NY Times: Einstein the Anti-Racist? Not in His Travel Diaries
Oh the delicious irony! St. Albert Einstein (cough cough), that holiest of holy libtard icons, the "theoretical scientist" of "relativity" fame; the gifted freak-of-nature whose very name is synonymous with "genius;" the visionary whose calculations showed us that outer space is actually "curved" (rolling eyes) and time can be "warped" (rolling eyes); the poor little Jew who fled the persecution of "Nazi" Germany (because he was a communist); the devout anti-racist who championed the rights and equality of all men of all races -- has now been discovered to have been a (gulp) -- "racist" TM (gasping in horror).
Oy vey! Say it ain't so, Herr Einstein. say it ain't so!

Though Einstein's crackpot theories were denounced by many of Germany's great men of real physics, the "curved space" charlatan was puffed-up and sainted by the international Judenpresse. When The Great One (that's Hitler for all you newbies and normies) came to power in 1933, the communist Einstein left Germany to become an American icon and champion of libtard causes (including "anti-racism") which he knew were communist front initiatives. (Image 3: German postcard from 1934)
From the 1922-23 travel diary entries of the sanctimonious Globalist hypocrite who once declared: "Racism is a disease of White people. I do not intend to keep silent about it," we present the in-private and in-writing racial rantings of the scientific fraud whom the great Nikola Tesla once described, also in-private and in-writing as, "a long-haired crank." Tell us how you really feel, Albert. Tell it:
In China:
“The Chinese are incapable of being trained to think logically and that they specifically have no talent for mathematics. ... filthy, obtuse people. ... Chinese don’t sit on benches while eating but squat like Europeans do when they relieve themselves out in the leafy woods.
Even the children are spiritless and look obtuse. It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races. For the likes of us, the mere thought is unspeakably dreary.”
Even those reduced to working like horses never give the impression of conscious suffering. A peculiar herd-like nation... often more like automatons than people.”
In Ceylon (Sri Lanka):“They live in great filth and considerable stench at ground level ... they do little, and need little. The simple economic cycle of life.”
Yikes! Just imagine what "anti-racist" observations St. Albert would have written about had he visited Africa! We don't know about what "youse guys" think, but "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times, on the basis of this new information, does hereby call for the immediate removal of all Einstein images and statues from the public realm. Seriously now, if we are to erase the memories of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson and Robert E. Lee due to their unforgivable sin of "racism," then why keep worshipping St. Albert? What's fair is fair!

USA -- Italy -- Israel -- Chad

Cuba -- Serbia -- India -- Vietnam

Zaire -- Gibraltar -- Sweden -- Angola
The lesson of this story is very clear. You see, boys and girls, Jewish Supremacists, despite their tireless activism in the "anti-colonialism" ™ and "civil rights" ™ movements, never had any special love or sympathy for any "people of color" ™. No sir. Their true motive for fighting "racism" and assisting non-Whites has always been about displacing, dispossessing and destroying the rival White / Aryan Man -- with the ultimate goal of lording over a communist planet of rootless and cultureless mixed-race automatons. That's the truth, and it doesn't take a fake "genius" to figure it out.

The mass worship of this evil clown and his Fake Science represents the ultimate evidence of Jewish ownership of modern western (and even non-western) culture.

Boobus Americanus 2: That's shocking and saddening to hear. But it in no way diminishes his great scientific discoveries.

Editor: Don't you and Mr. Tesla there understand the Theory of Relativity, Sugar? --- which holds that two space ships, a billion miles apart, travelling in a straight line and never deviating so much as a fraction of a degree, will eventually crash into each other in "curved space." Genius!
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