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22 septiembre, 2015

Where Will It End? More #Israeli #Murders

Stephen Lendman 

Israel intends imprisoning Palestinian youths and children up to 20 years for stone-throwing. Nonviolent protesters are brutally attacked. Soldiers routinely murder Palestinians unaccountably.

Police now may use live fire indiscriminately, justifying it by inventing pretexts. Settlers commit near-daily violence and/or vandalism with impunity. Investigations when conducted are whitewashed. 

Zionist zealots responsible for immolating Dawabsha family members are free to kill again - even though Israeli authorities identified them. Arrests didn’t follow. 

On Tuesday, a Palestinian youth named Dia’ Abdul-Halim died - or was he killed? Israeli government
officials notoriously lie. So do police and military sources. 

The IDF claims the youth was killed trying to throw a grenade, claiming it detonated first. Judge for yourself if true or false. How often do civilians die from grenade explosions? Rare lightning strikes are more common. Palestinian medical sources said he was shot to death. 

Soldiers prevented Palestinian Red Crescent medical workers from reaching the scene to help. What did they have to hide? 

On September 22, Israeli forces murdered Palestinian teenager Hadeel al-Hashlamon - shooting her three times in the chest, abdomen and lower body, claiming they foiled a stabbing attack. 

Photos released proved otherwise. Soldiers confronted the unarmed woman belligerently, aiming their weapons at her. She turned to walk away and was murdered in cold blood. 

An Israeli army spokeswoman lied, claiming “(t)he attacker attempted to stab a soldier.” Live fire aimed at her “lower extremists.” Soldiers shot to kill. None were harmed. No knife was found. 

Palestinian PalMedia news agency video showed her left bleeding to death for around 30 minutes before help arrived. Soldiers and heavily armed settlers did nothing to save her. 

She’s the 28th Palestinian murdered by Israeli security forces or settlers this year - unaccountably. No prosecutions followed. 

Hadeel was taken to Shaare Zedek medical center too late to save her. These incidents happened after Israel mobilized hundreds of police reservists and extra numbers of soldiers in flashpoint areas. 

A 2014 Amnesty International report called Israeli forces “trigger happy.” Excessive force is standard practice. Children are abused as violently as adults. 

So are international solidarity activists and journalists. Anyone supporting long-suffering Palestinians is vulnerable. 

In June through August 2014, over 1,000 West Bank Palestinians were arrested, nearly 600 injured, around two-thirds from live fire. During the same period, Israeli forces murdered 10 others. 

Heavy security was deployed ahead of the Yom Kippur atonement period - beginning sundown on September 22, ending 24 hours later. 

Vicious Israeli authorities have much to atone for - decades of brutality against defenseless Palestinians, accountability nowhere in sight, nor an end to occupation harshness. 

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