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13 agosto, 2020

How the "#DeathToll" for #Stupid19 is #Faked #COVID19

NY Times: U.S. Surpasses 150,000 Coronavirus Deaths, Far Eclipsing Projections

The national toll shows how difficult predicting the virus — or human behavior — can be. President Trump and leading experts have at times said that deaths would be much lower.


The “Editorial Board” of The Anti-New York Times warned its readership months ago that because there is a constant fresh supply of dead bodies from various causes -- 2.9 million per year in the United States to be precise -- phony “flares-ups” and “second waves” of Stupid-19 would be about as easy to engineer as the opening or closing of a water spigot. Now, nearly six months into the great Globalist Scamdemic, the felonious faucet of fatality has pumped up the “national death toll” to 150,000, and counting. How is this sickening sleight of hand achieved? The methods are surprisingly simple.

Before we review the magic tricks behind these fake numbers, let us note that even if one were to accept, purely for argument’s sake, this phony 150,000 number as absolute truth --- that in a nation of 330 million inhabitants, the figure amounts to just 1 Stupid-19 death per every 2,200 persons. That's hardly the stuff of the Medieval "Black Death" plague. And with an average age per alleged Covid death of 80 -- with 95% of the deceased having had at least one other life-threatening condition -- moderately healthy people under the age of 75 are actually more likely to die by choking to death on a

meal than succumbing to Stupid-19. So, you see, even the false official story of Stupid-19 can hardly be classified as a “deadly pandemic.”

The "second wave" magic trick has brought us to a still-rising total of 150,000 fake (or mostly fake) deaths from Stupid-19. How are (((they))) pulling this off?


1. Presumption of cases without testing

2. Rigged kits & crooked labs

3. Death "with" Covid, but not "from" Covid

4. Politicians inflating numbers after the fact

5. Medical murders in hospitals & nursing homes


1. Cases Misdiagnosed by "Symptoms” and "Presumption"

Hospitals and nursing homes are – as per CDC directives – are allowed to diagnose cases “by symptoms” and still receive their hefty per case Covid commission checks. How many cases of pneumonia, influenza, COPD and even heart attacks and strokes etc. were diagnosed as “presumed” Stupid-19 “by symptoms” such as fever or difficulty breathing? Answer: Lots!

From the CDC’s own bloody website / Q&A:

National Vital Statistics System

Covid – 19 Alert #2 / March 19, 2020

Q: What happens if the terms reported on the death certificate indicate uncertainty?

A: If the death certificate reports terms such as “probable COVID-19” or “likely COVID-19,” these terms would be assigned the new ICD code. It is not likely that NCHS will follow up on these cases. (here)

Translation: "Go ahead and put 'Covid-19' on the Death Certificate -- We won't ever 'follow up.'" (wink wink -- cha ching cha ching for you!)


Headline: New York Times (March 27, 2020)

A Heart Attack? No. It was the Coronavirus



Headline: Statnews.com (June 25, 2020)

Covid-19 Brain Complications Include Stroke and Dementia-like Syndrome


2. Cases Diagnosed by Faulty Kits / Rigged Lab Tests

LabCorp and Quest Diagnostics are handling the bulk of the tests. The Mayo Clinic is also conducting many of them. Apart from the fact that LabCorp and Quest are Fortune 500 giants  that cannot be trusted – and that Mayo is heavily government-funded -- CDC’s own website reveals that any of the other strains of coronavirus (common colds) can be detected as “positives” both for Stupid-19 and the anti-bodies generated by “recovered” cases. The lab-rigging, in many cases, has also involved faulty, Covid-contaminated test kits.


Guidelines for COVID-19 Antibody Testing

Some tests may exhibit cross-reactivity with other coronaviruses, such as those that cause the common cold. This could result in false-positive test results. (here)


Headline: NY Times (February 12, 2020) 

Coronavirus Test Kits Sent to States Are Flawed, C.D.C. Says (here)


Headline: NY Times (April 18, 2020)

C.D.C. Labs Were Contaminated, Delaying Coronavirus Testing, Officials Say (here)


Headline : (USA Today)

Florida Reported 100% Positive Covid-19 tests From Some Labs. That's Wrong, Hospital System Says



Headline: (CBS News)

Dozens of Florida Labs Still Reporting Only Positive Covid Tests, Skewing Positivity Rate



Headline: Al Jazeera (May 3, 2020)

Tanzania President Questions Coronavirus Kits After Animal Test

President Magufuli says tests were found to be faulty after goat, sheep and pawpaw samples test positive for COVID-19. (here)


Headline: New York Post (July 21, 2020) 

Connecticut Lab Finds 90 Positive COVID Cases were False (here


Testimonial From a Reader (August 2, 2020)

 My friend went to get Covid testing. She filled out all the paperwork and got frustrated after waiting an hour. So, she got up and left without getting tested. About a week later she received a notice she had tested positive. Unbelievable! I wonder if the lab gets money from the federal government for every positive.  This is absolutely happening all over the country. 

