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19 junio, 2020

#BillGates #funded #GM #mosquitoes could be released this #summer


(NaturalHealth365) Lately, many say the government is giving a lot of leeway to the biotech and medical industries, even though it’s yet to be seen whether such drastic steps actually benefit the public good. One example would be the emergency use authorizations given to companies to allow for accelerated testing and manufacturing of COVID-19 treatments and vaccines. Another example is … genetically modified mosquitoes?

Grab your bug repellent.  Just last month, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) granted an experimental use permit to a biotech company that will allow them to release lab-made bugs into the wild. The company is backed by Bill Gates through his multi-billion dollar foundation.

U.S. EPA greenlights experimental release of genetically modified mosquitoes in the United States

On May 1, the EPA announced that they granted a special permit to a biotech company named Oxitec (which receives funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation). With this permit in hand, Oxitec

will be permitted to release genetically modified mosquitoes in Florida and Texas.

Oxitec and the EPA claim that the experimental release of these genetically engineered Aedes aegypti mosquitoes is intended to test whether they will “protect public health from mosquito-borne illnesses.”  The EPA continues brazenly in their official statement that “only male mosquitoes will be released into the environment and they do not bite people,” so “they will not pose a risk to people. It is also anticipated that there would be no adverse effects to animals such as bats and fish in the environment.”

Allegedly, the male mosquitoes have been engineered with an abnormal protein that “will inhibit the survival of their female offspring when they mate with wild female mosquitoes.”

The experiment for the so-called “Biopesticide Tool” is slated to last two years.

3 natural ways to protect yourself from unwanted bug bites this summer

Between the release of genetically engineered insects and the so-called “murder hornets” we heard about a few weeks ago, many people are left feeling like we’re in for an interesting summer.  But with the warm season upon us, many of us are preparing to spend more time outside, enjoy the weather, get that health-boosting vitamin D, and spend quality time with friends and family (as much as possible, anyway, depending on how much social distancing is being enforced).

Unfortunately, conventional bug repellents are loaded with chemicals of concern that have been linked to everything from skin irritation and blisters to seizures and neurtoxicity – and we’re not just talking about N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET). Other potentially toxic chemicals found in popular bug repellents (which are actually classified as pesticides by the EPA) include cyfluthrin, permethrin, and pyrethroids.

So, instead of spraying yourself and your children with these potentially harmful substances, consider alternative, more holistic options instead, including:

  1. Clove oil: One 2013 study from the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease determined that 0.1 mL of clove oil mixed in coconut oil protected against bug bites for a little more than 90 minutes.
  2. Citronella: The same 2013 study determined that 0.1 mL of citronella mixed in olive oil offered 165 minutes of protection. This study was small and involved just one volunteer, but the results are promising and corroborate plenty of other studies supporting the use of essential oils for bug repelling. Other essential oils that may repel mosquitoes and other insects include peppermint oil, lemongrass oil, and lemon eucalyptus oil.
  3. Basil: Consider planting this herb around your house for fresh flavor and relief from pesky critters. A 2011 review published in Malaria Journal cites several studies which support the use of basil as a moderately effective way to repel disease-carrying bugs. For instance, Kenyan research has found that potted basil offers nearly 40% protection against mosquitoes bearing malaria, while other lab data shows that essential oil of basil applied topically provides as much as 100% protection against mosquitoes carrying yellow fever.

Be mindful that just because a product is marketed as “natural or plant-based” doesn’t always necessarily mean it’s safe or effective for you. This is especially true for something like pure essential oils, which often need to be diluted with a carrier oil prior to putting on the skin.

So, pay attention to how your skin and body reacts to the product you choose.

Sources for this article include:


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