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12 julio, 2018

The #Demonization of #Iran at the #UN #SecurityCouncil

By Global Research News

Url of this article:https://www.globalresearch.ca/selected-articles-the-demonization-of-iran-at-the-un-security-council/5646985

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“An Absolute Bombshell”: Brexit Ministers Davis, Baker & Braverman Quit in Blow to Theresa May
By Zero Hedge, July 09, 2018
In what has been called “an absolute bombshell”, U.K. Brexit Secretary David Davis resigned from Theresa May’s government late Sunday, one week before the UK is scheduled to present its demands to Brussels.

The Demonization of Iran at the UN Security Council
By Carla Stea, July 09, 2018
The Fifth Secretary-General report does not provide any valid evidence of Iran’s violation of international law, or violation of Resolution 2231. However, the report’s presentation so starkly resembles crude propaganda, that it is surprising, indeed, that the UN Secretary-General would permit his imprimatur to be used in connection with this report. It appears to have been written by the US and its allies, and merely rubber-stamped by the Secretary-General.

The Gaza Blockade Is Illegal– and So Is the Use of Force to Maintain It
By Norman Finkelstein, July 09, 2018
Is it not a tad unseemly, not to say unsettling, for the representative of a respected human rights
organization to coach Israel how to stay within the letter of the law—before resorting to bullets, you must first try “tear gas, skunk water, and rubber-coated steel pellets”—while it’s herding two million people, half of them children, in an unlivable space in which they are slowly being poisoned?

Flashback to the Greek Debt Bailout Referendum: When ‘No’ Became a ‘Yes’
By Tasos Kokkinidis, July 09, 2018
Greece is due to complete the third bailout in August, but critics say that tough austerity measures, including pension cuts will be implemented in the next few years, as the country will enter a long period of “enhanced surveillance” by its creditors.

Bonus article from our Asia-Pacific Research page:

Agrarian Crisis and Climate Catastrophe: Forged in India, Made in Washington
By Colin Todhunter, July 09, 2018
According to the World Bank’s lending report, based on data compiled up to 2015, India was easily the largest recipient of its loans in the history of the institution. Unsurprisingly, therefore, the World Bank exerts a certain hold over India. In the 1990s, the IMF and World Bank wanted India to shift hundreds of millions out of agriculture. In return for up to £90 billion in loans, India was directed to dismantle its state-owned seed supply system, reduce subsidies, run down public agriculture institutions and offer incentives for the growing of cash crops to earn foreign exchange.

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