Tunguska Explosion - Tesla
Mysterious Tunguska Explosion of 1908 in Siberia
may be linked to Tesla's experiments of wireless transmission

Nikola Tesla holding a gas-filled phosphor-coated light bulb which was
illuminated without wires by an electromagnetic field from the "Tesla Coil".
theories have been proposed for the cause of the explosion. One theory
is that Tesla's experiments with wireless transmission may have
inadvertently caused the explosion.

Above: A bright, flaming object coming in from the sky at an angle and then a giant bright blast.
(Full article can be found at http://blog.wfmu.org/freeform/2006/11/the_relatively_.html )

Above: Landscape after the Tunguska Explosion, 1908,
you know that in 1908 in Siberia, one of the most catastrophic,
mind-blowing (and mysterious) cosmic
impact catastrophes ever in the history of civilization occurred - and yet it wasn't widely known outside Russia (save for a few astronomy and research scientist enclaves) until around the 1970's? Even interested research parties didn't learn about or even set foot on the scene of disaster until 1921. It didn't make front page news in the papers when it happened because of the extreme remoteness of that region of Siberia. Also at play was the secretive, unsettled nature of Russia at the time (which of course only heightened the many conspiracy theories surrounding it today) (taken from article The Tunguska Explosion of 1908).
impact catastrophes ever in the history of civilization occurred - and yet it wasn't widely known outside Russia (save for a few astronomy and research scientist enclaves) until around the 1970's? Even interested research parties didn't learn about or even set foot on the scene of disaster until 1921. It didn't make front page news in the papers when it happened because of the extreme remoteness of that region of Siberia. Also at play was the secretive, unsettled nature of Russia at the time (which of course only heightened the many conspiracy theories surrounding it today) (taken from article The Tunguska Explosion of 1908).
so-called ‘Tunguska Event’ refers to a major explosion that occurred on
30 June 1908 in the Tunguska region of Siberia, causing the destruction
of over 2000 km2 of taiga, globally detected pressure and seismic waves,
and bright luminescence in the night skies of Europe and Central Asia,
combined with other unusual phenomena. The ‘Tunguska Event’ may be
related to the impact with the Earth of a cosmic body that exploded
about 5–10 km above ground, releasing in the atmosphere 10–15 Mton of
energy. Fragments of the impacting body have never been found, and its
nature (comet or asteroid) is still a matter of debate. (from the
article "A possible impact crater for the 1908 Tunguska Event")

Nikola Tesla in his Colorado Laboratory with magnifying transmitter in
action, 20 million volts of electricity. Photo from http://www.frank.germano.com/tunguska.htm )
Tesla's Possible Connection to the Tunguska Explosion, Siberia, 1908
One theory is that Tesla's experiments with wireless transmission
may have inadvertently caused the explosion.
Tesla, was testing out some sort of weird, fantasmigorical
communication device, or super-scary "energy weapon" or "death ray" and
made a big "...oops!" Tesla was known to be working on a sort of
wireless torpedo, called an "telautomaton," which was a remote
controlled boat he offered to the U.S. Navy for the purpose of carrying
explosives to naval targets. An airborne version of the telautomaton
device was under development as well. Some also believe that if there
was a Tesla connection, and it was a weapon test... that he may have
been pressured into it and then kept quiet. This is of course just
heaping extra drama onto a theory already wrought with ridiculousness.
Even though the 1908 time frame does match up for Tesla working on such
devices, for him to be testing out such inventions in such an
apocalyptic manner is quite a stretch, not to mention he was nowhere
near the area at the time. Even funnier: the theory that Tesla
inadvertently caused the massive explosion when he was trying to get the
attention of an explorer friend in the area. Tesla was always
fascinated with the concept of wireless propagation, and he was known to
work on "projected wave energy" processes that could create
microscopic, invisible particles of concentrated energy that could be
beamed great distances... often resulting in electric fireballs,
spherical plasmoids, or ball lightning. Why not use it to get someone's
attention who's not near a telegram service? Of course this falls into
the "secret weapons test" category as well. The theory that he was using
it to try and get the attention of a friend halfway around the world is
hilarious, but adsurd: *K-A-B-O-O-O-M!!!* ---"Albert... this is Nikola,
please call me." Here is a link to some New York Times articles where Nikola speaks of such devices, which date from 1907, 1908 and 1915" (taken from http://blog.wfmu.org/freeform/2006/11/the_relatively_.html )

said his transmitter could produce 100 million volts of pressure and
currents up to 1000 amperes, with experimental power levels of billion
or tens of billions of watts.(18) If that amount of power were released in "an incomparably small interval of time,"(19)
the energy would be equal to the explosion of millions of tons of TNT,
that is, a multi-megaton explosion. Such a transmitter would be capable
of projecting the force of a nuclear warhead by radio. Any location in
the world could be vaporized at the speed of light." (taken from Frank
Germano at http://www.frank.germano.com/tunguska.htm )

Wardenclyffe Tower in Shoreham, Long Island, New York, with electrical
sparks. Tesla built this tower to transfer electricity without wires to
electrify the entire earth and to be the first broadcasting system in
the world.
Tesla Tower in Shoreham Long Island (1901 - 1917)
meant to be the "World Wireless" Broadcasting system

The Famous Tesla Tower erected in Shoreham, Long Island, New York was
187 feet high, the spherical top was 68 feet in diameter. The Tower,
which was to be used by Nikola Tesla is his "World Wireless" was never

Above: Wardenclyffe Tower, Tesla's Idea about electrical control of rain falls.
From the book "Tesla" by Dr. Branimir Jovanovic.

Above: Tesla's Idea how to light up the ocean with high frequency electricity being
transmitted thought the Ionosphere. From the book "Tesla" by Dr. Branimir Jovanovic.

Above: Photograph of a model of Tesla Tower in action, shows how the
Tower would have looked if it was completed.

The tragedy of Tesla in Wardenclyffe, the tower was dismantled on July
4, 1917. It was dynamited and razed by the mortgage holder, the
proprietor of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.
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