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28 febrero, 2016

#HillaryClinton WILL BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT of the #UnitedStatesofAmerica

Jim Stone

Sit back and watch the slow motion horror show. I do not believe Hillary has yet received a single honest vote cast delegate. I do not believe she ever will. But she will be President, even if she does not receive one vote more than what the Jewish population of America can cast.

If Hillary was NOT going to be President, even one classified E-mail of the lowest order would have her in
jail. What they are doing with the E-mails is the picture of the future, and the picture of reality: Hillary is at the pinnacle of those who have infiltrated and destroyed America. She is the pit of the shadow government. They can let Trump be the Republican candidate and it will not matter, as long as Hillary is there on the democrat side, 200 million Americans could vote for Trump and it will make no difference because there is no real election, Hillary will simply be appointed.

Even if they find a way to flush Trump and hand it all to someone else, Hillary is still likely to be appointed President, and it will all be fronted as the immigrant/minority classes speaking, yes, the "rule of the victim class". Even if the entire "victim" class votes for Trump, Hillary will win. Because America has no electoral process, only Diebold and the will of Kikedom.

They are now fronting their divide and conquer back up front: That Trump has only the support of aging illiterate white males, who are afraid of going extinct. That is how they are going to front this, and I suggest people not let them get away with it. In reality, a majority of the minority voters want Trump, including practically all the registered Latino community, most women want Trump as well. Hillary is having amazing successes all the while she speaks to small empty rented rooms, if that does not say it all, nothing else will. The writing is on the wall: They fully intend to ram rod Hillary in, against the full and hated will of the American people. 

I have been saying this for about a year now, and I have a reason - because I got the very first initial reports about what was really in Hillary's mail. And it was over 50,000 of the top of the top classified documents, all sold to Russia, China and North Korea. If Hillary did not get hung within 3 days for that, it could only mean that she really is the tip of the spear of the shadow government, and they have gotten so powerful they can tell the Pentagon and entire judical process to stick it. If she can do that, she can steal the elections with flair, and will. There will be no votes counted, only some puffery put up and Hillary receiving appointment. I have said this since day 1 of the email scam, and never wavered.

If Trump somehow does get in, I will gladly eat crow.

China does not want Trump

Here is one for people who think Trump is some sort of limited hang out - China does not want Trump, because they believe he will finally defend the U.S. with a U.S. centered economic policy. Trump wants "Made in the USA" to become a household item soon. And that has the Chinese scared.

The Jews also do not want Trump in, they want Hillary because relative to Trump, Hillary is cheap and it will not take so many shekels to buy her off. Not that Trump could ever be bought off, but I am sure that if that was ever to happen the price would be three digit billions. At any rate, Hillary is partly cheap because she has no soul.

But lets get back to my initial point - China does not want Trump. And I can tell you why, beyond economic policy - 

Let's compare this situation to two high school football teams, team China and Team America. Team China has had, at Team America, a bought out coach that has sold every single play that was planned by Team America for the past 30 years. Team America's bought out coaches have also back stabbed the American players repeatedly, to make them easy to beat out on the ball field.

Team China has never said a word about what the next play would be or how it would be fielded, all the while they had a traitor on the American side, telling them play by play what America would do, so they could make plans ahead of time. 

Additionally, the coaches on the American side gave China all the sports technology they needed to hit the field as prepared as possible, technology that team America spent centuries developing, all handed to team China by Coach Hillary, Obama, Clinton and even Bush, to make good and sure that team china had everything it needed to kick team America's butt. In exchange, team China lined the pockets of the team America coaches, who could care less if team America even existed, let alone won a game.

Trump, for all his faults, will probably be a great ball coach who will never speak a word about the next play, and will actually fight to win. He cannot be bought out, he is far too wealthy, and that has team China scared. For the first time in decades they will not even know which player on Team America will do the kick off, and they will be face to face with their greatest weakness: the inability to think their way through a play without being told how to do it ahead of time.
China has had a cake walk with communists in America handing them everything on a silver platter. They are going to lose that if Trump becomes President, a lot can be said about Trump, and the words "chinese" and "communist" would be no where to be found. 

The Chinese do not want Trump.
The Jews do not want Trump
The vaxxers do not want Trump.
The illegals do not want Trump.
The New World Order does not want Trump.

That is a pretty good list. And it is bigger than that, but that is enough to pretty much say it all.

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