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05 noviembre, 2018

What #Causes #AntiSemitism?

The facts presented in this piece are intended to call attention to the destructive policies of the Marxist and ultra-Zionist elements of the Jewish population--- and not as a condemnation of the unwitting Jews who have been misled by "The Jewish Mafia."

NY Times: ‘There Is Still So Much Evil’: Growing Anti-Semitism Stuns American Jews


Well, if that sin of sins known as "Anti-Semitism" ™ can be described as the growing awareness that the usual suspects are behind much of the trouble and suffering in this country and in this world; then yes, it is definitely "growing." However, in spite of the increasing awareness of "The International Jew" that Henry Ford warned about in his book by the same name, and others including Adolf Hitler, Little Joey Goebbels, and Father Coughlin all warned us about, the reality remains that the normies outnumber the "woke" and the partially "woke" by a factor of at least ten to one.

Even the odiously despicable Holohoaxer Deborah Lipstadt (cough cough, phlegm phlegm) agrees with our basic "good news / bad news" assessment, though obviously from a different perspective. From the article: 

"I’m not a Chicken Little who’s always yelling, ‘It’s worse than it’s ever been!’ But now I think it’s worse than it’s ever been,” said Deborah E. Lipstadt, a professor of Holocaust history at Emory University in Atlanta and the author of an upcoming book on anti-Semitism.

Ms. Lipstadt said she did not wish to be seen as alarmist, because in some ways “things have never been better” for Jews in America."

From Hitler's Final Testament (Suicide Letter): Centuries will pass away, but out of the ruins of our towns and monuments the hatred against those finally responsible whom we have to thank for everything, international Jewry and its helpers, will grow.

From the Slimes article: (Deborah) Lipstadt likened anti-Semitism to a herpes infection that lies dormant and re-emerges at times of stress. It does not go away, no matter how “acculturated” Jews have become in America, because “it’s a conspiracy theory.” 

What Sugar and I, er "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times would like to specifically address in today's rebuttal is the use of the word "stuns" in the headline -- "Growing Anti-Semitism Stuns American Jews." And we truly do believe that many unwitting innocent Jews are indeed "stunned." You see, thousands of years of victim mentality -- instilled in the minds of the rank & file Jews by the Jewish elites, rabbis and community leaders -- has blinded members of the "persecuted" ™ flock to the idea that there might actually be a logical reason why, in every age, "Anti-Semitism" rises. Now the really rotten ones who support the Jewish Mafia know damn well what they are doing, and know damn well why some of us get pissed-off about it. But for many of their uninformed "lesser brethren" (a term from the Protocols of Zion), a finger of blame pointing their way actually "stuns" them.

Let us "unstun" them, with some powerful images:

Jews, by their own admission, were at the forefront of the revolutionary Red movements in Europe which culminated in the Bolshevik takeover of Christian Russia and the subsequent genocide of 10's of millions of innocent people. (Above: Karl Marx (Germany - UK), Leon Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary) Emma Goldman (USA), Rosa Luxemburg (Germany)


Jewish bankers, by their own admissions, were the driving force behind setting up the criminal counterfeit and loan shark operations that are the Central Banks of Europe and America. (Above: Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, Fed Chairmen: Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Janet Yellen)


Jews, by their own admission, control the media and Hollywood.


Zionist Jews, by their own admission, were at the forefront of the effort to influence America into fighting wars for Jewish interests.

Globalist-Marxist billionaire Jews, by their own admission, are the driving financial force behind the destructive left-wing political parties and "non-governmental organizations" causing chaos and hardship in this world. (Above: Tom Steyer, George Soros, Mike Bloomberg)


Jews, by their own admission, are at the forefront of the effort to flood the West with Turd World immigration.

Jews, by their own admission, are at the forefront of the effort to normalize homosexuality and cross-dressing among the gentiles. 


Jews, by their own admission, are at the forefront of the effort to impose "gun control" (gun ban) on the American people. 


Jews, by their own admission, are at the forefront of the effort to influence America's foreign policy in favor of Israel and against its Muslim neighbors. 


Jews, by their own admission, are at the forefront of the effort to promote vulgarity, anti-Christianity and pornography.


Jews, by their own admission, are at the forefront of the effort to de-spiritualize and water down the single holiday of Christmas by making it part of "Happy Holidays" (plural to include the 8 days of Hanukkah)


So you see, dear "lesser brethren" of "The Tribe," nobody gives a flying flip about what religion you practice (most "reform" Jews are atheists anyway) or what traditions you keep. And nor is anybody "jealous" of the success and wealth that most of you have legitimately (some not so legitimately!) achieved. And the idea that Christians, Catholics in particular, are carrying a 2000 year old grudge against Jews because the ancient Pharisees railroaded Jesus is utterly preposterous!

No. It is all about, and only about, the behavior toward your host nations and neighbors. The facts set forth in the above presentation represent the absolute truth about the true and eternal causes of "Anti-Semitism ™." And believe us when we say that there is still sooo much more to tell -- both in print and in pictures -- about the force behind anti-White racism, about book publishing and censorship, about the "music" industry, about the "modern art" industry, about organized crime, about false-flag terrorism, about feminism, about fake science, about widespread lawsuit extortion, about psychiatric drugs, about abortion, about the arrests of "Holocaust Deniers" ™and 95-year old SS Waffen heroes, about Wall Street stock-rigging, about commodity market rigging, about fake environmentalism, about etc., etc., etc. 

The only thing that is really "stunning" is the fact that after all these centuries, some of you "lesser brethren" who aren't "in the know" about the big picture of the Jewish Mafia, haven't figured it out yet.


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that anti-Semitism is on the rise in America.
Boobus Americanus 2: And Donald Trump, using dog whistles, is inciting the White Nationalists.

Sugar: Boobuss, you braindead moron. Ya don't need a cat or dog's abilities to see or hear what'ss right in your sstupid frickin' face!
Editor: Amazing how these normies never think to ask, why does Anti-Semitism never go away?

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