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16 julio, 2019

#UN #Report on #HumanRights in #Venezuela #Faulty by #Design

Offshoring and Industrial Relocation: Profits from Exploitation in Honduras. Transnational Companies are Impoverishing us All
By Mark Taliano
Imperialists employ myriad strategies to “open the veins” of prey countries. Economic warfare is one such strategy. Prolonged and sustained economic warfare against long-suffering Honduras advances the tentacles of the Big Monopolies as it impoverishes and destroys Honduras. Read more...

US Call for German Troops in Syria Angers Berlin
By The New Arab
Discord broke out in German Chancellor Angela Merkel‘s ruling coalition Sunday, after the United States urged the country to send ground troops to Syria as Washington looks to withdraw from the region. Read more...
By Stephen Lendman
The CIA, National Endowment for Democracy (NED), International Republican Institute (IRI), National Democratic Institute, USAID, right-wing US think tanks, the CIA/AFL and other large labor unions, along with similar organizations and initiatives are all about advancing Washington’s anti-democratic agenda at the expense of world peace. Read more...

Why Trump Is Dead Wrong About the Census
By Eric Zuesse
The first lengthy clause in the U.S. Constitution (and there are only three clauses in it that are lengthy) comes almost immediately after the Preamble, and it is quite explicit that the only way in which a change to the questions in the U.S. Census can be made, is by an act of Congress, passed by the Congress, and signed into law by the President. Read more...

A Secret Meeting to Plot War?
By Philip Giraldi
All of the Jewish organizations but one were openly declared advocates for Israel and are supportive of its policies. Key groups present included the Council of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, the Anti-Defamation League, and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Read more...

Netanyahu Compares Iranian Uranium Enrichment to Nazi Invasion of the Rhineland
By Kurt Nimmo
The prime minister of Israel would have the people of Europe believe Iran’s recent decision to increase uranium enrichment—currently at a paltry 3.67 percent—is comparable to the German army marching into the Rhineland in March 1936. Read more...

UN Report on Human Rights in Venezuela Faulty by Design
By Nino Pagliccia
If the overall intention of the UNHCHR with this report was to use the opportunity of the visit to Venezuela in order to strike a rapprochement between the two contending parties, it totally missed the chance. Read more...

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