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05 julio, 2020

#Trump’s #ForeignPolicy

Trump’s Record on Foreign Policy: Lost Wars, New Conflicts and Broken Promises

By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, July 02, 2020

On June 13, President Donald Trump told the graduating class at West Point, “We are ending the era of endless wars.” That is what Trump has promised since 2016, but the “endless” wars have not ended. Trump has dropped more bombs and missiles than George W. Bush or Barack Obama did in their first terms, and there are still roughly as many US bases and troops overseas as when he was elected.


Children’s Health Defense Responds to Accusation of Spreading “Misinformation” on Facebook

By Jeremy R. Hammond and Children’s Health Defense, July 01, 2020

In November 2019, the Washington Post and other major news media accused Children’s Health Defense (CHD) of using Facebook advertisements to spread “misinformation” about vaccines. The basis for these accusations, which have since continued, is a study published in the prestigious medical journal Vaccine that named CHD as a top buyer of vaccine-related Facebook ads. What the media failed to inform the public, however, is that the government-funded authors of this study failed to identify even a single example of a Facebook ad from CHD that contained any misinformation.


The 1968 My Lai Massacre: The Scene of the Crime

By Seymour M. Hersh, July 01, 2020

In testimony before an Army inquiry, some of the soldiers acknowledged being at the ditch but claimed that they had disobeyed Calley, who was ordering them to kill. They said that one of the main shooters, along with Calley himself, had been Private First Class Paul Meadlo. The truth remains elusive, but one G.I. described to me a moment that most of his fellow-soldiers, I later learned, remembered vividly. At Calley’s order, Meadlo and others had fired round after round into the ditch and tossed in a few grenades.


A Canada Day Surprise: How a ‘Synthetic Nationalism’ Was Created to Break the US-Russia Alliance

By Matthew Ehret-Kump, July 01, 2020

The motive for this 1867 confederation was driven by the British Empire’s burning fear of losing its valuable possessions in the Americas during the course of the Civil War when Britain’s “other confederacy” operation against Lincoln’s union was obviously going to fail. The fact that the U.S.-Russian alliance that saved the Union in 1863 and led into the sale of Alaska in 1867 would also usher in an inevitable growth of rail development through the Bering Strait connecting both civilizations was a prospect devoutly to be feared by the City of London.


Remembering the Handover of ‘One Palestine, Complete’

By Jehan Alfarra, July 01, 2020

On this day in 1920, the first High Commissioner for Palestine, 1st Viscount Samuel, Herbert Samuel, was handed the administration of the country by the British government and signed a receipt acknowledging that he had received “one Palestine, complete”. It was still another three years before the Mandate for Palestine granted to Britain by the League of Nations came into effect.


July 1st 1867: Canada’s National Sovereignty: America’s Plan to Annex and Invade Canada

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 01, 2020

While Canadians are familiar with the 1866 US Plan to Annex Canada, they are unaware of the fact that the US had formulated a plan in the late 1920s to bomb and invade Canada. (This is not mentioned in our history books and it is not the object of critical media reports.) The war plan directed against Canada initially formulated in 1924 was entitled “Joint Army and Navy Basic War Plan — Red”. It was approved by the US War Department under the presidency of Herbert Hoover in 1930. It was updated in 1934 and 1935 during the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was withdrawn in 1939 (but not abolished) following the outbreak of the Second World War.


Israeli Police Brutality: Unnoticed Murder of Palestinian Autistic Man Eyad Hallaq

By Robert Fantina, July 01, 2020

In 2015, Israel passed a law that states the penalty for throwing rocks at moving cars can be up to twenty years in prison. Palestinians living under occupation in Jerusalem and the West Bank have no weapons, although Israelis are allowed to carry any and all weapons they want. So, Palestinians use what they have to oppose the occupation, and that is generally rocks.


Is it “Canada Day” or “Dominion Day”? Stolen Indigenous Lands, First Nations’ “Idle No More” Calls for #CancelCanadaDay

By Kim Petersen, July 01, 2020

July 1 is celebrated by many Canadians as Canada Day. Originally it was called Dominion Day to commemorate the establishment of the Dominion of Canada. But not every inhabitant of “Canada” will be celebrating. On that day, the Indigenous activist organization, Idle No More, is calling for “3 hours of Indigenous Resistance and Resurgence!”

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