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26 agosto, 2020

#Trump #Praises QAnon!




Slimes Caption: At a news conference on Wednesday, President Trump embraced proponents of the Q Anon conspiracy theory.

New York Times: Trump Says Q Anon Followers 'Love Our Country,' Raising Alarm

When asked, the president did not question the truth behind the claims of the QAnon conspiracy movement. Instead, he offered his help.


Once again, yet another Q Anon forecast from two years ago has come to pass. The Maestro -- using friendly planted reporters -- is cleverly forcing questions about Q into the public consciousness. And his playing-ignorant though sympathetic response just earned Q the type of free publicity (as in front page of the New York Slimes and wall-to-wall condemnation from all "mainstream" media sources!) -- that it would otherwise have required hundreds of millions of dollars to purchase. Below is the exchange between a coy and confident Trump and a polite female reporter (organization unknown) which has got the Piranha Press biting mad:

Reporterette: During the pandemic, the Q Anon movement has been --  appears to be -- gaining a lot of followers. Can you talk about what you think about that  and what you have to say to people who are following this movement right now?

Trump: Well I don't know much about the movement other than I understand that they like me very

much -- which I appreciate -- but I don't know much about the movement. I have heard that it is gaining in popularity. From what I hear, these are people that, when they watch the streets of Portland, when they watch what happened in New York City --- (digresses) -- and I've heard that these are people who love our country ... so, I don't know anything about it other than that they do supposedly like me.

Reporterette: The crux of the theory is this belief that you are secretly saving the world from this Satanic cult of pedophiles and cannibals. Does that sound like something you are behind...

Trump:  Oh, I haven't heard that. But, is that supposed to be a bad thing or a good thing? (polite laughter from some of the planted reporters). If I can help save the world from problems, I am willing to do it. I’m willing to put myself out there. And we are actually. We are saving the world from a radical Left philosophy that will destroy this country. And when this country is gone, the rest of the world will follow. (video here)

Well played, Maestro. Well played!

1. Q  Post 1644 from June 28, 2018: "If they (media) ask (about Q), they self-destruct." // 2. Trump is forcing the "self-destruction" of the Deep State by planting reporters to "ask the question."

Somebody pinch me, because this still seems like a dream. Think about it --- a movement centered around a high-level anonymous Internet poster -- who tells a shocking tale that is, in essence, the same story told in the 1905 Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and Hitler's 1925 Mein Kampf -- has, over the course of almost three years now -- swollen its ranks to millions of people (so many of them being former normies!) and induced the Globalist Mafia into a panic -- has now been given a public blessing by the President of the United States!

Your relentless reporter / activist here has been at this demoralizing game for 30 years -- -- a journey which began by reading "The Shadows of Power" by James Perloff, in 1990. Got excited about David Duke in 1992, but (((they))) crushed the "former Ku Klux Klan member" easily. After Duke, it was Pat Buchanan's turn to charge into the teeth of the Globalist Gatling Guns of '92 and '96. And then there was Ross Perot. And lastly, in 2008 and 2012, it was Ron Paul -- and always the same sad result.

It was only out of principle that I even kept going -- like a doomed football team trailing by 20 points with only a minute left to play, but pridefully hitting away at the opponents until the last whistle. So severe was the level of discouragement that Planet Rothschild, first published in 2014, concluded with a line which was intended to comfort, but which your favorite real historian here since regrets having written. Some of "youse guys" will recognize this -- and a few of you even took me to task for expressing such "black pill" pessimism a few years ago:

The final paragraphs of Planet Rothschild, (Volume 2), page 302

"As the collective memory of past days fades away, the docile mixed-race people of the One World may actually find happiness in their benevolent slavery. They will learn to love their elite masters for the peace and "security" they have been given. This is the world to come. There appears to be no stopping it at this point. The people, by design, are too ‘dumbed-down’, too decadent, too depressed and too lazy to reclaim their liberty. Unless there is some miraculous reawakening of humanity at the 11th hour, the sheeple will have what they deserve. All we can do now is take care of ourselves, and our loved ones, and prepare to make it through the coming crisis. Welcome to: THE NEW WORLD ORDER."

Forgive the frustration, but understand it. For so long, all I can remember is getting my ass kicked up and down the field by Team NWO --- and along the way, losing friends and family (and even an opportunity for a job promotion!) due to my "paranoid" and "extremest" views (and that was even before I discovered The Great One!). Oh the humble pie these stubborn normies will have to eat -- after I smash it in their faces -- when "The Storm" comes! That said, we still caution against the opposite extreme of the sentiment expressed at the close of Planet Rothschild -- namely, excess optimism. There is still a fight on our hands -- only this time, we have an actual chance at winning. 

1. The Protocols tells of a conspiracy of Jewish elites plotting to establish a tyrannical world government. // 2. Mein Kampf tells of a conspiracy of Jewish elites plotting to establish a tyrannical world government. // 3. Q Anon --  condemned for "undertones" of  "anti-Semitism" by the Jewish Supremacist Anti-Defamation League (here) -- tells of a conspiracy of elites (specifically naming Jew mobsters like the Rothschilds, Soros, Sulzberger, Epstein, Maxwell, Wexner, Mossad, the"central bankers" & "elite families") plotting to establish a tyrannical world government. 

The only difference among the three phenomenons is that Q wisely pinpoints only the guilty parties, without making blanket (and suicidal) statements about "the Jews."

Duke -- Buchanan -- Perot -- Paul ---- The America Firsters make a few waves and get us excited from time to time -- but then always get crushed in the end, leaving us demoralized and pessimistic. But this time may be different.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Trump is actually saying nice things about the Q Anon movement.

Boobus Americanus 2: But those people are crazy!


St. Sugar: All truth passess through three sstages, Boobuss. Firsst, it is ridiculed. Ssecond, it is violently opposssed. Third, it is accepted as being sself-evident.

Editor: I see you must have run into Herr Schopenhauer up there!

Do you part! Order a bunch of Q Anon booklets and start influencing your circles.

Your purchases will help to drive our booklet up the Amazon charts for Q Anon searches.


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