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05 octubre, 2024

From COVID-19 to Synthetic Design: Forcing a Shift to the Genetic Modification of Humans

Is a Showdown Over the Insanity of Genetic Modification in Public Health Developing in Alberta? Part I

By Prof. Anthony J. Hall
Global Research, July 10, 2024

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Elaborate patterns of fable and fairy tales are deeply woven into the ongoing chimera of COVID-19 as well as the lineup of successor illnesses being prepared to further our demise. The original frauds in 2020 included a totally inaccurate system of COVID tests designed to create massively amplified numbers of so-called “COVID cases.”

Added to this heavily-hyped means of creating phantom “cases,” were high rates of drug-induced homicide in nursing homes. The mortality of a sizeable portion of elderly patients was rushed to fruition with the help of the likes of midazolam mixed with morphine. Such drugs were distributed in sufficient quantities to help kick start the COVID kill operation before it accelerated with the widespread imposition of mandated injections in 2021.

In Canada in 2020, for instance, over 80% of supposed “deaths by COVID” were in nursing homes. The heightened death rate in these places provided much of the grist for the propaganda mills used to scare the population into believing a lethal plague was gaining momentum. See this.

Such manipulative fakery drove the formation of regimes of deception that continue even now to impose on humanity new attacks of unregulated experimentation in gene-modifying bouts of “synthetic biology.”

Google defines synthetic biology as a “multidisciplinary field of biotechnology that involves engineering the genetic material of organisms,” and especially human organisms that are meant to become industrial products invested with “new characteristics.” In other words, synthetic biology is meant to become the basis of enterprises that empower their practitioners to play the role of God.

The mRNA/lipid nanoparticle injections administered in the name of fighting COVID-19, became the cutting edge of the wedge of a much larger ongoing scheme. That scheme is to systemically alter the delivery of medical treatment to humans through various techniques for altering of our genes. The widespread embrace of this radical new approach, whose outcomes remain unknown, amounts to an extension of the illegal Covidian experiment on human subjects without our informed consent.

Based on the lie that the replacement of traditional vaccines with gene-modifying injections was a boon rather than an assault on human health, the mRNA/lipid nanoparticle technology is being applied to widening arrays of illnesses including various forms of turbo cancer that figure prominently among the “adverse events” set in motion by the COVID shots.

Gene-modifying injections are in the works for diabetes, tuberculosis, Zika, shingles, the flu and many more ailments.

As the esteemed Covidian skeptic, Dr. Peter McCullough, recently explained in an interview, the new procedures are being pushed forward much like the supposed antidote for the celebrity virus. The new procedures are being pushed forward without proper testing, informed consent and quality control. Dr. McCullough has asserted “there is no review or interest in safety whatsoever, and if there are horrific outcomes with the vaccines the medical community seems not to care at all.”

Seen in retrospect, Operation COVID was in large measure a psychological operation aimed at delivering mergers of military and medical experiments on the largest part of the global population. In the process the human genome of our entire species has probably been transformed in ways meant to create platforms for further genetic engineering. If present patterns continue, this engineering is meant to be in line with AI and the robotization of altered hominids as well as surviving humans.

See David A. Hughes, “Covid-19,”Psychological Operations, and The War for Technocracy, Vol. 1 (London, Palgrave MacMillan, 2024).

See this.

Accordingly, the same technology resulting in the production of GMO Seeds has been radically extended into the production, without the informed consent of medical subjects, into Genetically Modified People, GMPs. Significantly Bill Gates was a key financier and promoter near the core of both operations. Does the great wealth and influence of Bill Gates place him outside the laws that other humans are expected to adhere to?

In the Executive Order of 12 September, President Joe Biden indicated that the advancement of synthetic biology will unfold with minimal regulation within the “American Bioeconomy”.

Human subjects of biotechnological experimentation would be stripped of having a voice in the modification of our own bodies.

These altered synthetic entities—formerly we the people— are meant to become the patented products owned by investors in the new technologies. If current trends in the slashing and burning of democratic principles continue, we the humans are to be disempowered and dispossessed to the point where we lose any semblance of bodily autonomy and self-determination.

See this.

