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14 mayo, 2020

#Quarantine program: #USgovernment looks to “#remove” #COVID #infected #residents from their #homes

(NaturalHealth365) Blown out of proportion or necessary caution? There are certain elements of the COVID-19 pandemic that seem like reasonable attempts to save lives and slow the apparent spread of the novel coronavirus. But there’s at least one turn of events that screams tyrannical: the forced removal of people from their own homes in the name of quarantine for COVID.

A newly proposed bill, entitled “H.R.6666 – COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act” would permit the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to various entities performing “diagnostic testing for COVID–19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals’ residences, and for other purposes.”  Naturally, this legislation says testing is not mandatory, but “you should!”

Of course, many concerned citizens are now questioning what these “other purposes” really are. And the buck doesn’t stop there – as announced by the Pentagon, there are even life-changing implications for the military and COVID-19.

Government program in California promises to “trace and monitor” COVID-19 patients

When we read between the lines of Ventura County, California’s recent announcement of their planned COVID-19 mitigation approach, we have reason to fear major government overstepping.

As you can see in the below video, Ventura County public health director Dr. Robert Levin recently suggested that in some cases, patients testing positive for COVID-19 might be removed from their homes and put into “other kinds of housing,” allegedly to prevent other people in their home from getting sick.

Check out this video below at the 6:00 minute mark:

Can you believe this is happening in the United States?

Imagine finding out that your spouse, child, mother, or roommate tests positive for COVID-19, and then being told by local officials that you’re “not going to be able to keep the person in that home.” And what would happen if you said no to the people at your door coming to take your sick family member away?

It should be noted that since the release of this abhorrent video, and the understandable public backlash, Levin has since recanted or played down the idea of forced quarantine. But until and unless conversations from our officials become clearer and more clarified, we join many in their deep unease.

Pentagon says a history of COVID-19 diagnosis and hospitalization “permanently” disqualifies recruits from serving the country

With so much uncertainty – and flip-flopping recommendations on how to mitigate the spread of the pandemic disease – it’s not hard to feel a bit unsure about what we’re hearing from government officials these days.

Remember on March 8, 2020, when Dr. Anthony Fauci said in an interview 60 Minutes that there’s “no reason” to wear masks in public and that masks even may introduce unintended harm by increasing the likelihood that people will touch their face?

At the time he was specifically talking about surgical masks – perhaps as a call to preserve personal protective eqiupment (PPE) for medical workers. But even now that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends cloth masks in public, these homemade face coverings still don’t offer full protection against viral droplets (they never have).

Certainly we can hope they’ll help – but the fact that even infectious disease experts who supposedly have spent their careers studying and preparing for these exact scenarios can so quickly backpedal their own advice is exasperating.

This is exactly why so many people are floored by the early May statement from the Pentagon which said that any military recruit who had previously been hospitalized with COVID-19 would be permanently barred from serving. Only a waiver process and additional medical testing could potentially circumvent the disqualification. According to a May 7 Times article about the new restrictions, this move “adds COVID-19 hospitalization to a long list of medical conditions – such as asthma – that require waivers.”

We understand the “erring on the side of caution” approach to this mess, and we certainly don’t want to see anyone else lose their lives – or livelihoods – over this pandemic illness. But we cannot ignore the signs of some officials encroaching on citizens’ basic rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

What sort of precedent is being set?  If COVID-19 is supposed to come back in waves as the 1918 influenza pandemic did and as public officials claim, what more are we supposed to expect in the near future?

Sources for this article include:


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