches Japan exactly. Usually quakes are much deeper, and this similarity with Japan is suspicious ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING 

THIS!!! (now censored, but the backup is linked below) Note - The newspaper La Voz Del Norte, which posted this article has banned all access to it and all others on their site related to it. SO,

It's a good thing I made a back up! This text article is dated March 13, and verifies that indeed, this quake HAD TO BE man made. It is verified truth the quake in mexico was indeed man made, the depth, which matches the suspicious quakes in Japan, and the fact it coincided with an earthquake drill matching the exact same scenario puts it over the top into the false flag terror category. Many of my readers are well read enough to know that on 9/11 there was a terror drill covering the EXACT SAME SCENARIO happening nationwide, including at NORAD, which caused them to fail to address and react to a very real situation, and the London train bombings, where the same thing happened. Now that terror in the name of Arabs has failed, they are attempting a new approach - terror in the name of the environment. You would think they would come up with a different bag of tricks, the whole "drill coincidence" theme is getting a little obvious. 

And now, since this is proven, I am going to make a real good guess. I would be willing to bet that a gravity wave, or gravity machine has been invented. This would be prime for triggering earthquakes, because if you could put a gravity pull on the crust of the earth, in a direction other than down or up, it would indeed move the earth back and forth the way I felt it. I think that is what we are witnessing here and I would bet 500 pesos the Mexican government was not in on this particular joke.

The above proves that pre planned man made earthquakes are real. There is no way a drill can correspond with exactly the same thing that happens, this pattern fits the false flag terror meme exactly.

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