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21 marzo, 2020

#Peak #CoronaMania and #TheStorm

by Mike King


Well, it's just about official now. The nation -- the world actually -- is at peak CoronaMania and under dictatorship. And I don't know about "youse guys," but we personally do not know of a single extended family member, neighbor, friend, acquaintance et al who has been inflicted with this propagandized plague -- nor anyone who knows of someone else who has contracted this form of common cold. But we can tell you of people we know who are now out-of-work, worried or severely inconvenienced in other ways. Isn't that amazing?

It's really no surprise that the dumbed-down, demoralized population which the PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) has spent the better part of the past century molding would, in due time, meekly succumb to the "shelter-in-place" orders now sweeping the Western world. A few of you stalwarts will recall how, in its earliest days of publications, The Anti-NY Times clearly foresaw this day after observing how, after the Boston Hoax Bombing of 2013, an entire metropolitan area meekly and dutifully complied with orders to "shelter in place" whilst "the authorities" searched for two innocent patsies said to have been responsible for the Smoke Bomb which killed no one! And when the surviving "bomber" was finally arrested, the relieved boobs emerged from their homes chanting "USA! USA! USA!" --- totally oblivious to the irony that the USA was founded upon virtues such as bravery, self-reliance, and armed defiance to tyranny. Whether by collateral consequence or by design, the Boston Smoke Bomb farce provided (((them))) with valuable test-data as to how the boobs would respond to such emergency decrees.

1 . Try this at home, boys and girls. Ask the frightened normies in your life if they actually KNOW of anyone who has either died or gotten very sick from Coronavirus. // 
2. Dramatic crisis-actors of the Boston Smoke Bomb hoax. // 
3. April 2013: In the very city where the Boston Tea Party and Boston Massacre rebellions once took place, the streets were eerily deserted as obedient boobs "sheltered in place" on command without so much as a peep of protest.

Though we should all be thankful that Trump (not the genocidal Killary Clinton!) is the one wielding this awesome economic, political and military power now -- and that it will probably be used to achieve the noble aim of attacking -- perhaps even eradicating the Deep State -- this is all, still, such a pathetic and sad spectacle to behold. And it almost makes one wonder whether or not a mighty blow against the Evil Ones will even have long term impacts.

Assuming, for argument's sake, that we will soon be liberated -- can a population so dumb, so weak and so obediently compliant hold on to that precious liberty for long? Whatever new way-of-life comes out of "The Storm," the awakening had better include a moral -- perhaps even religious -- shake-up to go along with the political and economic stuff. For unless and until the nail-biting, toilet-paper-hoarding normies are fundamentally transformed from within, they'll never have the stuff which the maintenance of liberty requires.

1. Had that nasty, Satanic, child-sex-trafficking harridan (a bossy hag) been elected in 2016, she would have used this "crisis" to send many of "youse guys" on your way to Camp FEMA by now. // 
2. In the long run, if Boobus doesn't "grow a pair," civilization will be doomed anyway. // 
3. Thomas Jefferson's famous "Tree of Liberty" quote is not an opinion -- it is a law of nature!

Shifting gears now to the ongoing consolidation and expansion of Trump's emergency powers, we are really starting to wonder now if some of the Demonrat Governors -- in particular Andrew Cuomo of Jew York, J.B. Pritzker of Illinois & Gavin Newsome of Commiefornia -- who are implementing such drastic shut-down measures, activating their state National Guards units and, in the case of Jew York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio, even pleading for full-blown military intervention -- have been placed into submission to Trump (a la formerly anti-Trump Repubicant's who now obey him like trained lap dogs). Surely, these Demonrats must know that, once activated, their state national guard units will be controlled and commanded by Trump, not them. (here)

Once again, Q Anon's clues have come to pass. On several occasions over the past 2 + years, Q has made reference to the activation of the National Guard and also to the not-universally-known fact that the President would be the one controlling the NG once activated. Q also foretells of the NG being used to work hand-in-hand "with the Marines" in order to "save the republic" -- but that "certain conditions need to be satisfied" in order to "authorize" the activation and begin the mass arrests. (See Q post below)

Yes. "The Storm" is coming -- and (ironically as heck!) -- it appears as though the sheeplike / slavelike cowardice of Boobus Americanus might just end up being a facilitating factor in their own liberation. That being said, at some point, the sheeple, starting with the children, are going to have to be toughened up and morally educated if the positive effects of "The Storm" are to be long-lasting and history-altering.

1. The odious and notoriously corrupt Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York is all-of-a-sudden praising Trump and calling for the U.S. Army Core of Engineers to intervene in his state. // 
2 & 3. Many in the Fake News don't realize that after a Governor activates his state's National Guard -- the real control of those heavily armed men transfers to the U.S. military (Trump).


1. Demonrat NY Mayor DeBasio calls for Trump to send in the Army -- which belongs to Trump. /// 2. Demonrat NY State Governor Cuomo approves of Navy "Hospital" (prison?) ships -- also under Trump's command -- coming to the shores of the Big Apple.

Q always said: Future proves past -- The 2017 post above (#22) refers to today.


Tell it, Trump. Tell it! --- (and he's not talking about Coronavirus)

The Boobus Brothers are home sheltering-in-place.
They will return to work when instructed.

St. Sugar: What a pair of pusssiess thosse two are!
Editor: Not exactly Jeffersonians, that's for sure.

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