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13 septiembre, 2020

#QAnon #Drops a #StinkBomb

By Mike King

Oh dear. -- It looks like Q Anon just went full-retard with the 'Nazi" stuff. Now we're not about to jump off of the Q Train because of his recent (and idiotic!) post -- #4365 of September 8th. Could it be that Q -- like so many other well-meaning patriots -- though brilliant, is woefully uninformed about The Great One and World War II truth? After all, even the heroic Joseph McCarthy and the John Birch Society (which started me on my red-pill journey 30 years ago) subscribed to the myth of Hitler as Devil and the big bad "Nazis." 

Or might this cringe-worthy "Nazi" bashing represent a case of strategic necessity -- induced by the wave of attacks on Q Anon as being "anti-Semitic" and "far right ." Here are just a few recent headlines:

  • MSNBC: Reformed Neo-Nazi Explains How People Fall Prey to QAnon Online
  • The Daily Beast: RNC Speaker Cancelled After Boosting QAnon Conspiracy Theory About Jewish Plot 
  • The Guardian: QAnon Explained: The Antisemitic Conspiracy Theory Gaining Traction Around the World
  • Jewish News of Arizona: The Fight Against Anti-Semitism Faces a New Enemy: QAnon
  • The Forward: Just How Anti-Semitic is Q Anon
  • Anti-Defamation League: Q Anon is a Dangerous Ideology Rooted in Conspiracy Theories and Hate
  • Medium.com: Nazi Hippies: When the New Age and Far Right Overlap (over Q)

Q's long anti-Nazi posting seemingly contradicts earlier Q drops which suggested that the official histories of World Wars I and II were not accurate -- and that elite families were behind both of those horror shows. We do suspect that this goofball garbage was deemed essential for pacifying the ever-

growing numbers of curious newbies, dumb-as-dirt normies, and those many millions of "but-but-Jesus-was-a-Jew" (rolling eyes) Evangelical Christians now discovering Q Anon for the first time after being told by Fake News that Q is "far right" and "anti-Semitic ." There are even some bought-and-paid-for Fake Pastors now trying to discourage their flock from hopping aboard the "racist" Q Train. 

Headline: MIT Review (August 26, 2020)

Evangelicals are Looking for Answers Online. They’re Finding Q Anon Instead.

How the growing pro-Trump movement is preying on churchgoers to spread its conspiracy theories.

The more people come aboard the Q train, the lower the common denominator for intelligence and critical thinking becomes. So, if labeling Demonrats the new "Nazis" and the Red scum in the streets as the new "Brownshirts" works --- oh well, we might just have to swallow the bitter pill for the sake of the greater long-term goal. Nonetheless, in the interest of fairness and historical accuracy, we are compelled to take Mr. Q to the woodshed over this lengthy post for some loving whoop-ass.

1. As media attacks intensify, it is critical for Q to dodge the "anti-Semitism" label. // 2 & 3. Israel-worshiping "Christian-Zionists" hate Satanists -- but they hate "anti-Semites" even more! Q Anon must tread carefully in order not to alienate these useful idiots because the charge of "anti-Semitism" would scare them away before they could even investigate.

Q Anon Image Post

Rebuttal (to the image): There is an obvious historical link between the Marxist "anti-Fascists" of pre-Hitler Germany and the Marxist "Antifa" of today. The two flags illustrate that. But what's with the heading, "Antifa and Nazi Flag?" The image on the left represented the Communists who opposed "the Nazis." This comparison is confusing -- borderline retarded even.

Q Anon: 

History repeats itself (today).



Rebuttal: It certainly does. Please elaborate your position on this repetition of events.

Q Anon: 

Compare & Contrast

Then v Now

Then: methods of violent intimidation deployed by SA

Now: methods of violent intimidation deployed by Antifa?

Rebuttal: What ????? Dude! The SA Brown Shirts were formed to counter the violent acts of the German Antifa. The two groups were polar opposites. The SA would be the equivalent of Trump supporters organizing to defend cities from the Antifa and BLM rioters.

Q Anon:

Then: battles raged in the streets [book burning, flag burning, destruction, hate, anti-police, etc]

Now: battles raging in the streets controlled by [D] party sympathizers [anti-republic]?

Rebuttal: The "book burning" was of Marxist and pornographic trash. The vandalism was done by the Commies.

Q Anon: 

Then: physical assaults of political opponents

Now: physical assaults of political opponents?

Rebuttal: The "political opponents" which the SA assaulted (in self-defense) were Bolsheviks -- the agents of the very same Globalist Mafia seeking to discredit Q and destroy Trump today.

Q Anon: Then: voter intimidation in National and local elections

Now: voter intimidation in National and local elections [coming 11.3]?

Rebuttal: The SA did not engage in "voter intimidation." What the Brownshirts did do was prevent Communist Party parliamentarians from being seated after Communists had burned down the Reichstag. The subsequent "Enabling Acts" which granted Hitler more power were no different than Trump's anticipated emergency decrees which you -- Mr. Q -- have told us to expect and to welcome when "The Storm" hits.

