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01 mayo, 2020

#Post - #COVIDLockdown

Seniors, Prisoners and the Plight of the Detroit Majority

By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 30, 2020
During the early weeks of April the state of Michigan was ranking third in the number of deaths and the city of Detroit held the undesirable position of having the highest mortality rates above any other region in the United States. By the conclusion of the month, it appears as if the shelter-in-place and other emergency declarations issued by Governor Gretchen Whitmer have had an effect on curbing transmissions. Many more people are wearing masks and engaging in social distancing on the streets and in businesses declared essential which remain open.

Giulietto Chiesa: Lets Free Ourselves from the Virus of War

By Comitato No Nato, April 29, 2020
We remember the last words pronounced by Giulietto Chiesa at the conclusion of the Conference of April 25th, at the end of the political commitment of his whole life. Truthful, crude words about the gravity of the crisis we are living in. Words that call to the struggle to regain constitutional freedoms.

Welcome to the Era of the Great Disillusionment

By Jonathan Cook, April 29, 2020
Let me preface my argument by making clear I do not intend to express any view about the
truth or falsity of any of these debates – not even the one about reptile rulers. My refusal to publicly take a position should not be interpreted as my implicit endorsement of any of these viewpoints because, after all, only a crazy tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist sympathiser would refuse to make their views known on such matters. Equally, my lumping together of all these disparate issues does not necessarily mean I see them as alike. They are presented in mainstream thinking as similarly proof of an unhinged, delusional, conspiracy-oriented mindset. I am working within a category that has been selected for me.

The Dubious COVID Models, The Tests and Now the Consequences

By F. William Engdahl, April 29, 2020
Two major models are being used in the West since the alleged spread of coronavirus to Europe and USA to “predict” and respond to the spread of COVID-19 illness. One was developed at Imperial College of London. The second was developed, with emphasis on USA effects, by the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) in Seattle, near the home of Microsoft founder Bill Gates. What few know is that both groups owe their existence to generous funding by a tax exempt foundation that stands to make literally billions on purported vaccines and other drugs to treat coronavirus—The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

How to Think Post-Planet Lockdown

By Pepe Escobar, April 29, 2020
What we already know for sure, as Shoshana Zuboff detailed in The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, is that “industrial capitalism followed its own logic of shock and awe” to conquer nature. But now  surveillance capitalism “has human nature in its sights.” In The Human Planet: How We Created the Anthropocene, analyzing the explosion in population growth, increasing energy consumption  and a tsunami of information “driven by the positive feedback loops of reinvestment and profit,” Simon Lewis and Mark Maslin of University College, London, suggest that our current mode of living is the “least probable” among several options. “A collapse or a switch to a new mode of living is more likely.”

Will China Replace Islam as the West’s New Enemy?

By Peter Oborne, April 29, 2020
Huntington was writing after the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the end of the Cold War between Soviet Russia and the West. Rather than an era of peace, Huntingdon forecast a new struggle between what he viewed as irreconcilable enemies: Islam and the West. Huntington asserted that identity, rather than ideology, lay at the heart of contemporary politics. “What are you?”, he asked, “and as we know, from Bosnia to the Caucasus to the Sudan, the wrong answer to that question can mean a bullet in the head.”

The Myth of V-Shape US Economic Recovery

By Dr. Jack Rasmus, April 29, 2020
The spin is in! Trump administration economic ‘message bearers’, Steve Mnuchin, US Treasury Secretary, and Kevin Hasset, senior economic adviser to Trump, this past Sunday on the Washington TV talking heads circuit launched a coordinated effort to calm the growing public concern that the current economic contraction may be as bad (or worse) than the great depression of the 1930s.

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