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07 septiembre, 2020

The #Left #Threatens #PostElection #Chaos & #Violence #USA

 By Mike King


Jewish journalists inciting for civil war

Trip Gabriel

Rosa Brooks

David H. Freedman

NY Times: This Is Democrats’ Doomsday Scenario for Election Night

By Trip Gabriel (cough cough)

What if early results in swing states on Nov. 3 show President Trump ahead, and he declares victory before heavily Democratic mail-in votes, which he has falsely linked with fraud, are fully counted?


Washington Post: What’s the Worse that Could Happen? The Election will Likely Spark Violence and a Constitutional Crisis

By Rosa Brooks (cough cough)

In every scenario except a Biden landslide, our simulation ended catastrophically.


Newsweek: How Trump Could Turn the Most Challenging Election Since the Civil War into an Unprecedented Disaster

By David H. Freedman (cough cough)


Early on in the 1972 classic film, The Godfather, there was a scene in which Tom Hagen, the "consigliere" (counselor) of the Corleone Family, demonstrated the art of openly threatening someone without actually saying so directly. Consigliere Hagen (played by Robert Duvall) threatened a movie producer named Woltz in a manner so subtle that even many Godfather aficionados miss it.

From the script:


All right, start talking.


Uh, I was sent by a friend of Johnny Fontane's -- His friend is my client, who'd give his undying friendship to Mr. Woltz, if Mr. Woltz would grant us a small -- favor.


Woltz is listening.


Give Johnny the part in that new war film you're starting next week.

WOLTZ (laughs, then)

And ah, what favor would ah your friend ah grant Mr. Woltz?


You're gonna have some union problems; my client could make them disappear.


Are you trying to muscle me?


Absolutely not.


Now listen to me, you smooth-talking son-of-a-bitch! Let me lay it on the line for you and your boss, whoever he is. Johnny Fontane will never get that movie! I don't care how many - dago guinea WOP greaseball gumbahs come out of the woodwork!


What Hagen actually did in that scene was, under the guise of "looking out for Woltz," threatened the producer with a labor strike! Woltz was no fool; which explains why he became so angry. He understood that the real message was: "Do what we say or we will go to war with you." Woltz, at first, refused to comply. A bloody horse's head placed in his bed soon changed his tune.

"Mr. Woltz -- I have not threatened you."

Now, turning our attention to the Globalist / Jewish Mafia, we can better interpret some of the similarly thuggish threats and “warnings” that have been emanating from prominent Demonrats such as Big Mike Obongo: (here) -- Creepy Pedo Joe Biden: (here) -- Whore Harris: (here) -- and now -- as evidenced by the ominously provocative headlines about a "doomsday scenario" & "violence" & "disaster" & "catastrophe" & "a constitutional crisis" referenced above --  those notorious flagship vessels of Judea's Piranha Press -- the New York Slimes and Washington Compost, and also Newsweek. The “color revolution” message is clear. Get rid of Donald Trump on November 3rd or there will be hell to pay!

These barely veiled threats, we believe, tie back nicely to several “crumbs” which the Trump / Q Anon team posted between October 31 - November 2 of 2017. The meaning of those Q posts wasn't exactly clear back then, but as Q has often said since: “Future proves past” -- which means that certain early scenes in this “movie” (aka “the plan”) are really part of the middle or ending of the story. Let’s explore some of these mysterious 2017 posts and see how the de-codes make sense today.


Jewish Media Mafia inciting post November 3rd violence: 

Gabriel  (NYT) -- Brooks (WAPO / Georgetown University) -- Freedman (Newsweek)

1. Big Mike (or an impostor, or a "deep fake" video): "If you think things cannot possibly get worse, trust me, they can; and they will if we don’t make a change in this election. If we have any hope of ending this chaos, we have got to vote for Joe Biden like our lives depend on it." // 2. Creepy Redo Biden: “Does anyone believe there will be less violence in America if Donald Trump is re-elected?”  // 3. Whore Harris (or an impostor, or a "deep fake" video): “But they (the protests) are not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop. They’re not – this is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not gonna stop..... and everyone beware, because they’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop before election day in November, and they’re not gonna stop after election day. And that should be – everyone should take note of that.” 

Post 22  October 31, 2017: Who controls the NG? Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US? Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines?

Analysis: NG = National Guard – which, when activated during a national emergency, can be controlled by Trump and could indeed coordinate with the marines.


Post 24  November 1, 2017: Any person making statements they will not be seeking re-election was put in submission. For the betterment of the country not all will be prosecuted and all will do as told. You will see more of this occur (not normal yet disregarded) and even on the D side.

