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05 octubre, 2020

Does #Trump Really Have #COVID or Just a Nasty #Cold?

Revealed: Key Assange Prosecution Witness Is Part of Academic Cluster Which Has Received Millions of Pounds from UK and US Militaries

By Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis, October 05 2020

One of the US prosecution’s key medical witnesses in the Julian Assange hearing, who claimed that Assange’s risk of suicide is ‘manageable’ if extradited to the US, works for an academic institute that is funded by the UK Ministry of Defence and linked to the US Department of Defence, it can be revealed.
By Steve Watson, October 05 2020

A paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine has called for mandating a coronavirus vaccine, and outlined strategies for how Americans could be FORCED to take it.
By Adeyinka Makinde, October 05 2020

The following is part of the text of my thoughts about the comments posted at my YouTube Channel in regard to a newsreel I uploaded over four months ago which was a 1977 report on the training and activities of the Rhodesian Army Special Forces unit known as the Selous Scouts.
By Reiner Fuellmich, October 05 2020

An international network of lawyers is intent upon launching a class action Lawsuit. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, a prominent lawyer presents the details of this project.
By Craig Murray, October 05 2020

On Saturday a small, socially distanced vigil of 18 people for Julian Assange at Piccadilly Circus was broken up by twice that number of police and one elderly man arrested and taken into custody.
By John C. A. Manley, October 05 2020

“U.S. President Donald Trump’s condition is improving as he is being treated for COVID-19 at a military hospital…” so says the media pundits’ drone on. Yet does he really have COVID-19?
By Patrick Henningsen, October 05 2020

One of the more diabolical aspects of the protracted COVID ‘crisis’ in countries like the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia, is the intellectually dishonest claim that Coronavirus in their countries is somehow different from the Coronavirus in other western countries. 
By Shane Quinn, October 05 2020

The 63-year-old Eisenhower stated candidly at a news conference, on 7 April 1954, that a communist victory in Indochina could cause the “beginning of a disintegration that would have the most profound influences”. He believed there was a possibility of independent countries falling to communism like “a row of dominoes”.
By Peter Koenig, October 04 2020

The German COVID-19 Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee is planning to launch a Class Action Suit against not only governments and government officials, but specifically against the manufacturers of the infamous PCR test.
By Steven Sahiounie, October 04 2020

The waters off Lebanon are the scene of a gathering Armada of French and American naval ships. What appeared at first to be a humanitarian response to the devastating Beirut Port explosion on August 4, is now feared to be the prelude of the next US-NATO humanitarian war.
By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 05 2020

The discussion about mining the Moon resembles that of previous conquests: the division of territory; the grabbing of resources; language of theft and plunder. All of this is given the gloss of manifest destiny and human experiment. 

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