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20 octubre, 2016

#Washington’s #Global #Economic #Wars

By Global Research News

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By Prof. James Petras, October 19 2016
During most of the past two decades Washington has aggressively launched military and economic wars against at least nine countries, either directly or through its military aid to regional allies and proxies. US air and ground troops have bombed or invaded Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen and Lebanon. More recently Washington has escalated its global economic war against major economic rivals as well as against weaker countries. The US no longer confines its aggressive impulses to peripheral economic countries in the Middle East, Latin America and Southern Asia: It has declared trade wars against world powers in Asia, Eastern and Central Europe and the Gulf states. 

By Larry Chin, October 19 2016
As nuclear war with Russia over Syria is being planned in earnest and craved by New World Order fanatics including the Clintons, the Obama administration and the Bushes, a “civil war” is being waged ahead of the US presidential election. The future of the entire planet is at stake. 

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 18 2016
Until I viewed the video in the URL below, I had concluded from my time spent with Republicans that the Republican Party was more corrupt than the Democratic Party. But after watching this 16 minute video report, which seems too much to be faked, the Democratic political establishment—not necessarily the Americans who vote Democrat—seem to be corrupt beyond the meaning of the word. Make up your own mind. 

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 19 2016
In all disproportion to size and physical heft, WikiLeaks has managed to throw bombs of digital worth into various political processes with marked effect. While its critics and detractors deny and attempt to dispel its influence, the authorities are still concerned. So concerned, in fact, that they have attempted, over the years, to curb the reach and access to the website, and its chief publisher, Julian Assange. 

By Robert Parry, October 18 2016
The New York Times is so determined to generate hate against Russia that it has lost all journalistic perspective, even portraying Russia’s military decoys – like those used in World War II. If the dangers weren’t so great – a possible nuclear war that could exterminate life on the planet – The New York Times over-the-top denunciation of all things Russian would be almost funny, like the recent front-page story finding something uniquely sinister about Russia using inflatable decoys of military weapons to confuse adversaries.

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