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21 septiembre, 2015

#End the #FED

NY Time: Fed Leaves Interest Rates Unchanged
One of the longest economic expansions in American history remains so fragile that the Federal Reserve said on Thursday it would postpone any retreat from its stimulus campaign.


These esoteric (high-fallutin') academic discussions regarding whether or not The Federal Reserve The Hebrew National Bank should raise interest rates or lower interest rates are as confusing and they are amusing. It's confusing because - unless one has been taught how this criminal enterprise works - the whole "easing" vs "tightening" debate is enough to make the head spin. 

But for those who have figured out the scam, it's amusing to hear Fed-watchers and know-nothing analysts regurgitate the nonsense that your enlightened reporter was once taught to believe during Economics class at Rutgers University. Suffice it to say, the subject of Economics is just as corrupted with lies and fallacies as the
fields of History and "Political Science".

Many of the anti-Fed types, though far ahead of the average American when it comes to understanding the destruction which America's privately owned Rothschild Central Bank has and continues to inflict upon the economy, are still unable to articulate the "how" of the Fed's loan sharking, counterfeiting and market rigging operations. It is not enough for anti-Fed activists to have an instinctive revulsion to the Fed. To merely say to your average Boobus Americanus in the street, at your dinner table, or by the office water cooler: "the Fed prints money out of thin air" - confuses more than it enlightens.

The reason that many anti-Fed'ers, are not able to do a better job at explaining how the scam works is because even most the "intellectuals" who are on our side, including Ron Paul, often do a poor job of simplifying and explaining things. Not to worry, dear reader. Your clear thinking and clear writing reporter here has it all figured out and distilled into a nice easy-to-chew, easy-to-digest, delicious and nutritious 'knowledge-sandwich' for you. Enjoy:

Ron Paul's "End the Fed" is definitely recommended reading -- but we also need to have "crash course" versions that we can condense into an "elevator speech" for mere mortals to quickly grasp.

The significance of the Fed's setting of bank-to-bank interest rates; broken down step-by-step:

  • Every dollar injected into the monetary system has to be loaned, at interest, by the Federal Reserve and its members banks (your local bank).
  • Because all money is injected via loans of one type or another (Fed's purchase of U.S. Bonds, corporate debt, consumer debt etc.) - there will always be more debt, (much more!) than there is money in circulation.
  • As old loans are repaid, money leaves the system (deflation). This decreases the money supply; which would fall to zero if new loans were not injected. A shrinking money supply means more bankruptcies and higher unemployment.
The money that one borrower needs to repay an old loan MUST BE created somewhere else in the economy by another debtor who just took out a new loan! And so on, and so on, and so on...

One of the mechanisms which the Fed (Central Bank) uses to increase the amount of new debt money flowing into a debt-ridden system is to keep the rate of usury (a practice which should actually be banned!) as low as possible. Low rates = more borrowing = more debt-money "created out of thin air" (for the most part). Too much debt-money supply = inflation.

Therefore, the "business cycle" is not a natural occurrence, at all! "Easy money" = "Boom"; which leads to inflation because more currency is chasing goods and services (counterfeiting effect). "Tight money" = "Bust" because folks can't get their hands on enough money to repay old loans. The "recession" / "depression" must ultimately be remedied by another round of "easy money". And on and on and on the cycle of counterfeit money insanity plays out decade after decade after decade -- which is why a loaf of bread has gone from 5 cents to $2 over the past 100 years.

In certain scenarios, when debt really gets out of hand, the new money is not enough to "stimulate" a sick economy (like today!) -- in which case, there is high unemployment AND high inflation (pay no attention whatsoever to the Labor Department's LIES about 5% unemployment and 1% CPI / inflation!)

Been food-shopping lately? Now you know why everything is shrinking ("shrinkflation").

