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14 mayo, 2020

New Bill (H.R.6666) Could Cement In Place the #COVID19 #Medical #PoliceState - Stand To Oppose Now

A new bill has been introduced into the 116th Congress (2019-2020) of the U.S. House of Representatives named H.R.6666 - COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act, with the potential to further the loss of the already vanishing health freedoms of each and every citizen of the United States. You can stand with us today by opposing H.R.6666 now (use this link to Take A Stand)

H.R. 6666, despite having been introduced by Rep. Bobby L. Rush [D-IL-1] and referred to the Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce on the same day almost two weeks ago on 5/01/2020, has received little mainstream media coverage to this date, other than recent attempts to debunk claims that it would further violate the rights of Americans. As of 5/14/2020 is has 59 co-sponsors, including one Republican, indicating the potential that it may gain greater bipartisan support unless strongly opposed. 

H.R. 6666 authorizes the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the CDC, to allocate a 100 billion dollars, annually (or until the national COVID emergency is declared over), to employ, train, and deploy an immense workforce of “testing and contact tracers” to be sent directly to everyone’s homes for diagnostic testing and tracing of contacts suspected to have been infected or are at risk of infection with COVID-19. The bill uses broad yet highly vague language to describe the role of this veritable army of new agents of the emerging U.S. medical police state “for other purposes,” such as “support the quarantine of such contacts.” 

The nebulous language of H.R. 6666 affords the government and public and private grantees under its coordination unusually broad discretion to apply its newly granted police powers under the presently defined “national COVID health emergency.”  Since the national lockdown began on March the 15th, we’ve witnessed the near complete suspension of most of our Constitutionally irrevocable civil liberties, with the near complete cessation and/or modification of all socio-economic activity within the country. Moreover, executive orders have already been enacted throughout this country enabling the forced seizure of body tissue and fluids, property, forced vaccination, testing, isolation, quarantine and  arrest without due process. While not all of these draconian regulations have yet been implemented en masse, they exist in the letter of the law and therefore could be enforced, especially given that bills such as H.R.6666 use broad discretionary language leaving it to the government to intepret its meaning and apply force as it sees fit. If H.R. 6666 passes, real "teeth" would be put to many of the laws, acts, orders, and regulations that have been passed as executive orders over the past two months, potentially locking the entire country into an irreversible control grid the likes of which we have not seen outside of countries like China.

In light of this, H.R. 6666 may be setting the stage for the implementation of what WHO director Dr. Mike Ryan of the WHO and Ventura County California officials, say will include forcibly removing family members found positive or suspected of being infected. The only way to prevent this is to make sure the bill is opposed and dies.

Eligible recipients of funds include “faith-based” and “school-based” institutions, implying that these organizations might also become, in part, testing or treatment centers. 

What is Contract Tracing? 

Take a few minutes to watch the important reports by independent journalists Spyro Skouras and James Corbett on the contact tracing agenda in the rapidly unfolding story of coronavirus. 

Contract tracing, which on the surface appears to mitigate the risk of disease spread by identifying carriers and interfering their further contact with the healthy, is based on a series of flawed assumptions: 

  1. The disease known as COVID-19 and believed to be caused by a singular infectious disease entity, i.e. the viral particle known as SARS-CoV-2, has never been validated through Koch postulates to be inducible and solely caused by SARS-CoV-2 within a controlled clinical or experimental setting. Over 100 different types of coronavirus have already been identified in circulation naturally around the world, and there is serious doubt that we can adequately distinguish between natural extracellular vesicles such as human exosomes and novel or endogenous forms of coronovirus already present in the human virome with the tests being used today, namely, RT-PCR. Learn more about this at www.questioningcovid.com

  2. That so-called “positive cases” identified through any number of over 100 different PCR-based and antibody-testing methods are accurate indicators of the presence of COVID-19, or do not generate false positives. If false positives are not accounted for, contract tracing can cause or contribute to a falsely expanding epidemic and those who are unnecessarily quarantined and treated will succumb to greatly elevated iatrogenically induced morbidity and mortality risks, which will never be discovered because the so-called “confirmed case fatality rates for COVID-19” require no viral testing, and only “suspicion of infection.” This is because the WHO and US Vital Statistics agencies explicitly advise against confirming these suspicion-based deaths through viral testing and other clinical means, in an egregious departure from both science and evidence-based medicine. 

If contact tracing is fraught with technical inadequacies, why would it be so aggressively implemented nationwide? One reason is that it provides a justification for total spectrum dominance via real-time surveillance and control of the entire population under the auspices of “public health safety,” into perpetuity. In essence, it is like a new “war on terror,” but with the enemy being defined as our own bodies, or contact between bodies, and the solution the complete removal of any privacy, nor right to exempt oneself or children from medical mandates. The system would likely include tracking GPS data of mobile device users and then following back their contacts to identify, test, isolate, quarantine, medicate, or otherwise vaccinate them when one becomes available most likely in the fall of 2020. The media has already fomented profound fear through misreporting, misrepresenting, and catastrophizing case fatality projections, over the past few months. Their egregious disregard for the truth has lead to socioenomic and psychobiological impacts that are arguably orders of magnitude more harmful and deadly than this, or any other virus believed to contribute to flu-like illness. Clearly, the media and power that be could re-manufacture another crisis, or “second” or “third” wave simply be repeating what they have already one (learn more on the topic via the Corbett Report). At which point, with an army of contact tracers, testers, quarantine enforcers, and medicators and vaccinators, the systems being funded by H.R. 6666 would be ready to further this agenda. 

So, why does H.R. 6666 refrain from providing even the most rudimentary details to how one of the largest and most widespread in impact bills ever introduced will impact those affected? The more vague and broad the language, the less oversight. The truth is that the detailed plans for how H.R.666 will be implemented were already written and revealed to the public a month ago by the Rockefeller Foundation in a 30-page plan titled, “NATIONAL COVID-19 TESTING ACTION PLAN:Pragmatic steps to reopen our workplaces and our communities.” Not coincidentally, the plan proposed the exact same dollar figure was required - 100 billion dollars -- and suggested that between 100-300,000 contract tracers would be needed. 

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