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11 junio, 2019

#Risk of #NuclearWar Now Highest Since #WorldWar2: #UN

Defunding UNRWA: Trump’s Legal Sleight of Hand against Palestine
By Rima Najjar
Trump wants to dismantle the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and shift responsibility for Palestine refugees to the office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). What has UNHCR got to say about that? Is it worried about any negative effects, such as what it has to say about Iran? Read more...

Turkish Army Pullout Will Bring Peace to Northern Syria?
By Firas Samuri
In mid-January 2018, the Turkish General Staff announced the beginning of Olive Branch Operation. The goal was to oust the Kurds from the outskirts of Afrin, as well as to create a buffer zone along the Syrian-Turkish border. Read more...
By Dr. Theodore Postol and Institute for Public Accuracy
The British-based Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media recently revealed an internal engineering assessment by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons that undermines claims justifying U.S. attacks on Syria. Read more...

Britain: The Database State. Intrusive Surveillance
By True Publica
Last September’s damning judgement of British security operations against its own people saw the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) rule that the government had unlawfully obtained data from communications companies and didn’t put in place safeguards around how it did it. But what does the state really know about us and what about the future? Read more...

“Research”: The US Navy Wants to Archive 350 Billion Social Media Posts
By Mac Slavo
The United States Navy wants to archive 350 billion social media posts in order to conduct “research.” What exactly does the military want to study? “Modes of collective expression.” Read more...

Oiling the Wheels of Injustice. Indigenous Communities in the Amazon
By Khaled Diab
After a quarter of a century of legal battles, indigenous communities in the Amazon are still awaiting justice for the damage inflicted on their environments and health by Texaco, which was taken over by US oil giant Chevron. Civil society organisations from around the world are standing in solidarity with the victims. Read more...

Risk of Nuclear War Now Highest Since World War 2: UN
By Telesur
The Director of the U.N. Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), Renata Dwan, warned that all states with nuclear weapons are pushing for weapon modernization programs, while arms control regulations are changing or fading. Read more...

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