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14 octubre, 2020

The #COVID19 #Vaccine. The #Imposition of #CompulsoryVaccination with a #BiometricHealthPassport?

By Dr. Pascal Sacré
Global Research, October 03, 2020
Global Research 9 August 2020

The COVID-19 vaccine…

Is this THE final goal of this crisis, to impose a compulsory vaccination on everyone, with a biometric health passport and without it, the impossibility to move, to buy, to eat?

The near future will tell.

With time, the accumulation of side effects, the testimonies of more and more doctors, vaccination has become a subject of controversy, often passionate, sometimes violent.

This is not just a question of being for or against vaccination in general.

It is about being vigilant in the face of enormous pressure from companies and governments to inject billions of healthy people with a hastily manufactured product, using immature technologies such as DNA manipulation, with as yet unknown side effects.

The cure should not be worse than the disease.

Given the fear, the terror in people’s minds, given the enthusiasm of certain leaders and given the power of the vaccine companies and manufacturers, will we, as ordinary citizens, be able to resist, keep our cool and prevent these people from playing with our health?

Do you know what the marketing of vaccines brings to the pharmaceutical companies?

References on the Statista website, figures for the year 2019 [1] :

  1. GSK (GlaxoSmithKline): more than 8 billion euros.
  2. Merck: €7.3 billion
  3. Pfizer: €5.9 billion
  4.  Sanofi: €5.8 billion

Billions, in a single year!

Do you think that the conservation of such gains would not motivate the transgression of limits by sweeping away everything in its path, all scientific ethics, all moral values?

As Emma Kahn [2] stated to the AIMSIB (International Association for Scientific, Independent and Benevolent Medicine) website, May 3, 2020:

“Strangely enough, the three vaccines in clinical trials in the West (excluding China) against COVID-19 are being developed by start-ups and not by Big Pharma (the nickname of the pharmaceutical industry). Why haven’t the big companies (Merck, GSK, Sanofi, Pfizer) launched any clinical studies? A first reason is worrying: … industry experts already know that coronavirus vaccines are too risky, they induce facilitation and immunopathological phenomena. The phenomenon of facilitation of infection by antibodies” is crucial to understand.

Vaccines too risky!

Facilitation and immunopathological phenomena!

This is not conspiracy, nor the elucubrations of a quidam [dictionary]. It is published data, well known to scientists, virologists and published in many journals.

These facts are particularly relevant to the coronavirus family and SARS [3].

With vaccines,

the biggest problem is the fear of an ADE (antibody dependant enhancement, facilitation of infection by the vaccine, mediated by antibodies induced by vaccination): facilitation of the penetration of the virus into cells by the receptor for the Fc fragment of immunoglobulins” [4].

On March 5, 2020, Peter Hotez [5] (vaccine expert) warned the U.S. Congress about the facilitation of antibody infection and its relationship to vaccination [6] :

“We must be very careful and go slowly with clinical trials, animal trials have shown facilitation”!

So Big Pharma is cautious. This confirms the credibility of this information.

Not only will this vaccine not protect you at all or not enough, but it can make things worse by facilitating your infection with COVID-19!

The phenomenon of facilitating viral infection by antibodies (ADE or antibody dependent enhancement) has been known for a long time and exists for many viruses.

Antibodies of this type have been demonstrated in vitro in the case of SARS-CoV-2 and candidate vaccines would only aggravate this immunopathological effect!

This is even more likely if we skip the steps.

Journalist Céline Deluzarche, in an article on Futura Sciences (Futura Santé) of March 19, 2020 reviewed on June 15, said :

“Coronavirus: the dangers of a hastily developed vaccine.

Faced with the urgency, scientists call for speeding up testing procedures and dispensing with the usual animal tests. A laudable strategy, but one that could prove to be at best counterproductive and at worst cause deaths” [7].

