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11 mayo, 2020

#Economics & the #Pandemic, Where’s the #Money coming From?

Israel: A Lab for “The New Vaccine Order”? Towards a Second Lockdown?

By Joshua Tartakovsky, May 08, 2020

As coronavirus broke out, Israel became the first Western country to close itself off to all flights . It then proceeded to enact a total lockdown, preventing its citizens from going beyond 100 meters from their homes. By relying on the General Security Services (Shabak), the Israeli regime using the mobile phone information of the various users, knew the exact location of each and every citizen and could round him up should he leave the confined area. The regime sent its security services, military and police, to arrest people who were walking beyond the confined area for what it deemed an unessential need. Extreme brutality was enacted against ultra-Orthodox Jews, who dared to leave their homes and walk in the streets.


Trudeau Rolls Out His Trumpian COVID-19 Latin America Policy

By Arnold August, May 08, 2020

Firstly, let us look at the COVID-19 issue. Under the auspices of Canada, the countries of Peru, Colombia and Brazil are evaluating the impact of the pandemic on the Americas.  As a corollary, the Trudeau Government claims, the impact on Venezuela must be examined. Perhaps we can help. This chart, adding Ecuador to the countries referenced by Champagne, is based on the reputable Swiss-based scientific agency CDC. It sheds light on the situation. Ecuador is included along with the Champagne list, as they are all Lima Group member states. This group of countries, of which Trudeau was a key founding member back in 2017 and its current top leader, has set the explicit goal of overthrowing the Maduro government.


Economics and the Pandemic: ‘Where’s the Money Coming From? Where’s the Money Going To?

By Bryant Brown, May 08, 2020

Before looking at the details lets do a little recap. The last major crisis in our economic world was a dozen years ago. Then, what is now called the Great

Recession started. It was caused by over a decade of stupid, often illegal mortgage lending in the U. S. that created a financial bubble. And to make matters worse, those valueless mortgages were then bundled together and sold as new ‘securities’ around the world. That new but valueless market grew until the whole thing burst. Stock markets, which up until then had been soaring, plunged. In response the U. S. government passed TARP (the Troubled Asset Relief) bill. “Troubled assets” we were to learn, is Fed Speak for bad loans.


What Future for American High School and University-College Graduates? Grim US “Class of 2020” Job Prospects

By Stephen Lendman, May 08, 2020

Graduating at the onset of a Depression is far worse because of hard to find jobs and few good ones in fields of choice at a time of mass firings and layoffs. On April 8, UCLA.edu said “roughly four million (Americans) enter(ing) the (2020) job market (face ) dim…prospects (because of) (m)ass layoffs and hiring freezes” at a time of a public health crisis and economic collapse.


Palestine President Abbas Threatens to Tear-up Agreements with Israel, US if West Bank Is Annexed

By The New Arab, May 08, 2020

After unilaterally recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in December 2017 and its annexation of the Golan from Syria in March 2019, Trump in late January 2020 unveiled a peace plan for the Middle East that included many concessions to Israel. The peace plan says it would let Israel annex a third of the West Bank, inside which are hundreds of illegal settlements along with the Jordan Valley.


Venezuela: A Failed US Invasion in the Midst of a Pandemic

BDr. Chandra Muzaffar, May 08, 2020

In the midst of a massive global pandemic that has killed tens of thousands of people and wrecked economies all over the world leaving millions jobless, some terrorists and mercenaries allegedly backed by certain governments had on 3rd May 2020 attempted to invade the independent, sovereign state of Venezuela. Organised and trained in neighbouring Colombia, they had landed on the coast of Macuto close to the Venezuelan capital of Caracas. The invasion was foiled by the Venezuelan military and police with the support of the people. Several of the invaders were killed and a couple captured. The captured, both Americans, confessed on Venezuelan TV, that their aim was not only the overthrow of the legally constituted government but also the assassination of the president, Nicolas Maduro. Though the invasion has been thwarted, the captured Americans made it clear that the ouster of the Maduro government was an on-going operation.


Corona Tyranny – and Death by Famine

By Peter Koenig, May 08, 2020

By the end of 2020 more people will have died from hunger, despair and suicide than from the corona disease. We, the world, is facing a famine-pandemic of biblical proportions. This real pandemic will overtake the “COVID-19 pandemic” by a long shot. The hunger pandemic reminds of the movie the Hunger Games, as it is premised on similar circumstances of a dominant few commanding who can eat and who will die – by competition.


Remembrance of a Miracle at the United Nations:  Father Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann, President of the SixtyThird UN General Assembly, 2008-2009

By Carla Stea, May 07, 2020

UN General Assembly President Miguel d’Escoto never wavered in his commitment to global economic and social justice, and the imperative need for a transformation of the global economic architecture to prevent perpetuation of the current grotesque injustices.  President D’Escoto was a priest, and the finest representative of the Liberation Theology which affirmed the profoundest commitment of Christianity, equal social and economic justice for all.  The Vatican was not amused.  Many of the G7, G20 and P5 were not amused, indeed they were terrified that President D’Escoto threatened the current global economic architecture which spawned obscene riches for the very few while multitudes starved.

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