Fake Death Certificates based upon CDC's not-even-concealed encouragement to deem Covid as "probable" or "presumed" --- and the hospital / nursing home gets paid!

1. Under the "presumption" guidelines, if a patient is running a fever, that can be grounds for a Stupid-19 "diagnosis by symptoms."  // 2. Lab Corp & Quest  -- Both Fortune 500 giants are heavily reliant upon government reimbursements (Medicare, Medicaid and VA), have a history of shady business practices (here and also here), and are plugged into the Federal system. // 3. (((They))) couldn't make-a-foolie out of President Magafuli of Tanzania. The WHO / Gates kits sent to corrupted labs returned "positive" results for a papaya, a goat and a sheep!

Put enough of that dirty green stuff out on the street and you'll be amazed at how many willing participants will line up for it. Governments around the world -- all of them tied into the W.H.O. / Bill Gates Mafia Syndicate -- are paying good money for inflated case numbers ($11,000 each) and ventilator deaths ($39,000 each). Those with the ethics who know that it is wrong are usually too intimidated to speak out against the system which they are trapped in.

3. Cases of Death Openly Acknowledged as Other Causes (Heart Attacks, Strokes etc) -- but in which Covid-19 is also "added on" -- even if the patient had no such symptoms!

Self-important libtards are always admonishing us unrefined rubes to "trust the science" -- but this inexplicable and thoroughly un-scientific practice was confirmed by Covid conspirator and "leading infectious disease expert" Dr. Deborah Birx herself. Said Ms. Birx -- in a rare moment of candor during a White House press briefing:

"I think in this country we've taken a very liberal approach to mortality. ...There are other countries that if you had a preexisting condition and let's say the virus caused you to go to the ICU and then have a heart or kidney problem some countries are recording as a heart issue or a kidney issue and not a COVID-19 death. Right now we are still recording it (as COVID) and ...  I mean the great thing about having a form that has the ability to market as COVID-19 infection, the intent is right now that if someone dies with COVID-19 we are counting that as a COVID-19 death." (here)

1. Drs. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi of Accelerated Urgent Care in California held a press conference. During their discussion with reporters, Dr. Erickson noted he has spoken to numerous physicians who say they are being pressured to add COVID-19 to death certificates and diagnostic lists—even when the coronavirus appears to have no relation to the victim’s death.  Dr. Erikson: "You know, it’s interesting. When I’m writing up my death report I’m being pressured to add Covid. Why is that? Why are we being pressured to add Covid? To maybe increase the numbers, and make it look a little bit worse than it is? I think so.”  // 2. Dr. Scott Jansen of Minnesota blasted the CDC's death count guidelines as being "ridiculous." (here

1. Candace Owens -- your observation is correct! /// 2. Dr. Scarf-Lady Birx confirms it! In the United States, no distinction is made between a patient dying WITH coronavirus versus one dying FROM coronavirus.

4. Gross Inflation of Numbers by Local / State Demonrat Authorities and the CDC

Headline (June 9, 2020): Med Page Today 

Nursing Homes Shocked at 'Insanely Wrong' CMS Data on COVID-19: 

— One facility supposedly had eight coronavirus deaths for each bed

When the administrator of the Saugus Rehab and Nursing Center in Saugus, Massachusetts, heard that a new Medicare website reported her facility had 794 confirmed cases of COVID-19 -- the second highest in the country -- and 281 cases among staff, she gasped. --  "Oh my God. Where are they getting those numbers from?" said Josephine Ajayi. "That doesn't make any sense." -- Those weren't the numbers that her facility reported to the CDC's National Healthcare Safety Network, under new rules from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), she said. (here)


Headline (July 22, 2020): Military.com

In Error, Tricare Tells 600K Beneficiaries They've Had COVID-19

More than 600,000 Tricare users in the military health system's East Region received emails Friday asking them to consider donating blood for research as "survivors of COVID-19. But given that just 31,000 persons affiliated with the U.S. military have been diagnosed with the coronavirus, the email came as a surprise to beneficiaries." (here)


Headline: Washington Times (April 15, 2020)

CDC Tells States to Add  "Probable" Coronavirus Cases to Death Toll

The U.S. tally of coronavirus cases and deaths could soon jump because federal health officials will now count illnesses that are not confirmed by lab testing.