In short, think of the debt-money supply as a bucket containing water, but full of holes. The water pouring into the bucket from your garden hose represents the new loans. The water escaping the bucket through all the holes represents the old loans being paid back into the part real / part make-believe bank-money system. 

The "challenge" for the Jewish "geniuses" at the Federal Reserve is to keep enough water in the bucket to prevent it from emptying out (Great Depression, Asset Crashes) -- while not pouring so much in that the bucket overflows (high inflation, hyperinflation, asset bubbles, "overheating" economy etc.). Indeed, since the Fed's inception (and even before) every, and we do mean every, "boom" and asset bubble was preceded by an artificial bank-induced, debt-based monetary expansion (too much water going into the bucket). Conversely, every, and we do mean every "Panic", stock market crash, real estate crash and recession was preceded by the inevitable monetary "correction" / contraction (bucket emptying out as water flow is reduced and people scramble to get their hands on "liquidity").

You know the old adage, "buy low and sell high"? Well, whether people know it or not, it's really just another way of saying, "buy as the water level in the bucket is getting low; and sell after the maximum amount of new water has been poured in." It is sound advice for playing a fundamentally dishonest game -- a game in which the biggest winners are those who know in advance when the next liquidity cycle is going to be rigged. Those insiders make money on both the "ups" and the "downs". 

Though some Central Bankers appear to have played the bucket game more skillfully and responsibly than others; the fact remains, it is still a crooked, destructive, and INSANE game.

Under the stewardship of Yenta Yellen and Mr. & Mr. Obongo - whose damage is done via fiscal policy (taxation, excess regulation, excess litigation etc) - the privately owned Fed cartel's only hope of avoiding delaying a very painful "correction" is to keep the water flowing in (through bond purchases, bailouts, purchases of bad debts, low interest rates, etc), which actually causes the pressurized water in the bucket to flow out of the debt-holes faster and faster with each new loan. 

The hardest-hit victims of this zero discount rate policy (the rate which the Fed charges to member banks who must crawl to it, and which in turn serves as the basis for what banks pay to depositors) are the elderly savers. Example: If Grandpa has $300,000 sitting in CD's at 1%, with REAL inflation at 5%; then he is losing about 4% annually ($12,000 per year) in purchasing power. This is NO DIFFERENT that a mugger robbing Grandpa of $1000 each month, at gun point, and pumping it to the general economy and/or stock market by dropping the cash out of a helicopter.

But Grandpa will never figure this game out because the talking egg-heads of TV land and Academia have caused his mind to shut down with their academic jargon about "quantitative easing" and "stimulus" and "economic cycles" and "Open Market Operations", blah blah blah -- blah blah blah.

You are being robbed, Grandpa! And it's far less complicated than you think. Just think: 'waterbucket', Grandpa -- with holes in it. 

The ONLY difference between the two robbery events depicted above is that the one on the right is legal, and made respectable by Sulzberger's Slimes, The Wall Street Urinal, and the kept egg-heads of Academia.

Solution: An honest way to build better and bigger buckets of REAL money!

Step 1: Kill the Central Bank -- like Andrew Jackson did!

Step 2: Abolish the evil practice of consumer lending at interest - aka 'usury'. This will plug up the holes in the bucket and lead to a debt-free economy in which affordable cars and homes can once again be paid for in cash -- as my middle class parents did 50 years ago! Commercial loans are OK because those are really just investments in future growth (more goods and services, hence, non inflationary)

Step 3: As the amount of goods & services (GDP) expands, proportionally expand the money supply (via the Treasury) with spending on useful public works projects or direct tax rebates. This makes the solid bucket bigger and provides more water (true wealth) for everybody, with zero inflation and zero debt for everybody.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that the Fed is going to keep interest rates down near zero.
Boobus Americanus 2: It's the smart move, With inflation as low as it is, why not?

"So says the deaf, dumb and blind asss-clown who just this morning was whining about paying $2.10 for cup of regular coffee that is now the size of a frickin' espresso shot!"

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