Q Anon: Then: project anti-fascist platform: reality: conform/obey strong-arm tactics deployed to silence opposing views

Now: project anti-fascist platform: reality: conform/obey strong-arm tactics deployed to silence opposing views?

Rebuttal: This is confusing as heck! Almost split-personality stuff. With this bizarre post, Q has seamlessly transitioned into attacking the German Communists -- arch-enemies of the anti-Communist Brown Shirts.

Q Anon:

Then: radical anti-capitalistic platform (socialism)

Now: radical anti-capitalistic platform (socialism) push?

Then: force economic destruction as recruiting [division] tactic to drive enlistment rate

Now: [D] party gov/mayor(s) close state(s) force economic hardships [C19]?

Rebuttal: Again -- Q Anon is back to properly trashing the Communists of 1933 Germany. That's good to hear.

Q Anon:

Then: SA carried out unchecked street violence against Jews and Nazi opponents

Rebuttal: (scratching head) -- Now he's switched back to the SA. But those "Nazi opponents" were the very same violent Antifa gangs that you are condemning now -- and whose flag you posted. And any Jews who got roughed up by the SA were Marxists -- just like the Jewish street leaders of BLM today. This is circular crazy talk!

1 . Q's post has got it ass-backwards. The SA "Brownshirts" were the ones fighting the very same types of BLM street Reds rioting and protesting Trump today. // 2. It was violent Communists ("Anti-Fascists") that torched the Reichstag -- not the SA.

Then and Now -- The Communist raised fist. That is what the SA and "Nazis" OPPOSED!

Q Anon:

Now: [D] gov/mayor(s) carried out unchecked [deliberate non_prosecution orders 24-hour release] of Antifa rioters arrested [street violence – block-by-block takeover(s)]?

Rebuttal: This is the opposite of what Hitler did. He cracked down on Antifa.

Q Anon:

Use of propaganda by Nazi Germany

Use of propaganda by MSDNC / Social Media (control of narrative – terminate opposing message (censorship-kill))

Rebuttal: So you're saying that today's media moguls are "Nazis?" But in an earlier post you clearly indicated that the Mossad and CIA control the U.S. Media. Mossad is "Nazi," eh Mr. Q?

Q Anon:

Soros history

Rebuttal: Oh for the love of Pete! Not this "Soros worked for the Nazis" bullshit again. Et tu, Q -- et tu?

Q Anon:

Assault on America.

Ask yourself, why are [D] party leaders refusing to condemn the violence?

Ask yourself, why are [D] party leaders refusing to seek a unified republic?

Rebuttal: Ah! But you see, Hitler did condemn the Red violence of 1933 --- and duly crushed the Antifa --- exactly as we believe Trump will do after the 11.3 riots occur. That is how we -- based on your posts these past three years -- expect Trump to react. In that case, history will repeat -- with Trump and his emergency decrees being analogous to Hitler and his emergency decrees..

Q Anon:


Rebuttal: Agreed!

Q Anon:

Was the Nazi party ever truly destroyed (eradicated)?

Rebuttal: Uh --- yeah. It was. Ever hear of the genocidal de-Nazification of Germany which so disgusted General Patton? Ever hear of the Nuremberg Show Trials and executions? 

Q Anon: Did the belief carry-on [re-deployed]?

Rebuttal: Seeing secret "Nazis" under every bed now, are we Mr. Q? --- "Operation Paperclip! Operation Paperclip!" (palm to face, sighing, shaking head).

Q Anon:

Background of Soros?

Rebuttal: Ah yes -- wee Georgie Soros -- the secret Nazi. Who knew? As a 13-year old, Soros -- working for the Jewish Council of Hungary set up by the Germans -- "collaborated with the Nazis" by delivering messages and summonses to Hungarian Jews. Know-nothing conservaclowns such as Glen Beck and Dinesh D. Souza have ridiculously spun his messenger-boy job into "Soros the Nazi."


Mr. Q. You know better than this! But if a bit of Jewish ass-kissing will help you in deflecting the kiss-of-death charge of "Anti-Semitism" that (((they))) have been trying so hard to tag and destroy you with -- and flipping it back on (((them))) -- then go ahead and trash Soros, Rothschild, the Deep State, the Fake News, Antifa, BLM and the Demonrats as "Nazis." I'm willing to hold my nose and continue promoting Q Anon -- just as long as you deliver the promised goods to us in Trump Term 2 -- and that had better include mass arrests of these "Nazis" and full 9/11 truth!

1. Georgie the "Nazi," eh? (palm to face, sighing, shaking head) Oh well -- If will help to dethrone him, so be it. // 

2 & 3 . Q asks: "Was the Nazi Party ever truly destroyed?" --- Read or watch "Hellstorm," by Thomas Goodrich (if you can get through it) --- and you tell me.

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