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26 enero, 2016

US-NATO War Agenda for the Middle East

American Boots on the Ground
By Global Research News

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By Lauren McCauley, January 25 2016
Five years after mass popular uprisings ousted longtime dictator Hosni Mubarek, Egyptians are again under siege. 

By F. William Engdahl, January 25 2016
Originally published in February, 2011

By Christopher Black, January 24 2016
On January 20th a cabal of dependencies of the United States of America, Australia, Netherlands, Germany, France, and Italy, met in Paris to discuss war on Syria. 

By South Front, January 25 2016
The United States is expanding its presence in Syria. Satellite imagery taken Dec. 28 shows construction underway to extend the runway at an airfield in Rmeilan, al-Hasaka province, which would prepare the site to accommodate larger aircraft. 

By Bill Van Auken, January 25 2016
With Syria “peace talks” ostensibly set to begin in Geneva today, Washington has ratcheted up threats of US military escalation throughout the region.

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