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15 noviembre, 2015

#FalseParisAttack - #FalsoAtaqueParis

Atentado Paris 13-11, trazando escenario 3ª Guerra Mundial

El atentando falsa bandera en Paris del 13-11-2015 en sala Bataclan es un peldaño más en el diseño de la soñada por las élites, 3ª Guerra Mundial

Paris false flag. Dead body starts flicking through his mobile phone.

Pictures captured by a French journalist. Other impossibilities expose the hoax element. Where is the civilian footage of the Paris hoax from peoples’ mobile phones? There is none. Just like 911.

ISIS – made in America

Remember how ISIS came into being, and who armed them. They never attacked the US Embassy in Iraq. He makes the prediction that the inevitable result of US support for ISIS is that it will end up ‘on our shores’. In fact that was all in the plan of course from the start. Hollande acts out shock and surprise. Why? The Paris attacks have been forecast for months. 

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