“Normally, it takes between 15 and 20 years to obtain an effective, non-toxic and usable vaccine. The first step is to develop a formulation with the chemical and pharmaceutical prerequisites, conduct immunogenicity studies [8] in animals, evaluate the toxicity of the vaccine [9] in animals, then in humans, and finally test its effectiveness on a large scale.”

Yet some people are putting pressure on, invoking urgency.

Why do they do that?

They exploit fear to get reach their goal. It’s never good to decide anything out of fear.

What dangerous game are these people playing?

The Europe Union (EU) in particular, and its new president, Ursula von der Leyen, after organising a world telethon to fund research for a vaccine [10], is trying to impose the idea that only a vaccine can save us.

“… in the face of urgency and pressure from governments and health authorities, some are calling for the procedures to be speeded up. The president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen said Tuesday that she hoped for a vaccine against the new coronavirus before the autumn.” [7].

One has the feeling that all this was planned in advance, when one knows that Brussels, today, has been working for a long time on a “vaccine” passport in order to put the population under total surveillance and control [11].

Is COVID-19  just a pretext for imposing totalitarian measures which would otherwise have been impossible to accept?

I ask the question.

We find Peter Hotez [5], who advises us to be very careful:

A vaccine is not insignificant: it is most often a deactivated or weakened virus, and in some cases it can aggravate the disease it is supposed to prevent. Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, who worked on the SARS outbreak in 2003, found that some vaccinated animals developed even more severe symptoms when exposed to the virus because of a weakened immune system. This is called “antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE)” [7].

The work and research on vaccines against CVDO 19 in Cambridge, Oxford, sponsored by the NIH (National Institute of Health in the United States, Anthony Fauci, Donald Trump’s anti-COVID czar) does not reassure me at all, and should not reassure you either [12]!

These same people are behind one of the worst vaccine and medical scandals of the last ten years by wanting already, in 2009-2010, to vaccinate the entire population for a fake pandemic (H1N1) [13-14-15].

A survey in France reports that nearly a quarter (25%) of the French population do not intend to accept the vaccine against COVID-19 [16].

I understand them and even find it surprising that this figure is not higher.

These vaccines are a race for profits [17], huge amounts of money!

Even independently of plausible and frightening ideas such as the association of the vaccine with GMOs [18], with a puçage and tracing of the population [19], the inherent danger of any vaccine and the specific danger of an anti-coronavirus vaccine (facilitation of viral infection by antibodies – ADE or antibody dependent enhancement) should make all citizens think about accepting such a measure without flinching!

Through the fear instilled by our mainstream media, fear maintained by the experts of our own governments, people would be ready to accept remedies as dangerous as they are ineffective.

Like Tony Carlucci says:

“While Covid-19 may be a true pathogen, evidence suggests it does not justify the overreactions we’ve seen around the world. Covid-19 hysteria has – by far – a far more devastating impact on humanity than the virus itself. In the midst of this hysteria, the greatest real threat to human health – a corrupt pharmaceutical industry and its partners in government – are on the verge of increasing both their profits at the expense of the public and their power over the public.” [20]

Citizens should no longer take everything they are told at face value, even, or even more so, if it comes from the official media or governments [21].

Their health, mental and physical, is at stake.

As for the vaccine, the mere fact that it can itself facilitate coronavirus infection and aggravate symptoms should put a stop to any craze for it.

The loss of time and money in the search for this vaccine prevents the population from turning to other, healthier and more realistic solutions:

  1. Return to a healthy social lifestyle with an acceptable compromise between imposing targeted and limited quarantines (for really sick people and not just RT-PCR positive), and allowing the virus to circulate among those least at risk (healthy youth and adults) protected by their healthy immunity.
  2. Give greater preference to effective NPIs (non-pharmaceutical measures) such as hand washing, physical distance and ventilation of confined spaces, rather than continuous mask wearing, which is more harmful than beneficial.
  3. Allow front-line physicians to freely prescribe hydroxychloroquine and zinc early enough at the onset of symptoms of COVID-19 under medical supervision to minimize the well-known cardiac risks of HCQ.
  4. Give priority again to the recovery of the economy, of social activity, because today, the solution against the problem of COVID is worse than the problem itself (by far).
  5. Remember that we have immunity! Innate and cell specific immunity, not just antibody-mediated immunity! That the best allies of these immunities are our lifestyles (diet, physical activity, stress management, mental management). Everything should be done, today more than ever, to improve this.
  6. To deal with the immense fear and post-traumatic stress that have been generated in recent months by the media and by our governments.

