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19 mayo, 2020

The #FaceMask: A Powerful #Symbol of #COVID #Oppression

A few weeks ago face masks were said to be useless and even dangerous against COVID-19. Now, people are urged to wear them and some cities are making them mandatory. Was this complete 180 made for health reasons? Or to create a specific social climate?

May 18, 2020
Vigilant Citizen

After two months of COVID-19 panic and terror, the world is now being ushered into a “new normal”. However, there is nothing “new” nor “normal” about an oppressive police state that haphazardly revokes rights and freedoms while citizens snitch on each other. Nope, such regimes have existed in the past. And, in societies that dare call themselves “free” and “democratic”, the “new normal” is an aberration – a slippery slope towards a global totalitarian regime.

Despite the fact that all viruses inevitably peak and phase-out from human circulation, profound and permanent changes are being made to society. And, to the elite, COVID-19 is the perfect opportunity to create a society that is rooted in fear, dehumanization, and widespread distrust of the “other”

Since symbols rule the world, one symbol perfectly embodies this “new normal”: The face mask.

A headline from Canada about masks and the “new normal”. Equivalent headlines can be found across the world.

Although face masks were deemed useless and even dangerous only weeks ago, they are now being enforced in several cities around the world. What happened?

Did science make a last-minute, game-changing discovery about masks? No. However, those who are profiting from this crisis saw an opportunity: It can be instrumentalized to create a specific social climate. It is about keeping fear, anxiety, and paranoia going. It is about being constantly reminded that things are NOT going back to normal. In short, it is about social engineering.

Here’s how the usage of the face mask made an inorganic, unnatural about-face in cities worldwide.

Not Necessary

In the early onset of the pandemic, nearly all organizations and specialists advised against wearing a mask. Here’s an infographic made by the World Health Organization (WHO) in late 2019.

“For healthy people wear a mask only if you are taking care of a person with suspected 2019-nCoV infection”.

In March 2020, the WHO was still advising against wearing masks.

Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO health emergencies program said at a media briefing:

“There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit. In fact, there’s some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly.”

Meanwhile, the US Surgeon General was also urging people to not wear masks.

In April, Dr. Brosseau, a national expert on respiratory protection and infectious diseases at the University of Illinois at Chicago published an article titled “Masks-for-all for COVID-19 not based on sound data”. She wrote:

“Sweeping mask recommendations—as many have proposed—will not reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission, as evidenced by the widespread practice of wearing such masks in Hubei province, China, before and during its mass COVID-19 transmission experience earlier this year. Our review of relevant studies indicates that cloth masks will be ineffective at preventing SARS-CoV-2 transmission, whether worn as source control or as PPE.

Surgical masks likely have some utility as source control (meaning the wearer limits virus dispersal to another person) from a symptomatic patient in a healthcare setting to stop the spread of large cough particles and limit the lateral dispersion of cough particles. They may also have very limited utility as source control or PPE in households.


If masks had been the solution in Asia, shouldn’t they have stopped the pandemic before it spread elsewhere?”

On the official website of the Canadian government, a page lists lots of reasons why homemade masks are practically useless while also hindering oxygen intake.

Homemade masks are not medical devices and are not regulated like medical masks and respirators. Their use poses a number of limitations:
they have not been tested to recognized standards
the fabrics are not the same as used in surgical masks or respirators
the edges are not designed to form a seal around the nose and mouth
they may not provide complete protection against virus-sized particles
they can be difficult to breathe through and can prevent you from getting the required amount of oxygen needed by your body

These types of masks may not be effective in blocking virus particles that may be transmitted by coughing, sneezing or certain medical procedures. They do not provide complete protection from virus particles because of a potential loose fit and the materials used.

Fast forward a few weeks. Here’s a headline from the CBC (which is funded by the Canadian government).

What happened? The answer can be summed up in one word: Agenda.

Complete 180 and Media Mask-arade

After advising against the mask for weeks, the CDC made a complete 180 in early April.

This decision was not the result of new science. The world elite realized that the widespread usage of the mask creates the perfect fear-based social climate to advance its agenda. It can be used to justify longer lockdowns, intrusive contact tracing and all kinds of oppressive measures.

Of course, a shameless media mask-arade quickly ensued.

The governor of Colorado wearing a mask during a press conference.

The mayor of Los Angeles wears a mask during a press conference, saying “this is the new style”.

In this slightly terrifying Instagram post, Hillary Clinton dubs the mask “the must-have accessory for spring”.

Of course, children around the world are being indoctrinated into wearing the mask.

Probably the most grotesque use of the mask for agenda reasons can be found during White House press conferences.

Although these people are outside and spread apart, these reporters are wearing masks for the cameras.

A journalist asking a muffled question behind his face mask – a perfect way to symbolize mass media being “muffled” by the elite.

When the cameras are off, the reporters turn into the rapper Future when he chants “Mask off, f*ck it mask off”.

White House reporters removed their masks after a press conference. Also, no social distancing.

The same hypocrisy was also found indoors.

The mask is for show? pic.twitter.com/XnRLiEJ1L5
— Power Tie (@realPowerTie) May 15, 2020

This media mask-arade has a specific goal: To normalize the widespread use of the mask in public places. And governments around the world are being pressured to make the mask mandatory.

A recent article that throws around the words “science” and “expert” to force mask compliance.

On May 11th, the city of Paris made masks mandatory in public transportation. The city is already testing ways to enforce it.

A headline from Bloomberg about Paris testing face recognition software to identify those who do not wear a mask.

The Meaning of the Mask

Do not be fooled. The elite is not enforcing the mask because it cares about your health. It is all about the agenda. As COVID infections and deaths drop around the world, the masses are looking to go back to some kind of normalcy. They do NOT want that. The widespread use of the mask is the perfect tool to keep COVID-related fear and oppression going.

It does not take a Robert Langdon from DaVicinci Code to realize that the mask is a powerful symbol. A person wearing a mask is a startling sight that affects us on a visceral level. It instantly triggers our deeply-rooted fear of illness and death. It unconsciously raises our brain’s stress and anxiety levels while alerting us of impending danger. Each masked face is a reminder that things are not normal, that we should be afraid, and that we are still looking for outside forces to save us.

On a human level, the mask dehumanizes the people around us. How can we relate and associate with other people if we cannot tell if they’re smiling or not? How can we connect with other people if we can only communicate using muffled words through a piece of cloth? We can’t. Quite to the contrary, the mask says: Stay away from me, I don’t trust you.

What about the children who are growing up in this climate? They are being “groomed” into believing that this new normal is … normal.

This specific social climate is pure gold for social engineers who are looking to profoundly alter society. A society that is subjected to fear and panic becomes irrational and readily accepts any measure that promises some kind of safety. And this is what is happening now.

In Conclusion

To be clear, I personally do not care if you wear a mask or not. If it makes you feel safer, then, by all means, wear one. You can even cover your eyes and ears for all I care. However, if you began wearing a mask after the media mask-arade, ask yourself this question: Why now? Can’t you make decisions based on facts and your research rather than blindly obeying mass media?

Because, right now, the mask is not about health – it is about turning you into a walking, talking agent of fear.

P.S. The economic crisis caused by COVID-19 has caused a massive drop in advertising revenues, making it difficult for independent websites such as The Vigilant Citizen to remain afloat. If you appreciated this article, please consider showing your support through a small monthly donation on Patreon. If you prefer, you can also make a one-time donation here. Your support will help this site navigate these difficult times as it continues to provide vital information and analysis on a regular basis. Thank you!

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