Analysis: After this prediction was made, an astonishing number -- "record numbers" according to all media accounts -- of Republican Congressmen (including House Speaker Paul Ryan) resigned in advance of both the 2018 mid-term elections and the upcoming 2020 elections (2018 here) and (2020 here). Most of them were anti-TrumpersOn the “D side” – similar “submissions” would explain why the Demonrats appear to be comically self-destructing. Is the self-destruction of the D's a deliberate "plea deal" consequence of this submission to Sheriff Trump? I believe so.


Post 24 (continued): Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize? (NG) What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?

Analysis: A national emergency has to be declared – which is what Trump did in response to Stupid-19.


Post 24 (continued)

The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.

Analysis: When the hammer drops, it will be clean and swift. Many now believe that many Deep Staters have already been arrested.


Post 26  November 1, 2017: Think about it logically. The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).

Analysis: 11.3 is a very important sign. Did it really stand for the letters K.C. – after indicted Deep State lawyer, Kevin Clinesmith? Or does it refer to November 3rd, 2020 – the “marker” to kick-off the military action?


Post 34  November 1, 2017: My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials.

Analysis: There goes that date of 11.3 again – accompanied by a prediction of some unrest related to “fallout.”


Post 34 (continued): On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out.

Analysis: This fits in with the Left’s current threats to trigger violence immediately after Election Day (11.3)

1. Paul the Rat Ryan did everything he could to obstruct and undermine Donald Trump. Q Anon & Friends have since forced him to resign. When Trump took office in January 2017, there were 241 Republicans in the House. Since then, 115 of them (48%) have been "whacked" by Trump -- having either retired, resigned, been defeated, or are retiring after 2020. // 2. Under cover of Stupid-19 -- a Globalist scamdemic which Trump and the Patriots knew was coming in advance -- emergency presidential powers over the National Guard and military have already been granted to Trump. Q Anon foresaw the need for this power-grab three years ago.

Post 34 (continued): Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast.

Analysis: It will get ugly, but the patriots are in control.


Post 34 (continued: We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens.

Analysis: This is the only way to totally bypass Fake News and speak to ALL Americans. The Globalist press has already expressed concern about Trump’s control over the Emergency Broadcast System (here) – which includes TV, radio, and I Phones -- and reported that the system was tested on cellphones for the very first time in 2018. (here)


Post 34 (continued): Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

Analysis: These laws were not “pre-lifted” in 2017, when this post was issued – but during the fog of Stupid-19 – which the patriots already knew was coming.


Post 36 November 1, 2017: If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud). Dig deeper - missing critical points to paint the full picture. There is simply no other way than to use the military. It’s that corrupt and dirty.

Analysis: This leaked threat of direct military intervention --“the unthinkable” --explains why Killary meekly backed-down from demanding a "recount" that some had been urging her to pursue (here) as well as why the post-election delegate tampering effort (here) also fizzled out. Wow! The generals and admirals really do have our backs!


Post 44 November 2, 2017: Before POTUS departs on Friday he will be sending an important message via Twitter.

Analysis: The trigger-tweet from Trump has been mentioned several times over the years, and is an important article-of-faith among A followers

Post 55 November 2, 2017: Look to Twitter: Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......."

Analysis: The post election codeword from Trump – to be tweeted after the Communists explode in red rage (as the Slimes and Compost now confirm) --- as the activated NG and Marines make their “clean and swift" move while Trump activates the Emergency System. Notice how the 2017 dates for these posts -- though from three years ago --precisely precede 11.3 -- another known Q Anon tactic.


To you weakened Deep State Reds in the suites and in the Military Intelligence-infiltrated streets -- Go ahead and follow through on your implied stated threats to stir up mayhem on 11.3 and usher in a violent "constitutional crisis."  Do your worst! Trump’s trap was set for you a long time ago.



1. According to Q Anon posts from 2017, when the time comes, the president will bypass the media with Emergency Alert Systems (which Trump later tested in 2018) // 2. Does 11.3 mean that the "storm" events will kick off on Election Day (November 3)??? // 3. "The calm before THE STORM."

1. Q Anon posted an image of Q fans posing in front of the Guantanamo Bay Naval Station -- which contains a prison camp that Trump has spent a lot of money building up for some reason (here) // 2. Get copies of this book! (by yours truly, under the name of "Robert Smith) -- HERE

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today about a potential doomsday scenario over a contested election on November 3rd.

Boobus Americanus 2: I also read that a "war game" scenario done by the Washington Post is predicting mass civil unrest if the election is close either way.


St. Sugar: Bring on the frickin' civil war baby!

Editor: The Left won't stand a chance against the U.S. Marines -- and maybe that's been the plan all along.

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