To be Classified as Essential or Redundant

Depopulation was and is one of the objectives of the COVID injection procedures. This genocidal project was anything but “therapeutic” for the people it killed and injured, as well as for the survivors still among us. Among the key culprits in this many-faceted crime against humanity were the hoax-addicted media conglomerates together with the perverse fakes that have seized control of a now-deeply corrupted medical profession.

As the World Health Organization-declared pandemic got rolling, the pronouncements of talking heads on TV, including the medical health officers employed by state, provincial and national governments, raised public panic to such high levels of hysteria that reasonable public discourse was purposely rendered virtually impossible.

A key fraudster in this well-financed scam was the sky-is-falling quack professor, Neil Ferguson who hails from Imperial College in London.

See this.

Like University of Toronto Medical Professor, Dr. David Fisman, Ferguson concocted out of thin air the made-to-order hypothetical models meant to to serve the massive money and power grabs still underway.


The frauds extended to unfounded claims about “asymptomatic infections.” This lie provided fake justifications for quarantining everyone, not just sick people. Ferguson’s crackpot predictions about the extent of the coming apocalypse merged with Tony Fauci’s lie that everyone on earth, healthy or sick, might be a spreader. Their pontifications were quickly translated by captive governments into globally-orchestrated efforts to lockdown almost everything and everybody almost everywhere.

Ferguson and Fisman were cynical saboteurs of the academic principles supposedly embraced by the very institutions that created the prestigious platforms they exploited, garnering much personal advantage in the process. Belonging to a chain of command, such frontline operatives in academia were instrumental in arousing an atmosphere of mental angst in the pandemic of panic. Higher up in the chain of command were, for instance, Ralph Baric, David Naylor at the University of Toronto, Tony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Klaus Schwab, Albert Bourla, Stéphane Bancel, and Bill Gates.

As the lockdowns compounded the severity of the devastation in the global economy, bankers like Larry Fink, the founder and CEO in charge of the financial leviathan BlackRock, put puppets like Trudeau Jr. in Canada in charge of deciding what businesses and what people were to be declared “essential.”

To execute their designs the bankers and their agents called the shots in generating much new fiat currency that they loaned to governments with the outcome that large amounts of added patronage money became available to the political puppets whose strings the financiers pulled. Trudeau and other charter members of the Davos club thus acquired major new means for self-enrichment, rewarding cronies and advancing pet projects.

The covert and off-the-books increases in the worldwide money supply also enabled the rapid expansion of funding to buy off medical practitioners, media figures, assorted celebrities and all manner of public officials. The bribery no doubt was accompanied by blackmail, including quite probably versions of the Epstein techniques. There can be no doubt that bribery and blackmail were essential ingredients of the ascent and diversification of widespread complicity in Operation COVID.

The bankers’ bribery of their puppet leaders came, of course, with conditions attached. These conditions required captive governments to mandate injections and punish the so-called “unvaxxed.” The Covidian initiates included many law enforcement officials, including judges, who were also subjected to a collective ultimatum that they must do whatever was required to cancel the constitutionally-codified rights and liberties of citizens in many countries.

A telling example of the kind of financial arrangements integral to the pandemic’s larceny was the designation of big box chain stores as essential services while making sure that mom and pop shops would be shut down. The result of this kind of kleptocratic discrimination was a huge upward transfer of wealth from the poor and the middle classes to a much expanded and further-enriched billionaire class.

To not be picked as “essential” amounted to being designated as redundant and disposable. This division set in motion a worldwide onslaught featuring unprecedented levels of shut downs of small and medium-sized businesses, wholesale bankruptcies, soaring unemployment, and breakdowns of many kinds in supply chains.

Such catastrophes extended into the socio-economic sphere through skyrocketing rates of suicides, domestic violence, homelessness, addictions and the like. To this day all these syndromes and more manifestations of societal breakdown continue to intensify and proliferate on full public display in many of the world’s cities and towns.

Meanwhile companies like BlackRock and the malfeasant drug companies like Pfizer, J and J, and Murderna have seized the towering heights of corporate dominance.

