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04 abril, 2019

The #Scam of #Income #Taxes and #CentralBanking

The Crystal Court in downtown Minneapolis -- Some wealthier Minnesotans will pay more in taxes next year because of the new federal law.

New York Times: Federal Tax Cuts Leave States in a Bind


Sulzbergers Slimes and the rest of the Piranha Press continue to whine over the fact that a few wealthy Americans may end up paying slightly higher income taxes due to lower writeoff limits under Trump's tax reforms (in effect for 2018). From whence this sudden love and pity for the oh-so-evil "rich" from the Marxist media? Hmmmm?

Lost amidst all the smoke and noise of this battle between the tiny tax-cutters of the Republican't Party and the perpetual tax raisers of the Demonrat Party is the historically concealed fact that the U.S. Constitution -- a document which all politicians solemnly pledge to uphold and defend -- does not even permit a tax on labor. As hard as it may be for contemporary Americans to even imagine, it was only a single long lifetime ago, 104 years to be precise, that no American, rich, poor, or in between, paid any income tax at any level of government, at all!

Yes, it's true, Boobuss. All American workers used to keep 100% of their paychecks! 

Imagine that! A fast-growing, industrialized, dynamic, innovative, economic powerhouse nation of 100,000,000 people -- with a massive and booming middle class and millions of European immigrants clamoring to get in, get to work, and climb up from the bottom of the ladder -- with the Edison-Tesla electrical revolution already operational, and the Ford automotive revolution just getting started; there was no limit to the potential of the vast United States of America of 1913. And just think, the great nation achieved it all without the "blessing" of an income tax or a debt-money central bank -- a pair of related evil institutions -- both established in 1913 -- which today's "smart people" assure us are indispensable for the proper functioning of a modern state.

How was it possible for America to have become so great without a central bank / income tax system, you ask? Why was the insidious form of central debt-money printing and its attendant labor taxation scheme ever instituted in the first place when the country was doing just fine without them -- notwithstanding the mischief caused by large independent banks? Well, to the architects of the New World Order, both the counterfeit money from the "Fed" and the stolen "revenue" from the people were absolutely "needed" to fund the coming, pre-planned "Great War" (World War I) and the eventual welfare-control system which they already had in mind.

Sugar, fire up the Time Machine and set the dial to 1907, please. Into the Marxist mist of history we go!

America of the 1910's was a booming, growing, thriving happy nation of 100.000.000 people with first-rate schools, universities, cars, roads, bridges, railways, hospitals --- all this, without an income tax or a central bank.

Americans even had ample leisure time to enjoy and support the amateur and professional sports leagues 
which were sweeping the country -- all without an income tax or a central bank. 

Contrary to Fake History, the patriotic Christian Blacks of America, less than a half-century removed from the end of slavery, were rapidly acquiring wealth and joining the ranks of the middle class --- all without an income tax or a central bank. Image 1: Fraternity at Howard University Image 2: The inventor George Washington Carver (seated center) and his staff at the Tuskegee Institute.

*Note: The very same Jewish bankers behind the Fed and the Income Tax founded the NAACP in order to gradually turn conservative Blacks into libtarded victim-whiners --- racial weapons to be used as sacrificial pawns against America's White founding Class.

In a speech before the Chamber of Commerce, Zionist banking mogul and Rothschild ally, Jacob Schiff, "prophetically" warns:
"Unless we have a Central Bank with control of credit resources, this country is going to undergo the most severe and far reaching money panic in its history." (here)

The New York Bankers have inflated the stock market with easy loans. When lending is then tightened, the bubble bursts. Stocks crash 50%. Bank runs follow. The New York Times and Wall Street bankers use The Panic of 1907 to make a case for a European-style Central Bank (as Marx envisioned).

Four years after the 07 Panic, Senator Robert Owen of Oklahoma will demand an investigation into the sudden crash. He insists that the Panic was deliberately engineered:
"(The Panic) was brought about by a deliberate conspiracy for the enrichment of those who engineered it....I regard it as treason against the United States....a few men control the power of expanding or contracting credits. This unrestrained power means the power to create panics and coerce this country politically."

Jacob Schiff, who spent millions to help the Communists takeover Russia, "predicted" the very crisis that he and his fellow chosenites were deliberately engineering. 2. The Crash of 1907 --- Panic and bank runs in New York. 3. Senator Owen smelled a rat.

Globo sock puppet - President Theodore Roosevelt, appoints a "bi-partisan" National Monetary Commission to study the causes of the Panic and to make suggestions. The Chairman of the Commission is Senator Nelson Aldrich (whose daughter will one day be the mother of the 5 Rockefeller sons, David, John III, Nelson, Winthrop, & Lawrence)

The main recommendation of Aldrich's National Monetary Commission is to establish a Central Bank with monopoly control of credit and currency issue. The privately owned Bank would create money out of thin air and lend it local banks and the government at interest.

