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05 julio, 2020

#USWarCrimes: The #Massacre at #MyLai

Сriminal Roots of Kosovo Further Exposed by Thaçi’s Indictment in The Hague

By Paul Antonopoulos, June 29, 2020

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić was due to meet Kosovo leader Hashim Thaçi on Saturday at the White House. This was at the behest of US envoy for Kosovo-Serbia negotiations, Richard Grenell, after his much-publicized success in organizing the meeting. However, his success was short lived after Thaçi became indicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity on June 24 by the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor’s Office.


EU Parliament Members Expose 5G Safety Authority Being Influenced by Telecom Industry

By Environmental Health Trust, June 29, 2020

A new report released by European Members of Parliments Michèle Rivasi (Europe Écologie) and Dr. Klaus Buchner (Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei) accuses the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), an organization many governments consider an authority on the safety of 5G and cell phone radiation, of being under the influence of the telecommunications industry and ignoring the science showing their harmful effects.


How a False Hydroxychloroquine Narrative Was Created. “Dangerous” When Used for Covid-19

By Dr. Meryl Nass, June 29, 2020

It is remarkable that a series of events taking place over the past 3 months produced a unified message about hydroxychloroquine, and produced similar policies about the drug in the US, Canada, Australia, NZ and western Europe.  The message is that generic, inexpensive hydroxychloroquine is dangerous and should not be used to treat a potentially fatal disease, Covid-19, for which there are no (other) reliable treatments.


First You Bomb and Starve a Country. Then You’re Praised for Sending in Aid.

By Sarah Lazare, June 29, 2020

The United Nations describes itself in its charter as an international moral authority created to “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.” But activists who are trying to end the U.S. war on Yemen say that, in a dark twist on this mission, the international body is withholding criticism from the U.S.-Saudi military coalition, and effusively praising its leaders, to avoid jeopardizing donations to humanitarian funds aimed at helping ease the suffering created by that war. As Jehan Hakim, the chair of the Yemeni Alliance Committee, puts it, “The same hand we’re asking to feed Yemen is the same hand that is helping bomb them.”


US War Crimes: The Massacre at My Lai

By Seymour M. Hersh, June 29, 2020

Early on March 16, 1968, a company of soldiers in the United States Army’s Americal Division were dropped in by helicopter for an assault against a hamlet known as My Lai 4, in the bitterly contested province of Quang Ngai, on the northeastern coast of South Vietnam. A hundred G.I.s and officers stormed the hamlet in military-textbook style, advancing by platoons; the troops expected to engage the Vietcong Local Force 48th Battalion—one of the enemy’s most successful units—but instead they found women, children, and old men, many of them still cooking their breakfast rice over outdoor fires. During the next few hours, the civilians were murdered. Many were rounded up in small groups and shot, others were flung into a drainage ditch at one edge of the hamlet and shot, and many more were shot at random in or near their homes.


While the World Burns, the Road Map to War with Iran Continues

By Timothy Alexander Guzman, June 29, 2020

Let’s face it, the long prediction held by many all agree on one thing, the US empire is on the way into the dustbins of history, but not without a fight to the end.  Geopolitically speaking, the US military-industrial complex is still occupying Afghanistan and Iraq and is seeking to increase tensions with China, Iran and Venezuela.  It will cost the US taxpayers trillions of dollars more on top of the trillions already spent on war, covert actions involving intelligence gathering, targeted assassinations and regime change operations. There is also the fact that several major powers including Russia, China, Iran and several others are dumping US dollars to reduce their exposure to sanctions constantly imposed by Washington.


Sudan: Popular Struggles, Elite Compromises, and Revolution Betrayed

By John Young, June 29, 2020

After more than six months of sustained and growing demonstrations across Sudan demanding the overthrow of President Omar al-Bashir, on 11 April 2019  the military placed him under arrest and attempted to rule the country for an indeterminate period before national elections would be held.  This was the course taken by a previous generation of military officers in 1985 after similar country-wide demonstrations to remove President Jafaar Nimeiri, who like al-Bashir had come to power by overthrowing an elected government.  After a one-year transitional military government dedicated to advancing the interests of Islamists and quashing the demands of the protestors an election was held in 1986 that brought Sudan’s traditional elites under Sadiq el-Mahdi to power.

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