This fear alone makes us more vulnerable both to illness and to totalitarian abuses.

Provided that we wean ourselves from fear, lies and illusions, everyone can regain power over their health, their society and their lives.

Dr Pascal Sacré

Original articles in French

Part one:

COVID-19: au plus près de la vérité. Confinement


Part two:

COVID-19: au plus près de la vérité. Masques


Part three:

COVID-19: au plus près de la vérité – Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)


Part four:

COVID-19: au plus près de la vérité – Tests et Immunité


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Notes :

[1] Les géants de l’industrie des vaccins, 14 mai 2020, Statista.fr 

[2] Vaccin anti-Covid-19 et immunité de groupe, c’est non… et encore non, Emma Kahn, AIMSIB, 3 mai 2020

[3] Molecular Mechanism for Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of Coronavirus Entry, Journal of Virology, 

[4] SARS vaccines : where are we ?, Expert Rev Vaccines 2009 Jul ; 8(7) :887-98. doi : 10.1586/erv.09.43.

[5] Peter Hotez, Wikipédia


[7] Coronavirus : les dangers d’un vaccin élaboré à la hâte, Céline Deluzarche, Futura Sciences (Futura Santé), 19 mars 2020, revu le 15 juin 2020. Quand le vaccin facilite l’infection virale…

[8] Immunogénicité

[9] Vaccin : être trop vacciné est-il dangereux ?

[10] Coronavirus: la Commission européenne organise un téléthon mondial pour financer la recherche d’un vaccin, 4 mai 2020

[11] Bruxelles travaille sur un passeport « Vaccins » afin de mettre la population sous surveillance totale

[12] Coronavirus : court-circuiter les étapes vers un vaccin?, 16 mars 2020, Agence Science-Presse, média indépendant basé à Montréal. En temps normal, le développement d’un vaccin peut prendre 15 à 20 ans

[13] Politique et corruption à l’OMS, Dr Pascal Sacré, mondialisation.ca, 12 janvier 2010, réédité 14 avril 2020.

[14] Le point sur la gestion européenne de la pandémie de grippe A H1N1, Dr Pascal Sacré, mondialisation.ca, 22 octobre 2010

[15] Pandémie de grippe H1N1, cru 2009 : quoi de neuf, docteur ?, Dr Pascal Sacré, mondialisation.ca, 20 avril 2010

[16] Près d’un quart des Français ne comptent pas se faire vacciner contre le Covid-19, 22 mai 2020.

[17] Covid-19 — Le fer de lance pour la mise en place d’une « nouvelle ère » de VACCINS à haut risque, génétiquement MODIFIÉS, Children’s Health defense, 10 mai 2020

[18] « Vaccins contre la COVID » et « Humains génétiquement modifiés », mondialisation.ca, Carrie Madej et Mark Taliano, 23 juillet 2020

[19] Coronavirus, vaccin, implant et traçabilité, Medias-Presse.info, 18 April 2020. Bill Gates, through his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the ID2020 project that he finances and the pharmaceutical industries in which he holds important shares, intends to take advantage of the coronavirus to impose an almost global vaccination and include an identification and traceability implant.

[20] Covid-19, pots-de-vin et corruption — Le cartel criminel Big Pharma supervise le nouveau vaccin, Tony Carlucci, New Eastern Outlook, 6 mai 2020

[21] COVID-19 – Vérifiez vos sources. Guerre contre… la corruption ?, Dr Pascal sacré, mondialisation.ca, 12 avril 2020.

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