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24 mayo, 2020

Why No #BigNames on the #Stupid19 #DeathList?

by Mike King

NY Times: Donald Reed Herring, Brother of Elizabeth Warren, Dies of Coronavirus


The 86-year old brother of Loony Lizzy Warren died last month -- allegedly due to the big bad Coronavirus. The reason we're revisiting this now is because your ever-suspicious reporter here just realized something: There are no "big names" (neither nationally nor locally) that have died of Stupid-19. The best the Fake News has been able to come up with was Senatorette Warren's very old brother. But if Stupid-19 was as deadly as we’ve been led to believe, one would have expected some younger to middle-aged, or even 70-80 something year old muckety-mucks to surely have died from it by now, right? After all, killer viruses don't discriminate.

And yet, despite the hype surrounding the alleged (and obviously harmless) infection of CNN/CIA journalist Chris Cuomo, ABC/CIA propagandist George Stephanopoulos, and pedo-monster actor Tom Hanks and a handful of other notables, we have yet to hear of a single such fatality among the thousands of individuals whose deaths would have certainly been reported (with breathless glee) by the devious denizens of national or local “mainstream media.” As far as our memory and search engine research have been able to determine, no celebrities have died; no professional athletes (present or retired); no college athletes, no politicians, no big businessmen, no university presidents, no university department heads nor hot shot academics. This strange death dearth among the famous, near famous -- or even just relatively well known within their states or cities -- is truly bizarre, astonishing even. One need not be a “conspiracy theorist” ™ to wonder if this “pandemic” was ever even real – beyond the very old and/or sick who either did die with Covid -- or were deliberately knocked-off in the nursing killing homes and homicidal hospitals -- or (due to financial incentives) had their death certificates falsely coded as “Covid” instead of the true cause.

Cuomo, Stephanopoulos & Tom Hanks pretended to have Stupid-19, but never even seemed sick. As far as noteworthy personages, no one has been reported dead.

Sound statistical analysis requires a decent sampling size to draw logical inferences / extrapolations. Here are some population estimates of various categories to ponder over (United States):

(*Sports associated estimates include players, coaches, assistants, General Managers, cheerleaders, owners)
Professional Football Personnel: 2,500
Professional Baseball: 1,100
Professional Basketball: 900
Professional Hockey: 900
Ex Professional Athletes under 60 (est.): 20,000
College Football (NCAA / Division 1): 7,800
College Basketball (NCAA / Division 1): 3,000
Members of 2016 U.S. Olympic Team: 558
Members of 2012 U.S. Olympic Team: 530
Race Car Driving, Tennis, Golf, Boxing, Wrestling etc: 1000

TOTAL: 37,730

President, Cabinet, Spouses and Children: 100
Ex-presidents, Cabinet, Spouses and Children: 500
Top Tier of Executive Branch: 200
U.S. Congressmen: 435
Spouses / Children: (Est) 1,200
U.S. Congressmen Staffs: 5,000
Ex U.S. Congressmen: 400
U.S. Senators: 100
Spouses / Children: (Est) 400
U.S. Senators Staff: 1,000
Supreme Court Justices: 9
SC Family Members: 40
State Governors: 50
Spouses / Children: (Est) 200
State Gov. Department Heads: 500
Ex-State Governors: 300
State Legislators: 7,383
State Senators, 1.972
State Supreme Court Justices: 450 (est.)
Mayors: 19,000
Federal Judges: 800
U.S. Ambassadors: 150

TOTAL: 40,190


Top Tier of FBI, DOJ, CIA: 200
Chief of Police of top 200 cities in U.S.: 200
County Sheriffs: 3,007
Heads of State Police: 50

TOTAL: 3,457

CEO’s of Fortune 500 Companies: 500
CFO’s of Fortune 500 Companies: 500
Ex-CEO's and CFO's: 1500

TOTAL: 2,500

A-List or B-list Actors / Actresses: Est 300
Various Producers / Directors / Writers: 100
Musicians / Singers: 100

TOTAL: 500

College / University Presidents: 4,000
School Superintendents: 13,700

TOTAL: 17, 700

Journalists & Reporters / National & Local: 1,000
Newspaper owners and publishers in major markets: 200
Newscasters / National & Local: 2,000

TOTAL: 3,200



1. Is there a single attendee from the 2016 Demonrat National Convention that has died of Stupid-19? We do not believe so. // 2. The 2016 U.S. Olympic athletes? No deaths there. // 3. Not a single dead county sheriff from any of America's 3,007 counties?

There are many 1000’s more individuals – and spouses / children of said persons-- that one can think of whose deaths would have rated a mention on the national Fake News giants or any of the myriad local affiliates or small town newspapers that are all so determined to pump up this phony crisis in accordance with Bill Gates' "Event 201" directives. And yet, there is NOT ONE major nor minor muckety-muck (*please do tell us if you know of any) under the age of 85 on the Covid-19 death list in the United States. How can this possibly be?

And for this imaginary “crisis,” the PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) has thrown 30 million people out of work and onto the welfare rolls; destroyed businesses, racked-up trillions more in public debt, and got healthy people walking around in idiotic masks and living in dreadful fear of other healthy people? Think about it a while --- and you'll realize why we call it "Stupid-19" --- because you have to be stupid, to believe it.

1. Trump's State of Union speech before U.S. Congress --- none of the 600 or so attendees have died. // 2. Girly Bill and Manly Melinda should be arrested, tried and executed for the damage they have inflicted upon America and the world with their Satanic scamdemic.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times that Elizabeth Warren's older brother died of Covid-19.
Boobus Americanus 2: This virus touches everyone, big and small.


St. Sugar: Is that so, Boobuss? Then name for me ssomeone of note in politicss, ssportss, entertainment, business or academia who died of Stupid-19!
Editor: Abject stupidity is now "the new normal."

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