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11 junio, 2019

#US #CorporateMedia Spreads #FakeNews Regarding #NorthKorea

President Lopez Obrador of Mexico’s Letter to Donald Trump. “I Don’t Want Confrontation…”
By President Andrés Manuel López Obrador
I am aware of your latest position in regard to Mexico. In advance, I express to you that I don’t want confrontation. The peoples and nations that we represent deserve that we resort to dialogue and act with prudence and responsibility, in the face of any conflict in our relations, serious as it may be. Read more...

Top US Journalists Spread Fake News Claiming North Korean Official Was ‘Purged’ – Then He Shows Up on TV
By Ben Norton
In the latest example of fake news disseminated without any hint of skepticism by America’s top journalists, virtually every major media outlet reported that a senior North Korean official named Kim Yong-chol was supposedly forced into a “labor camp,” as part of a larger deadly “purge.” Read more...

Trudeau Government Squeezes Cuba

By Yves Engler
Ottawa faces a dilemma. How far are Trudeau’s Liberals prepared to go in squeezing Cuba? Can Canadian corporations with interests on the island restrain the most pro-US, anti-socialist, elements of the ruling class? Read more...

US Bans Educational and Recreational Travel to Cuba
By Telesur
As of June 5, U.S. citizens will be prohibited from making group educational and cultural trips known as “people to people” travel to Cuba, Secretary of Commerce Steve Mnuchin of the U.S. Treasury Department confirmed in a statement Tuesday. Read more...

From Glyphosate to Front Groups: Fraud, Deception and Toxic Tactics
By Colin Todhunter
There are shockingly high levels of weed killer in UK breakfast cereals. After testing these cereals at the Health Research Institute in Iowa, Dr Fagan, director of the centre, said: “These results are consistently concerning. The levels consumed in a single daily helping of any one of these cereals, even the one with the lowest level of contamination, is sufficient to put the person’s glyphosate levels above the levels that cause fatty liver disease in rats (and likely in people).” Read more...

EU Sued at International Criminal Court over Mediterranean Migration Policy – As More Die at Sea
By Maurice Stierl
It emerged on June 3 that the ICC had received a legal submission calling for the EU and some of its member states to face prosecution for enacting migration policies “intended to sacrifice the lives of migrants in distress at sea”. Read more...

Video: War Propaganda and US Military Buildup Against Iran
By South Front
In early May, the US deployed the USS Abraham Lincoln strike group as well as the USS Arlington amphibious transport dock, additional marines, amphibious vehicles, rotary aircraft, Patriot missiles and a bomber strike force to the region claiming that this is a needed measure to deter Iran, which allegedly prepares to attack US troops and infrastructure. Read more...

From the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit to the G20: United Eurasia Stands, Divided It Falls?
By Andrew Korybko
The SCO Summit will see Russia, India, and China make a pretense of unity in spite of their many fault lines, while the G20 Summit will see Trump attempt to exploit these points of contention in a bold bid to divide and rule the supercontinent. Read more...

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