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11 abril, 2020

#OrderOutOfChaos: How the #Elite’s #Plans Were #Foretold in #PopularCulture

The core philosophy of the occult elite and its plans for humanity are hidden in plain sight. From famous landmarks to blockbuster movies, while never forgetting the music industry, it is all laid out for those who have eyes At the center of it all, one motto: Order Out of Chaos.

By Vigilant Citizen

Since late 2008, The Vigilant Citizen has been analyzing popular culture to highlight patterns of messages and symbolism. And, since the very first articles published on this site, one major theme keeps resurfacing all across popular culture: The “welcoming” of a global crisis that causes massive chaos and death which allows the ushering in of a new era. In other words: Order out of chaos.

This theme can be found all over popular culture, especially in products funded and commissioned by the occult elite. Why is that? Because, since the 19th century, the official motto of the occult elite is Ordo Ab Chao, Latin for Order Out of Chaos.

This an insignia representing the 33rd degree in Freemasonry (the highest degree attainable). At the top, the degree’s official motto: Ordo Ab Chao.

As in everything else in Freemasonry, the motto Order Out of Chaos has several meanings, ranging from nebulous metaphysical deeds to concrete social engineering. On a wider scale, this motto is the ultimate recipe for a drastic change in society: 1) An event causes chaos and panic 2) A solution surfaces which also happens to advance the agenda of the elite 3) Society changes without resistance.

In this day and age, the ultimate goal of the elite is to create a global government that controls the world’s resources while keeping the masses subdued and monitored through police-state tactics. The “solution” to the crisis is a big step in that direction.

This is why they welcome these moments of chaos. They are opportunities. While the masses suffer and weaken, the elite gain power and control. And, since symbols rule the world, Order Out of Chaos is celebrated all over popular culture through symbolism. Here are some examples in chronological order.

Georgia Guidestones

Since their unveiling in 1980, the enigmatic Georgia Guidestones have baffled people with its ominous messages. Indeed, inscribed on gigantic slabs of stone are “10 Commandments” for a new era. And the first one says: Maintain humanity under 500 million. In order to satisfy this monument, the current world population needs to be reduced by at least 90%.

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