This takeover by favoured corporations is based on their being showered with gifts and advantages by governments. The ascent of the new corporate winners is thus a function of state intervention, not an outgrowth of any fairly earned competitive advantage in the marketplace involving genuine innovation, efficiency and ethical integrity.

The biggest lie in the litany of lies and deceptions so far, is that the Warp Speed injections are safe. The sad proof is on wide display for the attentive, that exactly the opposite is true. The evidence of the immense damage done by the outcomes of the fake fight with COVID-19 lies in the millions upon millions of lives prematurely lost worldwide. The evidence lies as well as in lives being shortened and often packed full of agonizing ailments inflicted by the shots and by the crippled natural immune systems disabled by successive jabs and boosters.

There has never been such a disastrous medical experiment that comes anywhere near the still-mounting impacts from the gene-modifying bioweapons disguised as a remedy for a supposedly new coronavirus. As David E. Martin continues to emphasize in many presentations, the SARS family of coronaviruses has incongruously been the subject for many years of patent claims, including by Fauci’s close colleague, Dr. Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina.

This subject is one of those covered by Elizabeth Nickerson in her recent overview based on her close reading of many of the recent revelations emanating from genuine and much-discussed investigations detailing the massive harms still being visited upon us from the Operation COVID-19. She asserts,

“There has been extensive and profoundly respectable research into the origins of Covid – since when does a ‘virus’ have a registered patent and a vaccine invented and patented in 1995, advanced as “new”? A full 20% of us know someone who died as a result of the vaccine. Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt of Balliwick News, Dr David Martin, and many many others have done deep deep research, going into the legislation, through all the rules, regulations, patents, and interagency agreements to show that Covid 19 and the vaccine were security-state manufactured toxins meant to draw down the population. Every country is reporting massive upticks in turbo cancer, dementia, infant deaths, heart failure in the young, and excess deaths….Legitimate, highly trained and credentialed scientists assert 20,000,000 of us have already died from the vaccine world-wide, and that by 2028, one third of us will be either sick or taking care of the ill.”

The Lies Are Not Easing Up 

The so-called Clot Shots were and are the opposite of “safe.” When it comes to the issue of “effectiveness,” however, the ironies abound. The question naturally arises: Effective for what? When it comes to the question of whether the injections were effective at stopping a viral infection or obstructing its spread throughout the human population, the answer is simple. The COVID injections were and are very ineffective.

If it happens, however, that the real purpose of the COVID injections was to initiate a massive global campaign of depopulation, then the initiative seems firmly pointed towards effectiveness. The same could be said about effectiveness if a real agenda is to lead the survivors of depopulation into robot-compatible forms of transhuman enslavement through the development of “synthetic biology.”

And then there is the question of whether Operation COVID-19 encompasses larger objectives like opening the way to pre-planned resets of financial and political interactions with the goal of concentrating more power and wealth in fewer and fewer hands. This way of seeing the crisis as a massive power grab taking place behind the veil of a public health crisis, has long since been adopted by Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former V-P of Research for Pfizer.

Clearly the scale and depth of the Covidian deceptions has grown considerably since the strange developments in Wuhan began to grab global attention back in January of 2020. We need to remind ourselves of how far the Covidian revelations and transformations have come from the days of the original contrived controversy over whether that celebrity virus had jumped onto humans from wild life species residing in a Chinese wet market.

To this day there has been no public reckoning with those who pushed so many lies upon us to justify unloading so much harm on our public safety, or economic viability and our violated rights and freedom. The continuing obfuscation about where we have been and where we are headed is as intense as it is foreboding. The lies are not easing up. In fact the disingenuousness from those claiming to be our governors remains in acceleration mode.

Let me conclude this section by returning to the early stages of the power grab. From the inception of the manufactured COVID crisis, scientific findings were regularly downgraded and ignored to enable politicians to obtain power, maintain it and rise in the ranks of puppet opportunists. As demonstrated in the video below produced with data from Germany’s RKI public health agency, from the very beginning the Covidian initiatives adopted throughout much of the world ran consistently contrary to relevant scientific findings.


Read Part II: 

An Injection of Truth: The Ongoing Covidian Controversy in Alberta

By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, July 11, 2024


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This article was originally published on Looking out at the World from Canada.

Dr. Anthony Hall is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

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