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02 abril, 2020

#Trump's #Coded #Warning #Mimics #QAnon

Q +

by Mike King

NY Times: 
Trump Confronts a New Reality Before an Expected Wave of Coronavirus Disease and Death


Advanced students of both Q Anon and Trump himself all understand that both parties speak in cryptic, or coded language. The late-night commie comics have really enjoyed themselves by poking fun at all Trump’s blatant twitter “typos” as well as many of the strange things that he has said over the past three years. But, with the grace of God, the last laugh will be on these fork-tongued sons-of-bitches, and hopefully soon too.

Over the past few days, the Piranha Press seems to be impressed by the President’s new somber and serious tone regarding a virus “crisis” which Trump surely knows is essentially little more than the annual flu (if that!). Based upon Trump’s new “gravitas” and increased death expectation, the Fake News is now more confident than ever of a protracted economic shutdown and an election year Depression. (((They))) now think, based on Trump’s own words, that they’ve got him trapped in their box. Maybe not.

1 . Trump has been ridiculed for spelling "smoking" as "smocking" -- but the coded message refers to "smocking parties" in which elite Satanic sex perverts such as Hillary campaign manager John Podesta and Obama handler Valerie Jarrett (above) mingle naked wearing just body paint. 
2 & 3. The smug and snarky CIA comedians had lots of fun with Trump's botched word "covfefe" (instead of "coverage") -- but Trump 's term had a hidden meaning.

The Trump quotes that have got Sulzberger’s Slimes giddy are contained in this article (and have been replayed widely all over the Fake News – From the article:

“I want every American to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead. We’re going to go through a very tough two weeks.”

Afterward, he added:

“We’re going to start seeing some real light at the end of the tunnel. But this is going to be a very painful — very, very painful — two weeks.”

*** Quote not included in the article *** "When you look ... and see the kind of death that's been caused by this invisible enemy. ... This is going to be a rough two week period. --- We're going to see things get better, and it's going to be like a burst of light."

Hmmm. Trump is sounding every bit as alarmist as Bill Gates now -- only with a rosy optimistic ending. Let’s analyze.

Trump: We’re going to go through a very tough two weeks. // very, very painful two weeks // rough two weeks.
Analysis: Could that be alluding to imminent mass arrests and Q Anon’s promise of a glorious “Patriots Day” (April 19th)? It would certainly fit.

Trump: We’re going to start seeing some real light at the end of the tunnel // burst of light.
Analysis: One of Q Anon’s oft-repeated slogans is “Dark-to-Light.” Q has posted this phrase so often that some of the enterprising Q Marketeers sell “swag” items emblazoned with this phrase which refers to “The Great Awakening” of a public that is to be led out of darkness and into light.

Trump: “This is going to be a very painful — very, very painful — two weeks.”
Analysis: “Pain” is another of Q’s signature slogans – which the meme-makers and marketeers have also seized upon. The term refers to the “pain” that is to be unleashed upon the Deep Staters and Satanists.

To recap the ominous de-coded parallels:

QPatriots’ Day (April 19)Dark to LightPain

TrumpVery tough two weeks (now to April 19th)Light at the end of tunnel // Burst of light
Very painful — very, very painful.

1. Patriot's Day (April 19) commemorates the Battle of Lexington & Concord, aka "The Shot Heard Around the World." 
2. "Dark to Light" is one of Q Anon's most often repeated clues. 
3. "Pain" is also Q-speak.

And finally, there are those two massive hospital (or prison?) ships – the USNS Comfort and the USNS Mercy – docked, respectively off the coasts of the Deep State rat nests of New York and Los Angeles. Both ships have three red “plus sign” crosses painted across their hulls. Those crosses match up nicely with yet another one of Q Anon’s repeated signature moves the “+” and also an occasional “+++.”

The images below say it better than we can describe it. We are either on the cusp of an historic event – a knockout blow against the New World Order – that will be written and talked about centuries from now --- or, a deflating and inexplicable disappointment suffered at the hands of Trump.

One thing is for certain – something BIG has got to give and soon. Stay tuned.

1. Top: Q from 2017: "Nothing is random. Everything has meaning. +++ / Bottom: Just 7 minutes later, Trump closes a tweet with + + +
2. Q +++ has long been a theme of Q followers and promoters.


1. The Comfort with the +++ was sent to New York.

2. The Mercy with the +++ was sent to Los Angeles / Hollywood.​ 
3. Trump personally sends off the Comfort to New York. (Q + is generally understood to be the occasional Trump post on the Q board)

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Trump is saying that the next two weeks will be very, very painful.
Boobus Americanus 2: Yes. But he also said that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

St. Sugar: Patriots Day! -- Dark to light! -- Now comes the pain!
Editor: With ships bound for Guantanamo Bay prison, perhaps? -- The suspense is killing me.

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