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02 agosto, 2017

#Mosul’s “#Liberation” Amidst #Death and #Destruction

By Global Research News

Url of this article:http://www.globalresearch.ca/selected-articles-mosuls-liberation-amidst-death-and-destruction/5600661

In less than a year, the US-led siege in Mosul has not only resulted to a horrendous shedding of blood and countless of properties transformed into rubble; more than the physical damages are the psychological effects it has wrought in the lives of those who survived the US-led bombings.
Question is, what did they gain from this brutish destruction? After Mosul has been raped and destroyed, is it qualifying to call it a “liberation”? Read our selection of articles below.

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Corporate Media Largely Silent on Trump’s Civilian Death Toll in Iraq
By Adam Johnson, July 23, 2017
The expulsion of ISIS from Mosul by the US-led coalition did receive coverage, but the US role in killing civilians was uniformly ignored.

Empire of Destruction
By Tom Engelhardt, July 23, 2017
In recent weeks, another major city in Iraq has officially been “liberated” (almost) from the militants of the Islamic State. However, the results of the U.S.-backed Iraqi military campaign to retake Mosul, that country’s second largest city, don’t fit any ordinary definition of triumph or victory.

Iraqi Sources Place Real Death Toll in US-led Siege of Mosul at 40,000
By Bill Van Auken, July 23, 2017
The sheer scale of the killing makes the siege of Mosul one of the greatest war crimes of the post-World War II era. While before the city fell to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in June of 2014 it had a population of approximately 2 million, by the time the siege began, there were still at least 1.2 million civilians trapped in Mosul. This population was subjected to horrific violence.

US-Installed Iraqi Regime: Torture and Murder
By Stephen Lendman, July 17, 2017
US forces are directly involved in combat operations and their aftermath, aware of the brutality inflicted on detainees, maybe encouraging it, civilians held hostage by ISIS enduring similar or harsher treatment from their Iraqi captors.

The Engineered Destruction and Political Fragmentation of Iraq
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 14, 2017
The ISIS, a construct of US intelligence was dispatched to Iraq in Summer 2014. With limited paramilitary capabilities it occupied Mosul.
Iraqi forces were coopted by the US to let it happen. The Iraqi military commanders were manipulated and paid off, They allowed the city to fall into the hands of the ISIS rebels without “a single shot being fired”.

The “Liberation” of Mosul: Another Fallujah, Dresden – or Hiroshima?
By Felicity Arbuthnot, June 01, 2017
Mosul, as so much of Iraq, has suffered unimaginably under ISIS – but it is hard to spot the difference from how Iraq suffered under the US and UK (and are again.) The US bombed the city during the 2003 invasion, murdered Saddam Hussein’s two sons and fifteen year old grandson there in July 2003 – no Judge or jury, just US ISIS style summary executions – as across the nation.

US-NATO Holocaust in Iraq: The Depopulation and Destruction of Mosul
By Mark Taliano, July 12, 2017
The end result, therefore, is not the liberation of Mosul, but rather the destruction of Mosul for the perceived benefit of criminal, genocidal, imperial warmongers who hide their crimes beneath the Big Lies of the “War on Terror” and “Humanitarian Invasions”.

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