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31 octubre, 2017

Who #Murdered #JFK, #RFK and #JFKJr?


President John F. Kennedy moments before his assassination in 1963.
New York Times: Trump Says He Will Release Final Set of Documents on Kennedy Assassination


Via a "tweet," Orange Man announced his decision to release the final batch of classified government documents pertaining to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. We suspect that OM's move was intended to throw a symbolic bone to the "conspiracy theorist" ™ crowd, who strongly supported him in 2016, because any documents refuting the "lone gunman" ™ fairy tale have surely been holocausted by now.

What's Trump's motive here?

As expected, the Slimes' spin on the release of these documents is loaded with condescending mockery of "conspiracy theorists" ™. From the article:

"But the documents are likely to “help fuel a new generation of conspiracy theories,” according to Philip Shenon, a former New York Times reporter and the author of a book about the commission, and Larry J. Sabato, a University of Virginia professor and author of a book about Kennedy, who wrote a recent article about the documents in Politico."

As a refresher course for you veteran "conspiracy theorists," ™ and as a crash course for younger newbies, this story offers us a good opportunity to review the fundamentals of the Globalist-Zionist
CONSPIRACY that murdered America's 35th President.


After Allen Dulles's CIA deliberately botched the 1961 "Bay of Pigs" invasion to overthrow Communist Cuba, JFK was so upset that he, according to The New York Times, told a high-ranking member of his administration that he wanted to "splinter the C.I.A. in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds."(here)

The Pentagon
After flatly rejecting the Pentagon's proposal to stage false-flag attacks in Florida as a pretext for going to war with Cuba (Operation Northwoods, 1962), JFK demoted the Jewish Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, Lyman Lemnitzer. (here) JFK was also committed to pulling out the US "advisors" that were already in Vietnam. The Vietnam War would not have happened had JFK lived.

The Communists
JFK had big-government leanings, but he hated Communists. Both he and his father, Ambassador to UK Joseph Kennedy, had admired the accomplishments of The Great One (that's Hitler for you newbies and normies). JFK was also a friend and supporter of the great Joseph McCarthy, and he warned Marxist Loser King, whom he had placed under FBI surveillance, to get rid of his Communist connections.

The Federal Reserve?

Jim Marrs, in his book Crossfire, makes a compelling case that Kennedy was trying to rein in the power of the Federal Reserve. He alleges that the issuance of Executive Order 11110 was actually a back-door effort by Kennedy to transfer power from the Federal Reserve to the United States Department of the Treasury by replacing Federal Reserve Notes with interest-free Silver Certificates, backed by silver. 

The State of Israel
In strongly worded letters to two consecutive Israeli Prime Ministers, JFK demanded access to the facilities at Dimona and threatened to cutoff Israel's foreign aid money if continued to pursue atomic weapons technology. (here)

Papa Joe Kennedy (center) admired Hitler, hated Churchill, hated FDR and loathed the "communist Jews" around FDR. He strongly opposed US entry into World War II (until Pearl Harbor, when everyone had to support the war) and, after his son, Joe Jr.,(left) was killed in that war, referred to FDR as "that crippled son-of-a-bitch who killed my son." Young John F Kennedy, (right) once wrote in his diary that "Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived. He had within him the stuff of which legends are made."

1. General Lemnitzer 2. CIA Director Dulles 3. Prime Minister Ben Gurion --- Three very big men representing very powerful Globalist-Zionist interests, and JFK wasn't afraid of any of them.

Dallas, Texas: 11-22-1963

The killers of Kennedy (CIA & Mossad) picked the occult-numbered double-digit date of 11-22 to take out the disobedient and popular young President with a team of snipers. Though clearly shot in the face while traveling in a motorcade, the "patsie" Lee Harvey Oswald is soon framed as "the lone gunman" ™ who struck from behind. On 11-24, just one day after declaring, in front of live cameras, "I'm just a patsie," (here) Oswald himself is killed on live TV, by a low level Jewish mobster named Jack Ruby. Just 3 years and 1 month later, Ruby dies in prison after claiming that he was being injected with toxins. (here)

The President is killed (shot in face, not from behind) --- the patsie is killed --- the killer of the patsie dies in prison.

The following year, 1968, JFK's brother, Robert F Kennedy, is assassinated on 6-6 after winning the California Democrat Primary. His official time of death was 1:44 AM PST (4:44 EST). (here) Had he lived, RFK would likely have been elected President in 1968 and then gone after his brother's killers.

And finally, 31 years later, in 1999, JFK's son, JFK Jr. was killed in a mysterious plane crash. Many believe that he was about to start his own political career with a run for Junior US Senate seat for New York State -- a position which Killary Clinton wanted and obtained in 2000.

"Conspiracy theory," ™ eh Sulzberger? You're dog-gone right it is! 

All those dead Kennedy boys and double-digit dates are no "coincidence."


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Trump just declassified the remaining documents relating to the assassination of JFK.
Boobus Americanus 2: Interesting. This ought to stir up the Internet wackos who think everything is a conspiracy.

Sugar: Sso ssayss the asss-clown who is quick to believe that Putin consspired to poisson his opponentss and rig US electionss.
Editor: In his book, "1984," Orwell referred to such contradictory reasoning as double-think.

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