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26 agosto, 2020

#ADL & #Google #Attack #QAnon as "#AntiSemitic"

by Mike King

In October of 1913, with the backing of big Jews, the ADL (Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith) was founded by Sigmund Livingston -- in large measure as a direct response to the recent trial of Leo Frank. Frank was a wealthy Jewish pencil factory manager (his family's business) and the president of the Atlanta chapter of the pre-ADL B'nai B'rith. On April 26, 1913, he raped and murdered a young employee named Mary Phagan, age 13 -- and then tried to frame an innocent Black janitor for the crime. Of course, the ADL -- then and now -- maintains that poor little Leo was the victim of "anti-Semitism."

Local and state officials resisted intense pressure from the New York Jews and their henchmen to commute Frank's death sentence to life in prion instead. When that effort failed, (((they))) worked the Feds to save Frank. Finally, in August 1915, word came down from the Georgia Governor's office that Frank was to be spared. It turned out that Governor John M. Slaton (D) was once a law partner with Pedo Frank's Defense Counsel. As a result, Slaton's political career was soon finished, though he remained a hero to the ever-persecuted-ones (cough cough).

Angry over the many months of delays -- and now, an actual commutation -- and fearful that Frank's

New York fanboys might one day arrange to even have the little monster retried and released -- angry Georgians finally took matters into their own hands. The "good-ol-boys" stormed the prison -- as guards "looked the other way" -- grabbed Frank and lynched the little pedo-raping-demon themselves, on August 17, 1915. 2-year old ADL then made a martyr of Frank.

The charter of the ADL states:

"The immediate object of the League is to stop, by appeals to reason and conscience and, if necessary, by appeals to law, the defamation of the Jewish people. Its ultimate purpose is to secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike and to put an end forever to unjust and unfair discrimination against and ridicule of any sect or body of citizens."

But the ADL’s true purpose is to protect the Rothschild / Soros / Jewish Mafia from exposure. Anyone who dares to call attention to the workings of the New World Order gang will be denounced by the ADL as “anti-Semitic .” The ADL continues, to this day, to destroy political and journalistic careers in this way. And now, Rothschild's ADL has a new target --- Q Anon. And in this effort to counter the Q Army, (((they))) have enlisted the support of another mighty Jewish-founded (Sergei Brin & Larry Page) organization --- Google.

Leo Frank -- the rapist / killer of Mary Phagin -- who then tried to frame an innocent Black man named Jim Conley for the crime  -- (Oh "they" just love and care about them Black folk sooo much though, don't they?) -- was finally lynched by the righteous men of Georgia in 1915. The ADL (which was founded as a result of Frank's 1913 conviction) still claims that Pedo Leo was innocent.

1. Useful goyim idiot John M. Slaton (possibly under pressure by President Woodrow Wilson) committed political suicide by commuting Frank's death sentence. // 2. "Crowd of 10,000 Marches Upon the Governor's Home." // 3. In 2015, (100th Anniversary of Frank's lynching) the Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation honored Slaton with a historical road marker.

ADL'S direct opening salvo against Q Anon was posted on its website a few weeks ago -- a 2,100 word litany of lies under the catagory: "Anti-Semitism in the U.S. / Extremism, Terrorism and Bigotry (here) On August 5th, ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt tweeted:

"QAnon is a dangerous conspiracy theory whose adherents claim, among other things, that the world is controlled by a politically powerful group of child sex traffickers. And yet Facebook continues to allow this ideology on its site."

Days later, Mark Zuckerberg's Fakebook began removing hundreds of Q Anon accounts -- including one with 200,000 followers. Twitter and You Tube -- with the ADL's "encouragement"-- have also been cracking down. And now, the biggest of them all -- Google -- has answered ADL's call to unholy war against Q Anon, and in the boldest way imaginable.

The intensifying media blitz against Q Anon -- rapidly approaching "flood the zone" proportions -- is obviously driving millions of curious newbies to the Google Search Engine. After entering "Q Anon" and hitting enter, the very first top of page result is an ad (a very expensive one, no doubt) that reads :

Ad **********

QAnon - ADL.org

Antisemitism and hate must end. With your help, we are working endlessly to stop it. When you support ADL, you are helping to bring about a world that is more inclusive. Report an Incident. Back to School Resources. Organize a Training



As of the publication of this article -- the top page ADL ad has since disappeared. Maybe NSA sabotaged it? Trust us. It was there!


Google role in this anti-Q operation offers the company a degree of "plausible deniability" -- "Don't look at us. We only  sold the ad."  That may be so, but why is an ADL ad showing up as #1 on a search for "QAnon?" The ADL may have requested certain key words, but by granting the ADL the ability to link its ad to QAnon searches, Google (which blocked ads for my Planet Rothschild books) is deliberately facilitating the libel -- though technically, neither ADL nor Google can be accused of smearing innocent people because Q Anon is not directly mentioned in the ad. Clever rascals.

All in all, this is welcome news because it not only shows that Q Anon has arrived -- but it will ultimately introduce more and more "conspiracy theory" newbies to the "Jewish Question" -- albeit while scaring the useless weaklings away with the usual screams of "Anti-Semitism! Anti-Semitism!" That's OK -- we're looking for quality, not just quantity, to grow our ranks.

Greenblatt's ADL is so worried about a "baseless conspiracy theory" that it had to conspire with Google to rig the results for what is now one of the most searched for terms -- "Q Anon" --- What's got you so worried there, eh schemer?

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