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22 julio, 2016

#GlobalWarming Causes #GlobalLandsliding

NY Times: As Glaciers Melt in Alaska, Landslides Follow


If tall tales of climate-related increases in stranded polar bears, carbonized / acidified fish, infected lions, drowning tigers, shrinking hippos, hungry giraffes, thirsty elephants, extinct rat species, childless penguins, suicidal whales, traffic accidents, domestic violence, airplane turbulence, robbery, forest fires, tornadoes, earthquakes with tsunamis, hurricanes, typhoons, extreme heat, extreme cold, snowless winters, blizzard-filled winters, soon-to-be-submerged cities, ...... 

(catching breath)

... flooding, draughts, unemployment, suicides, rapes, murders, cancer, mental illness, brain damage, heart disease, birth defects, malaria, rabies, AIDS, lyme disease, flu, distemper in dogs, distemper in cats, asthma, erectile dysfunction, diarrhea, war, and global starvation haven't scared you into hopping aboard the Global Warming TM / Climate Change TM bandwagon of bullshine yet, then perhaps we can interest you in a landslide scare?

Divorce! -- Diarrhrea! -- Skinny Hippos! That damn CO2!

Lest the reader think that your notoriously sarcastic / sardonic reporter here has gone a bit too far with his comedy act; understand that each and every one of the dreadful "consequences" listed above has, at one time or another, actually been proclaimed by the diploma-decorated theoretical dickheads of egghead academia and their libtard repeaters in the Piranha Press. Google them all, and be prepared to laugh.

Now, comes this latest bucket of Marxist manure from the "Science" section of Sulzberger's seditious Slimes:

"An enormous landslide that spread rocky debris more than six miles across a glacier in southeastern
Alaska last week was not the first to occur in the area, and certainly will not be the last."

Cue dramatic music.

Be afraid libtards. Be very afraid.

The drama continues:

"The slide caused seismic tremors that first registered at magnitude 2.9, , according to data from the Alaska Earthquake Center."

Now, watch for the journalistic trick:

"The source of the slide appears to be a peak on the west side of the glacier that was more than 6,500 feet high."

Catch it? "Appears to be" -- a classic lawyer's trick. 

More legalese lingo:

"Scientists say the slides will most likely continue ...

"most likely" - eh?

Now for the kicker:

"as warming temperatures cause more glacial melt. Glaciers buttress the mountainsides that surround them; when the ice disappears, the slopes lose some of their support, and erosion or earthquakes can cause them to collapse."

The problem with this theory of "Global Landsliding" (TM pending) is two-fold. First of all, on all continents, there are at least as many, if not more, glaciers that are expanding as there are those that are shrinking. (here) Therefore, the theory of man-made Global Landsliding (TM pending) necessarily relies upon cherry-picked data associated only with the shrinking glaciers.

Mount Montasio -- a glacier that is expanding in Italy (here)
Mount St. Helens -- also has glacial growth (here)
Faggot Obongo cherry-picks a glacier that has been in remission for 200 years to make a photo-op about "Global Warming" TM

Another problem with such junk-science is that glacially-related landslides have always been a part of the earth's natural history. How does one distinguish between a natural landslide and an alleged man-made / glacial-melt landslide? Unless and until these government-funded junk-scientists can actually demonstrate a definitive increase in glacial melting due to the tiny fractional man-caused increase in the plant food known as CO2; the goofball theory of man-made Global Landsliding (TM pending) will forever remain as shaky as the ground during an actual landslide.

Nonetheless, the assorted commie con-men and theoretical nut-jobs behind this new theory of "Global Landsliding" (TM pending) deserve some sort of prize for creativity and comedy writing.

Like Sugar always says: "It's a frickin' conspiracy!"

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today about how the glacial melt caused by Global Warming is causing more landslides. 

Boobus Americanus 2: When delicate ecosystems are tampered with, there is no telling what other side-effects we might suffer.

"Boobuss, the only ssysstem that hass been tampered with beyond repair is that musshy brain of yourss."
(I can't even begin to imagine how mentally screwed-up someone who worships the Slimes each day actually is. Better talk some sense into your penguin friend there.)

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