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07 septiembre, 2020

Is the #CDC's #COVID #DeathCount Really "#EvidenceBased"?

Posted on: Sunday, September 6th 2020 at 7:15 am
Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder


On Sept. 5th, Sayer Ji, founder of Greenmedinfo.com, interviewed former death records clerk, Joy M. Fritz, on the recent controversy over the CDC's alleged admission that only 6% of the estimated 181k decedents from Covid-19 died solely as a result of infection from the virus, the misunderstandings around the CDC's reports on excess deaths, as well as long-standing problems with the way death certificates are coded and understood by the public.

In the interview, Joy reveals a hitherto undisclosed fact about "excess deaths" that has not been reported elsewhere. Namely, from 2014 to 2017 deaths increased by ~187,000. From 2017 to 2020 deaths are

projected to increase by 5% or ~141,000. Apparently having a pandemic saved 46,000 lives. #ThanksCOVID #statisticalcontext https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/deaths.htm https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db267.pdf 

According to Joy's most recent update, submitted on Sept 6th, 

"So it looks like the excess deaths are now being compared by week in the previous years, so it looks a little alarmist right now with it showing excess deaths at 111%, but our total death number versus 2017’s total death number is still 952,398 shy of hitting 2017 death toll. That’s 33.9% left of the total to fulfill to hit even 100% of 2017 numbers. With 118 days left in the year which is 32.3% of the year, we are pretty exactly on par with 2017 numbers."

Also, this interview discloses how the CDC's provisional death counts are based 100% on medical opinion/beliefs/thinking and not on scientific facts or medical evidence -- despite contrary perceptions and claims by the public, media, and even many government officials themselves. To learn more, follow Joy M Fritz on the following platforms:


Support Joy here: https://www.patreon.com/TheUntrivialPursuit

The video that inspired this interview: COVID death recording manipulation on Facebook (it got censored from YouTube) : https://www.facebook.com/454038888346437/posts/977684859315168/?vh=e&d=n


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