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22 abril, 2020

Why Does the #Covid19 Loves "The #BigApple" So Much?

by Mike King

NY Times: N.Y.C. Death Toll Soars Past 10,000 in Revised Virus Count
The city has added more than 3,700 additional people who were presumed to have died of the coronavirus but had never tested positive.


New York's Mayor Bill de Blasio -- a Communist who illegally honeymooned with his "ex-lesbian" wife (here) in Castro's Communist Cuba in 1994 (here) -- and his cohorts have so boldly, brazenly and dishonestly inflated the Covid-19 death toll to the point that a city which only consists of 2.5% of the total U.S. population, now accounts for nearly 40% (10,400 / 26,700) of the national death toll. Such a statistical anomaly is not merely improbable or implausible -- it is downright impossible!

Forget about what "Crazy Mike" of the ANYT thinks. If Boobus Normie had a single functioning synapse in that media-marinated brain of his, then just the opening paragraph alone of this Slimes

article alone ought to get him to scratching his empty head in curious wonder.

From the article:

"New York City, already a world epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, sharply increased its death toll by more than 3,700 victims on Tuesday, after officials said they were now including people who had never tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have died of it.

The new figures, released by the city’s Health Department, drove up the number of people killed in New York City to more than 10,000, and appeared to increase the overall United States death count by 17 percent to more than 26,000." (bold emphasis added)

Ya see that? "More than 3,700 victims" added -- just like that -- with a single pen stroke. Cheese & crackers, Boobus. There it is -- the corona-con-job -- right there in your stupid masked face!

1. The giant de Blasio married admitted lesbian Chirlane McCray in 1994 and then honeymooned in Castro's Communist Cuba. // 2. On a death-per-100,000 basis, New York's "presumed" death numbers dwarf those of any other city in the USA or the world. // 3. Cause of death? When in doubt -- always tag the old man as "Covid!"

Now, apart from de Blasio being a Communist criminal hell-bent on undermining "Trump's economy" during an election year, the higher-up Deep State players have an important motive for scripting New York to be what the article refers to as "the world epicenter" of the pandemic. It's for the same reason that New York was chosen to be the "epicenter" of the 9/11 false flag attack which so altered the course of history. It's because the city also known as "The Big Apple" happens to also be the "epicenter" of the Fake News. Everything that happens in New York gets amplified and exaggerated a million times over -- and globally. How conveeenient!

Let us use baseball as an example which the boobs of Normiedom can more easily relate to. Now, even most females or many non-Americans who never held any interest in America's "National Pastime" know who New York Yankee "demi-gods" Babe Ruth, Joe DiMaggio and Mickey Mantle were. At the very least, those names would certainly ring the proverbial bell in anyone's head. To the contrary, outside of older baseball aficionado circles, very few people would recognize the names, let alone the faces of Jimmy Foxx, Ted Williams or Stan Musial -- even though that trio of fearsome sluggers was just as talented and amassed similar batting statistics as the aforementioned "Bronx Bombers." Why the fame double-standard? It's simple: The former played for New York -- the latter represented various other cities. Get it?

1. Post 9/11 Mania and Coronamania could never have taken off unless New York City was scripted as the "epicenter" of the "event." // 2. No city on Earth can hype up an event like the Fake News & financial capital of the "free world." // 3. Though they were contemporaries of comparable talent, Babe Ruth of New York was immortalized; but Jimmy Foxx (Philly, then Boston) is remembered only by baseball history buffs.

This publicity-seeking bug of dubious origin is a smart little son-of-a-bitch (or should we say, son-of-a-bat?), ain't it? After arriving on the West Coast for a connecting flight -- Coronavirus / Covid bypassed (for the most part) "flyover country" because it understood the old Frank Sinatra adage from his famous hit, New York, New York:

"If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere. It's up to you, New York, New York."

Sing it, blue eyes. Sing it!

Had CV-19 (its handlers, actually) selected Los Angeles, Phoenix, Chicago, St. Louis, Houston, Denver or Philadelphia as its "epicenter," it might have "Jimmy Foxxed" itself into relative historical obscurity by now. And when we extend this death-per-100,000 analysis throughout the western hemisphere, we learn that major cities / population centers such as Toronto, Mexico City, Lima, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Bogota etc. have been similarly spared by the media-savvy virus with the big Broadway dreams.

The danger at this juncture is, that with absolute power over such a large city of such financial and media significance, the filthy Red Rat de Blasio may be able to create a statistical "flare up," at will. New York City alone -- with its Marxist methodology of "presumed" deaths -- can, as we have just witnessed, single-handedly skew the national numbers enough to complicate Trump's efforts to reopen the country. The supply of helpless homeless that can be rounded up and "put to sleep" is also limitless. Something has got to be done about the pro cop-killer Mayor dubbed "Big Bird" by some of his New York critics -- and the same goes for his puppet master Communist lesbian wife too.

Start spreadin' disease, I'm leavin' today
I want to infect all of it
New York, New York
These vagabond spores, are longing to spray
Right through every nostril of it
New York, New York
I wanna shut down, that city full of sheep
Make Bill Gates king of the hill
Globalist creep

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that a recount increased New York just death toll by 3,700. It's at 10,000 now!
Boobus Americanus 2: Covid -- bad.


St. Sugar: Demonrats count Covid deaths like they count votes!
Editor: Soon, de Blasio might start counting drug overdose deaths and suicides as "Covid-related."

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