Headline Bloomberg News (April 14, 2020)

New York City Adds 3,800 Probable Virus Victims to Death Toll

New York City added thousands of people to its coronavirus death toll to account for victims who died in recent weeks without a confirmed diagnosis. Freddi Goldstein, press secretary to Mayor Bill de Blasio, said Tuesday that the data include at-home deaths of people suspected of having Covid-19



Headline: New York Post (June 25, 2020)

New Jersey’s Coronavirus Death Toll Adds Nearly 2,000 Probable Fatalities 

New Jersey’s coronavirus death toll climbed by nearly 2,000 Thursday — after the state began recording probable fatalities from the bug. The state added 1,854 fatalities that were deemed likely due to COVID-19, but were not confirmed by a test, to its tally.



Headline: U.S. News & World Report (April 15, 2020)

Connecticut  Sees Big Jump in Coronavirus Deaths

Gov. Ned Lamont said during a press conference that the increase in the death toll includes people who have died in their homes and were not previously counted. New York CIty this week similarly revised its death toll upward. That revision included people who were presumed to have died from the virus but never tested positive



Headline: The Detroit News (June 5, 2020)

Michigan Coronavirus Death Toll Jumps With Revised Count

The state also released for the first time a count of 5,014 probable cases of COVID-19. Those presumptive cases increased the state's total known cases...Probable cases include individuals without a COVID-positive diagnostic lab test who were presumed to be infected due to their symptoms.




Headline: My Sun Coast News, Florida (July 19, 2020)

Concerns arise as some receive positive COVID-19 results but never got tested

“I got a call asking for me, and they told me that I had tested positive. I was like, ‘Positive for what?” Then, the lady said for COVID, and I said, ‘That’s impossible. I never got tested, Ma’am,’” Mindy Clark said. (here)


Headline" AP News, (June 17,2020)

Washington State Removes Homicides, Suicides From Covid -19 Deaths

Washington health officials removed seven deaths from the state's Covid-19 mortality count, including three homocides. The Department of Health said it had been counting as coronavirus deaths all people who died and tested positive for the disease. Authorities say they have now removed deaths from the count that weren’t caused specifically by COVID-19. 



5. Outright MURDER of Seniors in Hospitals & Nursing Homes

With elderly patients cut-off from visitors, the Ghouls in Gowns (aka "Frontline Heroes") – already known to be genocidal maniacs (see “The Morphine Genocide,” by yours truly (here)) have an even freer hand now to finish off our octogenarians and nonagenarians (and in some New York City cases, even young poorer people) with sedatives and ventilators. Every senior bumped off represents a big SS/MediCare savings to the government and bonus money for the hospitals / nursing homes ($39,000 per ventilator case plus the standard “palliative care” payout!)

In the scamdemic "epicenter" of New York City, where outside doctors and nurses were brought in to "help," the mass killing got so out-of-control that several nurses took to YouTube to tell their compelling horror stories of murders by neglect and ventilators. (here and here) Might some of these outsiders been CIA medical assassins dispatched to the poorer areas of New York (and other European cities) with a "license to kill?" You might be surprised to know that the CIA aggressively recruits nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and doctors (here). The Deep State even sets up information booths at various medical expositions. (here


This is how the New World Order international crime syndicate's game is being played -- worldwide -- but most aggressively in Election-Year-America (the short term objective being to cripple the economy and get rid of Donald Trump (here); and the long term goal being to get all of humanity micro-chipped and tracked with Bill Gates' nano-particles (here)). And for as long as people continue to die of old age and old age-related diseases, (((they))) will just keep on padding the "National Death Toll"until Trump can find a way to debunk the Scamdemic, without frightening the masked morons of America too much. 

There is indeed a quiet proxy push-back being orchestrated by Trump and other world leaders against this "One World" treachery. Will it one day grow into a mass realization that we've been played for chumps with this Stupid-19? We can't say with any degree of certainty. But let us agree on one thing --- for the love of God ---this evil scheme has got to stop, and the guilty Globalist Ghouls have got to pay --  with their own lives!

1- Across America, MANY stories of "errors" in case counts have been reported on local news affiliate stations. Yet somehow, the big national news programs never seem to pick up on the disturbing and obvious pattern. // 2. The Morphine Genocide (here) reveals how (((they))) have been killing-off the elderly for years. All they are doing now is classifying these murders as "Covid-19." // 3. The lung-busting ventilator is the kiss-of-death --- at a nifty Covid profit of $39,000 per patient for the hospital or nursing home.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that the National Death Toll for Covid-19 has reached the 150,000 milestone.

Boobus Americanus 2: Wow! That's scary. 


St. Sugar: Newsflash, Boobuss!!! We all gotta go ssometime --- sstupid!

Editor: It is not by force, but upon the willing foundational stupidity of Boobus that the Evil Empire stands.



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