Aldrich, Paul Warburg, and other agents of the Rockefeller & Rothschild dynasties meet secretly at JP Morgan's private club in Jekyll Island, Georgia. One of the conspirators, Frank Vanderlip, will, years later, reveal to The Saturday Evening Post:

"There was an occasion, near the close of 1910, when I was as secretive, indeed, as furtive as any conspirator. ... We were trying to plan a mechanism that would correct the weaknesses of our banking system as revealed under the strains and pressures of the Panic of 1907. I do not feel it is any exaggeration to speak of our secret expedition to Jekyll Island as the occasion of the actual conception of what eventually became the Federal Reserve System. … Discovery, we knew, simply must not happen, or else all our time and effort would be wasted. If it were to be exposed publicly that our group had gotten together and written a banking bill, that bill would have no chance whatever of passage by Congress."

1. TR was a blustering loudmouth tool of the Jewish Banking Mafia. 2. Senator Aldrich was an in-law of the Rockefellers. Grandson David ran Trilateral Commission and CFR. 3. Paul Warburg: Father of The Fed; America's Central Bank.

Senator Aldrich introduces a bill to establish a Central Bank (The Aldrich Bill). The scheme (hatched at Jekyll Island) is transparent, and Aldrich's name is too closely linked to the Money Masters of New York. Congressman Charles A Lindbergh Sr. (father of the famous aviator) declares:
“The Aldrich Plan is the Wall Street Plan. It means another panic, if necessary, to intimidate the people. Aldrich, paid by the government to represent the people, proposes a plan for the trusts instead.”
Opposition to Aldrich's scheme is so strong, that the bill to create a Central Bank is never even brought to the floor for a vote.

A few cosmetic changes are made to the old Aldrich Bill and the bill is renamed 'The Federal Reserve Act'. Congressman Lindbergh is not fooled:
“This is the Aldrich Bill in disguise ....This Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs this bill, the invisible government by the Monetary Power will be legalized. The people may not know it immediately, but the day of reckoning is only a few years removed. The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking bill.”
The bill passes anyway, on December 23, after many Senators and Congressmen had left town for Christmas Break! Puppet President Woodrow Wilson quickly signs it -- creating the privately-owned Federal Reserve System. Weeks earlier, Wilson, after the necessary states had ratified the Constitutional Amendment establishing an Income Tax -- needed to pay for wars and for interest to the bankers after they set up their Central Bank -- had already enacted the new tax law. The counterfeiting, insider trading, loan sharking, Globalist Money Masters were now in control America, and have been ever since. 
1. Congressman Charles Lindbergh Sr. and his famous aviator son. 2. An anti-Central Bank cartoon from 1912! 3. Woodrow Warmonger Wilson sold the Federal Reserve scam as "Currency Reform"

The original 1913 Income Tax only affected about the top 1% of earners, with brackets in the single digits. Naturally, there were assurances that the rates would never rise, and that the income brackets would never expand to lower earners.

We'll take whatever tax-relief crumbs that our oh-so-magnanimous Republican't champions will drop on the floor for us to nibble on. But can you just imagine the EXPLOSION of economic activity, investment and expansion of opportunity for all if we actually undid the great robbery of 1913? Sugar and I, er, "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times crunched some numbers. All it would take to kill the Income Tax and balance the Federal Budget would be the combination of the following initiatives:

a reduction of the Department of Offense from $700 Billion to $50 Billion
the immediate removal of millions of cash-rich seniors from the Social Security Pyramid Scheme and the lifting of the retirement age to 68 (until the program can be phased out completely)
means-testing for MediCare and the expulsion from the program of all elderly Turd Worlders who were sponsored to the U.S. by their children
the removal of all recent (15 years or less) immigrants (legal & illegal) from any welfare program
the repudiation of all Treasury Bonds (or maybe do a .50 on the dollar payback)
the closing down of the Departments of Education, Energy, Interior, Labor, Transportation, Homeland Security and CIA (for starters)
the termination of all Foreign Aid 
the termination of ObongoCare (Expanded Medicaid)

If we were to make these spending cuts, end the personal income tax, kill the IRS, kill the Fed, and issue debt-free currency from the US Treasury that would be proportionate to productivity and backed by gold and silver -- then THAT would truly "make America great again" -- at least in the economic realm.

Oh if people only understood the kind of better life they are being deprived of by the PRC (Predatory Ruling Class)!.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that some people who might be expecting a tax refund for 2018 may actually owe money to Trump's tax plan taking away certain write-offs. .
Boobus Americanus 2: Trump scammed those of us who live in states like New York and New Jersey.


Choosse me for Fuhrer of the United Sstatess of America, Boobuss! I'll let you keep the whole frickin' check!

Editor: Mein Furr --- has a nice ring to it. People should read my book, "Bancarotta" -- for a fun and entertaining story about how the scam works. (here)

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